Hi, my name is Stephanie Lewis and I’m a casting producer at a New York City production company. You may be familiar with some of our hit shows, such as "Pawn Stars" and “American Restoration” on the History Channel, and "Oddities” on the Discovery Channel. We are currently working with a popular cable network on an exciting new project, and I’m hoping you might be able to help! For this project, we are seeking dynamic and unique families in need of a great nanny, as well as some possible great nannies. We’re particularly looking for parents who have tried countless times to match their child with the perfect nanny, but always find it a struggle to find the right one. We’d love to find parents with particular rules or unique lifestyles, who need help finding the perfect match for both them and their child. They may have the opportunity to work with the east coast’s premiere nanny matchmaker! If you have referrals for unique families, please let us know, and we'll make sure the source remains confidential. On the other hand, we also need potential nannies to choose from on this show. If you wouldn't mind forwarding this email to your subscribers, that would be wonderful! If this opportunity sounds right for you or someone you know, please email us and tell us a bit about you or the family you're nominating, and why it’s been so tough finding the perfect nanny match. Please send info and photos to: FindMeANannyCasting@gmail.com
Hi, my name is Stephanie Lewis and I’m a casting producer at a New York City production company. You may be familiar with some of our hit shows, such as "Pawn Stars" and “American Restoration” on the History Channel, and "Oddities” on the Discovery Channel. We are currently working with a popular cable network on an exciting new project, and I’m hoping you might be able to help! For this project, we are seeking dynamic and unique families in need of a great nanny, as well as some possible great nannies. We’re particularly looking for parents who have tried countless times to match their child with the perfect nanny, but always find it a struggle to find the right one. We’d love to find parents with particular rules or unique lifestyles, who need help finding the perfect match for both them and their child. They may have the opportunity to work with the east coast’s premiere nanny matchmaker! If you have referrals for unique families, please let us know, and we'll make sure the source remains confidential. On the other hand, we also need potential nannies to choose from on this show. If you wouldn't mind forwarding this email to your subscribers, that would be wonderful! If this opportunity sounds right for you or someone you know, please email us and tell us a bit about you or the family you're nominating, and why it’s been so tough finding the perfect nanny match. Please send info and photos to: FindMeANannyCasting@gmail.com
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Anyone going to contact them? Haha
oh dear god..not another one. first super nanny and nannies of beverly hills now a nanny matching making show? This is just going to lower our standards even more. If a family can't find a nanny and a nanny can't find a job after searching and searching then there is a personality or money issue.
They want to exploit nannys. I figured that out when they said they want families who have gone through several nannies. So I stopped reading.
luckoftheirish, thats not exactly what they said. They said parents having difficulty or struggling in finding the right nanny.
I don't think I could ever sign up for a show like this but I'd probably watch it.
When I said gone through, that would include interviewing(in my mind, but it really didnt sound like it, now that Im reading it from a more objective pov). I didnt intend to imply theyve actually hired several nannys. They may or may not have, idk. Sorry I wasnt more clear.
I would probably watch an episode or two of this show. But I think I'm kind of nannytv'd out. They all seem to be the same to me and sort of boring. That being said, I would TOTALLY watch a dramatized scripted show about the Nannies of several families. Something to show all the little annoyances that come with being a Nanny, the weird things people ask us in interviews (I had a mom ask if my periods were regular once), as well as throwing in some of our "horror stories" from the job. Actually, if done "right" I think a show like that could be a big hit.
Oh, and it would have to include all the weird things we find out about our seemingly normal m/db. Like the db I had whom I once saw in ladies lacey underwear. But that's another post for another time, haha!
I'm game!! I've always wanted to be a reality T.V. star. Hollywood..here I come!!
I would also urge caution. This has exploitation written all over it; wIthout conflict, where's the show? Once your reputation is ruined ON TELEVISION, it's ruined. For a professional nanny, this could be seriously problematic.
NOT a good idea at all if you want a career. I'd stay far away.
Yeah...no. I'm getting sick of reality shows anyway. They all seem so scripted and even the non drama ones seem fake at times.
I can't think of a single so-called "reality" show that doesn't exploit its participants.
Professional nannies, steer clear!
Is there no end to the exploitation? Good grief!
Are you freaking kidding me? MPP, shame on you for even posting this crap! I'm usually not one for censorship in any way, but this is appalling.
toddlers and tiaras is my favorite show. dance moms is my second favorite show.
I can't wait for this one! I am so freakin excited! yay!
I have no problem with you expressing an opinion on something I post but I don't appreciate your berating me.
Everyone, I am going to take a much needed break. I am trying my best to keep up this Blog and take care of my son. I don't need this stress right now.
Nice going, missmannah. Could you of been a bit more delicate?
MissMannah has very poor mannahs.
I also agree with bostonnanny that this will serve to lower the role of a nanny in the eyes of the nation.
Why would you say something like that?? This is MPP's blog and she can post whatever she wants on it, whether you agree with it or not (believe it!).
She may not agree with the concept of the reality show herself for all you know and may have posted it for other nannies out there whom may be actually interested.
You opinion is not everyone's opinion, but you are entitled to it as much as the others are entitled to theirs. Be open-minded and respectful, please.
I think an apology is in order but that is up to you, of course.
