Hi, I have a couple questions about what I should expect when looking for a job as a live out nanny. I've only had one nanny job, and it was live in. The children (are now) ages 5 and 3 1/2 and 1 1/2. I got paid by the hour ($10 at first, then a raise to $12 when baby #3 came along). Basically my employer was in NYC and I live in FL, so every other month or so she would fly me up and I would live in her 3br apartment (my own room, shared bathroom with kids) and depending on the week I would usually make anywhere between $400-$800 a week and my usual hours were from about 8am till 10pm but some days I'd work only 3 or 4 hours. It would usually average out to about $2000-$2500 a month.
I would help with childcare (she had 2 nannies including me so I almost never had all 3 at once) super light housework (anything more was something I took upon myself to help my own sanity) and I would help with her business (unloading shipments of product, inspecting quality, local deliveries, shipping arrangements, product design, and sales.) I usually did the grocery shopping, and could get almost anything I wanted along with they would order something for me about 80% of the time they had food delivered (which was about 4 nights a week) even when they would go out to eat or go on a business trip they would usually bring something back for me. Cheesecake from a fancy restaurant, caramel candies from France.
I would go on vacation with them, and only on one occasion needed to share a room with the kids. Sometimes they would vacation in my town back in Florida (that's how I met them) and during those times I'd get paid double since I wasn't living there. I've met and been involved with this family so much over the last 2 years I can name and place at least 40 members on their family tree! I took this job straight out of high school, my only previous experience was working in my church nursery for a few years previous, but after reading this site so often I'm starting to feel this isn't a typical nanny experience.
I got married last year and tried doing the whole NYC thing but my husband and I, our hearts can't take the separation anymore! We still need money, so I've been thinking about getting a job down here in Florida. My sister in law is a nanny and has some connections so I'll be setting up interviews hopefully some time next week. There is one woman in particular I'm interested in. She is having her baby in a few months I believe and wants a nanny for at least the first six months. I already know a few things to do different from my last job like getting a contract and get taxes taken out (neither of which I even thought about back when I graduated) but besides that I don't know much else. I'm not sure on how much I should even charge. Being a live out is so different from a live in, I was thinking somewhere between $12-$15 but I don't want to sound money hungry cause I am quite young (and look even younger!) Basically all I'm looking for is how a live out experience would differ from a live in, how much I should charge, and really just any other advice you can think of. Thanks in advance :) - Anonymous
You can find a lot of useful information by checking various Agency sites. Go to the pages for parents. Many offer sample contracts, salary ranges and questions to ask at interviews which will help you be prepared.
Get your certification in infant/child CPR and first aid
I recommend you work with a local agency. A good one will advise you, and try to match you with a family that is a good fit. In the mean time, put the word out that you are available for babysitting. That will give you some local references, and may lead to a referral to a friend who needs a nanny. GL
I don't know what the market is like in FL, but I kind of think your asking price is a little low. You don't have to ask for a low amount just because you're young. I agree with Manhattan's advice of hooking up with an agency. They can also tell you how much is standard for your area.
I definitely recommend getting with a reputable agency in your area. They will definitely be able to point you in the direction of good families and the typical pay for the area you are looking in.
As a general rule I'd say $15 for your level of experience is a good place to start. But I have no idea where in FL you are. $12 may be the going rate and if that's the case take a job with a family who agrees to renegotiate your pay after 1 year. :)
You can always log on to sittercity or care.com to get a good idea of how active the Nanny market in your particular area is and what most people pay.
I've found that word of mouth is king when it comes to Nanny jobs. So don't turn down an occasional baby sitting job offered to you because you think it won't lead anywhere. I've gotten my best placements from situations like that.
I also find that it will be greatly in your favor to market yourself as more of a "summer camp that comes to your home on your schedule". I am a VERY well paid Nanny and have been since my very first job and I truly believe it's because of how well I market my "package". Bring a professionally written resume to your interviews and include a separate folder of activities you do/have done with "your" children with pictures (Pinterest is great if you don't have any of a particular craft/theme), a list of places you like to take children to followed by the learning/recreational activities each given area presents, a "day in the life" list is also very helpful, especially if they happen to be first time parents and you are their very first Nanny. Always include copies of all of your recent certifications, information on any classes you've taken/degrees you've earned, seminars and conferences related to child care you've been a part of.Don't forget those all important letters of reference! And please only list experience past 18 years of age! Really go the extra mile and be confident that you are presenting yourself as a professional. You can even get free business cards made at Vistaprint.com online to hand out with your resume or to parents you've hit it off with at the park.
You've got this OP! You'll do wonderfully!!!
Thanks for all those suggestions guys :) not to sound inconsiderate but my first job was almost handed to me on a silver platter, and I've never needed to look before. I'll deff check out an agency and get my resume and such in order! Thanks to MPP for posting this so quickly!
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