Hi, Our community rec center has a policy that children under the age of 12 must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. My question is, do us nannies count as guardians? Now mind you this is a very family orientated center, playgrounds inside and out, waterpark, open gym with kids equipment such as jump ropes and hula hoops. So it's not as if the parents are asking me to take their kids to a gym. I know I've signed as guardian before and been told "works for me". But I don't know if it's legal. Any other nannies out there with knowledge on this? Thanks! - Anonymous
I'm thinking it should be fine to take them as their guardian. You are the one being trusted to take care of them and keep them safe.
I take my charge to a "mom, pop, and tots music class", even though I'm not his mom or his pop.
Is this really a question?
The rec department sounds great. Can I ask what state your in.
Of course you are their guardian. You've been entrusted by the parents to care for their children, caregiver guardianship is different than the legal guardianship which you may be confusing it for.
I think they are using guardian to mean care giver. A legal guardian is someone who replaces the parents in the event of death, or being declared unfit etc.
When I nannied for a family several years ago, both parents were going out to sea. They had papers drawn up to make me legal guardian, just in case the baby had to go to the Dr or something. I think it's different than what you're doing. You're obviously responsible for the kids safety but legally you wouldn't be able to do what a parent does.
Most public places use this wording to imply that all children must be accompanied by an adult in charge of them. I don't believe they mean you need to have some sort of legal guardianship of the child. In this case you are a guardian just as a teacher taking a class on a field trip there would be a guardian.
I agree with pp that state in this case guardian just mean someone supervising them. Theres a big difference between guardian and legal guardian.
Yes, you are "acting guardian" while the parents are not around. So if a child is under the age of 12, make sure you are supervising him or her or you could be held liable.
Hope this helps.
I think that you would count as a "guardian" in this context, yes. We have a similar policy at places like swimming pools here in Auckland (New Zealand).
The rec centre sounds like a lot of fun!
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