Sunday night texts from my boss usually involve cute pics of my 12 month old charge from the weekend or cute stories. Ha not today, today I got a text informing me that the sweet little honey pie DROPPED A PHONE ON HER MOM'S FACE RESULTING IN A TOOTH BEING KNOCKED OUT! Luckily my boss is a good sport and will probably now wear some sort of facial protection around her children (I'm debating a helmet myself...) Has anything like this happened to you or your employers?
My charge fell off the toilet and gave herself a black eye once. That same night she got her hand caught under the toilet seat lid. I received a text from from her parents saying, Potty 2, Baby 0..
I also get videos or pictures of them doing ridiculous things.
LOL @ BostonNanny... poor kid!
Same thing happened to one of my charges, BostonNanny...the day before her nursery class had their group photo taken. You wouldn't believe the looks my MB and I got from the other parents, lol.
lol at the toilet seat!
OP, Christmas is coming up, you may want to buy your mb a hockey mask! Haha!
It seems like the child I watch is always hurting himself. Bumping into everything, falling down. He is kinda of hyper and doesn't sleep well. It makes it hard. I wish he didn't hurt himself on my dime, though
I hate when employers send me texts when I'm not working. Sorry to sound cold, but whatever is going on when the nanny not there is not her concern. Tell MB to quit bugging you on your time off.
@Z That's interesting... I just received my first text from my MB and I was so happy to be included. One of her twins had been on the verge of walking all day with me and at about 10pm she texted a video of him full on walking around! It was awesome!! She knew it would make me happy and I appreciate that she honors me :)
Sounds like Z may need some time off? We all get burnt but I pledge never to allow myself to lose joy in my work.
Also, a good "cya" idea to share photos of injuries as they occur.
I was head butted by a 2 year old bruiser of a girl whose dad was a wrestling coach. I kid you not- I was out on workmans comp for 10 weeks with a concussion and whiplash! Freak accident but it happens. Careful out there!
Z, I have to agree. Last month I took a week-long vacation and on the last day of it, MB sent me a text that said "Hope you had a good vacation! We miss you!" It was nice and to-the-point. I would have hated if she sent me texts the whole time.
I like being makes me feel really good and not bothered at all
I can relate to head butting...she does that too...I also taught her to do "knucks" and now she knows how to make a fist and punch :(
OP- perhaps you can save the rest of your lessons until after her understanding of cause and effect is secure- say like when she's 25?
I cared for a an infant and also her older sister when she was an infant and I did and still do adore the girls. I have to say one of my biggest complaints was that Mom texted me all day long while with the baby, then all night about trivial stuff. With the first baby I kind of understood because she was a first time Mom and I am an experienced mom but with the second baby and the same questions was too much! I wanted to ask her if she ever read a baby book, lol. But I did love when she would send me pics of the girls and what they had just learned to do!
I was helping my charges' mom with a big family party. While my job was to entertain the little babies - the relatives were supposed to play with the older kids. Well, what do you know - mom and relatives were talking away and the cousin toddlers, all 3 of them, were sitting on the floor in the bathroom and happily taking turns dipping a plastic toy bucket in the toilet and pouring it on their heads.
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