
Covering all Bases

What kind of coverage should I make sure I'm being covered for on the family's plan? - Anonymous


Umm said...

What kind of, phone, auto, dental, vision?

OP said...

Sorry. I thought I mean auto insurance.

MissMannah said...

Are you driving their cars? What we've done is I drive their cars and their insurance specifies "No excluded drivers." I'm no expert but I believe this means anyone can be driving their car and still be covered in case of an accident.

nannny of 2 said...

I think full coverage would be ideal.

Driving nanny said...

It depends what state you live in. If you are driving their car in CA, all drivers are covered. If you are driving your car in CA, kids in your car are still completely covered at no extra cost. Therefore, it may be hard to ask more $ of them when it costs you no extra $.