
Hoboken, NJ - Bloomfield Ave on 3rd street

Hoboken, NJ

NANNY: Medium Build Light skinned Carribean accent. Hair highlighted blonde with short dreadlocks. Pretty, but mean expression. Wearing a Red Rocca T shirt and Jeans. Gold sneakers had a cat logo like Baby Phat. Carrying an expensive looking Blue leather diaper bag. Walking along Bloomfield Ave on 3rd street going North.

3 charges all very light blonde almost platinumn. One in a stroller-impossible to tell if child was boy or girl. Two boys about 4 years old looked like twins. Dressed indentically except one had blue shorts on and one had green shorts on. All children very Scandanavian looking. Nanny was talking on her phone, not paying attention as she pushed the stroller and boys ran far ahead. When they got to the corner, the boy in the green shorts ran into the street without looking, causing a driver to jam on their breaks. Nanny hurried to catch up, grabbed the boy by the arm and cursed loudly at the driver of the car, who was not speeding at all. Then she nastily told the child to never F-ing do that again and slapped his face loud enough for me to hear. At this point, I walked over and asked what her problem was she told me to mind my own F-ing business. However she seemed to re-think her actions and told the boy she was going to take them all out for ice-cream. Of course, this took the crying child's mind off of being smacked earlier. This woman is not fit to be taking care of children.


Bethany said...


Those poor children. I certainly hope their parents find out about this, and good for you for speaking up.

♥ Amy Darling ♥ said...

Good for you OP for confronting this horrific Nanny!! Many people would just frown and move on...but you actually did something to advocate for the poor boy.

Your descriptions of the Nanny were right on so it should only be a matter of time before someone reports her.

Lyn said...

That is disturbing on so many levels!!! Those poor kids!

ericsmom said...

Geeze I will ask my boss if she may know this family

MissMannah said...

This is really scary. Hope the parents see it!

Rhiannon said...

Oh that is horrible enough that maybe the OP could print out a description and post it around the area. Someone will know the kids and nanny and tell the parents.

Melanie Raye said...

good on you OP, i hope someone sees this...this is classed as child abuse, on so many levels.

I agree with Rhiannon, you should print out a description and post it around your area.

makes-me-so-sad said...

Insane and so, so sad. This is why my kids aren't left with anyone. The few times I've trusted others, they were neglected to the point of abuse. Being a working single mom sucked. Now that I'm married, its much better. Too bad I trusted a licensed child care provider and a cousin. I see soooooo many wonderful nannies here. Wish I knew some like you guys when I need you!

****** Lyn especially!!!*******

Katie said...

This makes me so sad on many levels.

Those poor kids what they have to deal with everyday. You know she hits them at home as well.

Also this was in public. Why did no one else intervene? A crowd should have gathered and made it impossible for her to go anywhere with those poor kids.

Kudos to you, OP for doing the right thing and posting this here. I hope this "nanny" is found out for the scum that she is.

Lyn said...

makes-me-so-sad: I am so sorry about your bad experiences with childcare providers. I'm glad things are working out for you now! :)

Your comment made me give an audible "awww"! Such a sweet thing to say. Thank you for your kind words! You've made the ending of a rough day rather sweet. :)

ericsmom said...

Hoboken is such a small town. The town is only two miles in length.
Could also be a family from Jersey City or Weehawken. So hopefully will see this

makes-me-so-sad said...

You truly stand out as exceptional! Sorry you had a rough day & so glad I made it better. <3

Just My Two Cents Just Now said...


Perhaps we should start a Fan Club on here for you. LOL.

Lyn said...

LOL! I guess I'm doing/saying something right! :)

HobokeNanny said...

This makes me so sad! I'm a Hoboken nanny and the amount of crap I see from some of these nannies around here make me never want to have a nanny in my own home!

changing my name said...

Hoboken Nanny

Can I ask what is the general wages in Hoboken?? If you have alot of experience can you make $18-20 an hour. The reason I ask I work weekends and in Bergen County and make pretty good. Now the family will be moving. I have basically working for them every Saturday for the past 4 years. So I am looking for something else for the weekends. Can I ask did you go thru an agency? If so if you can give me the name.
