ISYN will remain Moderated for the time being. The feedback for this has been very positive and many Readers are feeling much more comfortable Posting and sending in Submissions. However, please be patient and allow time for your comments to be approved. Thank you!
* Physical description of nanny/caregiver
* Physical description of involved child/children
* Address or venue of observed incident
* Date and time of incident
* Description of what you witnessed
* Description of vehicle, bag, or stroller that may aid in identifying caregiver
* emailed to
* Left as an ANONYMOUS comment to this post
* Left as an ANONYMOUS comment here
* (Your identity will be respected and withheld)
* There is ZERO TOLERANCE for personal attacks or flaming. Those comments will NOT be approved!
* You may also send in Questions, Nanny/Employer Horror Stories, Rants/Raves, A Day in the Life, and CL-WTF... but please include the ad in your e-mail as they may be removed by the time I get to them!
* For Submissions that are TIME SENSITIVE, please let me know in the SUBJECT LINE of your e-mail.
* ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED! Please pick a Moniker! (a letter, number, anything!)
To the Reader that asked... yes, that is why the entire thread was deleted.
I hate that isyn has been forced to go this route but I'm thankful that this means the end of all the nonsense.
I hope this is temporary... I hope that the blog calms down enough so it CAN be temporary. MPP, I apologize for the part I've played in the drama recently. I usually try to take the high road but I think that's been hard for all of us lately. I love it here and I love all of the people here. I'm glad that this will at least keep things civil for now.
I'm glad things have calmed down and the drama has been forced to end. No more false accusations and the bullying that accompanies it! Its about time!
Eek...a moderated blog. Guess it was just a matter of time.
Stupid spammers just hurt it for everyone else!
Spammers suck.
thanks again mpp ! big relief for alot of us
Agreed. Huge relief for it to be put to an end. I was sick of people trying to figure out who could be who. That takes away from why people come here.
It's only been 12 hours and I can already see a HUGE difference in this site! It makes me SO happy that the focus is finally back on the kids like it should be! :)
I've been lurking for a few months but because of the drama had stayed away from posting. I don't know how everyone else feels but I'm so glad you're moderating Isyn and I hope it stays this way, at least for awhile.
welcome to the blog anita - we need nice people with helpful advice and opinions ! go you!
I too "lurk" only now. Very seldom do I post(maybe 3-4 posts in the last couple of years) as I usually find myself at the center of drama fueled posts. I miss posting but enjoy ISYN enough to hang in the shadows!! Hope your new system works!! Cheers!
(wow that was a mouthful!)
I knew you were hanging around here, lol... couldn't leave us, huh? Seriously though, it is going very well. I just feel bad Readers have to wait a little to see their comments show because I can't sit on the computer all day with a little boy to care for but the response has been extremely positive. ;-)
Yes, I am around..and when I post, I post as me. I have watched the scene unfold..pretty similar to the same one I was involved in a few yrs back...sorry to see that happening to such an awesome blog...I chalk it up to passion for the kids we love!! You are great at what you do MPP...I could never leave..I am too addicted!! But respect the blog view it from's a good thing you are doing...sometimes a little moderation goes a long way! :)
BTW..I just read about your son in the other thread!! Lots of prayers and good vibes sent your way & his!!If you ever need anything,I hope you will let your loyal followers know...xoxo
Thank you, BLB... I have much respect for you. There's definitely some fire in you and like a few others you had a hell of a start on this Blog but I am glad it didn't keep you away. I am just sorry I didn't begin Moderating sooner.
I sincerely appreciate the prayers you and several others have sent my way. I shared them with my son and he gave me the biggest smile knowing all of you have been thinking about him. He is such a cuddly kid!
That is SO cute MPP! He sounds like a gem!
BLB, I am glad to see you here! Hope you start posting more.
MPP, your son sounds like a total sweetheart.
Thanks, Lyn... my boy is everything that is good in my life!
Aw, thank you MissMannah! I really am lucky to have such a great kid.
I am so glad you stopped the bedlam. It is too bad you needed to step in, but it will be nice to have the focus back on the purpose of the blog.
I hope your little guy's arm is healing well. And thanks for your work keeping ISYN up and going!
I have to add my commendation for the moderation...I find the threads so much more pleasant to read now :)
Thank you Manhattan Nanny and Melanie! ;-)
I will be gone for most of the morning... I will Publish your comments as soon as I get back. I also have several Submissions to put up for you. Thank you so much for your patience!
All of you have been so awesome in your support of the changes to ISYN!
"Does This Moniker Make My Butt Look Big?"
Freakin hilarious!!! :o) I love it.
Did I miss something? Other than my alarm clock this morning?
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