MPP, please, don't quit! We love you and certainly appreciate you time ;)
Missmannah delicate? Surely you jest!
Exactly what CONanny said! Mannah,ill crazy comments get posted on this blog all the time, many by you. This is no more out of line than posting a CL WTF that someone may choose to follow up on. I am appalled that this very begnin, all be it ill advised reality show, is appalling to you.
MPP, I as a nanny in a community where nannies are a rarity, I have appreciated this blog for years. I have only recently joined discussions, but this has been a great source of info, support and luaghs for me. My best thoughts and wishes for you and your son during this time.
Im with you COnanny; whose to say mpp even agrees with something like this? She could've posted it to see other nannies reactions. I know I hardly support half the posts here but seeing everyones opinion is what makes it SOOOO intresting! I love this blog, its so cool having a group of other nannies around to talk with!
Sorry for the spelling and grammatical
errors. They are a huge pet peeve of mine. Clearly my proofreading isn't up to snuff tonight.
p.s.! all my best to you and your son. <3
I apologize for my rude remarks, it was uncalled for. I thought that by you posting this, it meant that you were condoning it or encouraging nannies to apply.
and anyone interested in plastering your family all over TV and giving your children a complex. And we will actually be looking for bad fits because that is how you get exciting TV
i have noticed miss mannah has gone a fairly good amount of time without being ugly to anyone, at least a couple of weeks
maybe she does care about the hurt she causes when she is in one of her down aggressive moods - i hope so ;)
Thank you, MissMannah. It has been a rough week and emotions were running high.
Those that suggested I may not agree with the subject of this posting were correct. I sat on it for almost a week and then asked Jane Doe her opinion about Publishing it... she said just go for it. Some Nannies/Parents may be interested in doing a show like this, it is not for me to judge them.
To everyone that left messages or sent e-mails, I really appreciate your support, it means a lot to me.
Miss Mannah, you had no right to say that to the blog administrator and I am pleased to see that you apologized....you had no choice but to do so. It was the only right thing to do. Every once in a while, you need to suck it up and be humble.
Yes, reality shows are scripted big time. I had a neighbor filming a reality show in my neighborhood and it was so unreal I wanted to laugh. (Shame on TLC..the people behind it.) For instance, when my neighbor and her kids were getting out of their car, the little girl accidentally slipped and they had to re-do "getting out of the car" several times over. At the end, however my neighbor got a huge paycheck and was able to move to a better house later on so it might have been worth it. Who knows?
I think it is great that MPP posted this. It shows that even if she doesn't agree w/anything, she still is willing to put her personal views aside for the sake of ALL Nannies who use this site.
Believe it or not, RBTC, I don't ever like to be ugly to anyone. I am brutally honest and will almost always speak whatever is on my mind, and I understand that sometimes it is uncalled for. I still stand by my opinion that this so-called reality show is abhorrent, but I should have said shame on the producers, not MPP.
Amy, you don't know me and I think it was totally unnecessary for you to berate me further after I had apologized. You just had to add in your two cents' worth, didn't you?
Actually I think some of you regular posters make us nannies look really bad. The owner of this blog can post a "nanny available with sexual favors" for all she wants. Its her choice.
Mannah just because you are brutally honest doesn't justify being rude- even if you want to hide behind the excuse that you were not trying to be mean. Thats like me saying that I didn't aim to be rude, but someone cut me off so I flipped her off because I was being brutally honest.
Well guess what I am trying to be rude. So take your scrunchie hairdo and shove it.
unfortunately some of you are wrong in the fact that anyone has NO right to say something.
In fact everyone has the right to say anything they want. But there are unwritten rules in life that people need to follow otherwise they anger people.
So did Mannah have the right to say what she did? Yup. Was it socially acceptable? Nope.
But she apologized. MPP accepted it and now no one needs to talk about it anymore.
I am wondering how much is scripted on those reality shows? Is it word for word? How do they get paid?
I don't think I quite understand how they work. Like that Kate plus 8. They are saying that she is borke now. How can that be? Didn't she make money off that show?
I would put my child on Toddlers and Tiaras. Her father would never allow it, and I respect that. But if I had my choice, I would totally exploit my family for reality tv fame.
Seriously, I would. :)
TLC's new worst/greatest show ever is Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. Those girls are like nothing I ever knew existed.I'm pretty sure they don't script it much and the people on the show are just plain absurd. There was a fight on there that was INSANE.
Sister Wives on the other hand is totally scripted.
Beezus, just curious why Sister Wives is more scripted than other shows? Not agreeing or disagreeing, just wanted to hear your take.
I'm a TLC nut. I watch Duggars, Sister Wives, Gypsy Wedding. I'm sure there's a great deal of scripting going on, but it's all so fascinating to me.
it's almost like being on safari but instead of animals it's humans.
I hate to admit this, but for the 15 minutes of fame and the paycheck, I would love to be exploited. Then I will laugh all the way to the bank. $$
I know for a fact that reality shows are scripted, as I stated before...I had a neighbor film one for TLC a few years back. There were cue cards, directors, etc. You name it.
I don't know how much she made, but I know she got a huge payout because she moved almost immediately and got a better place to live.
My favorite reality show is "Keeping Up With The Kardashians..."....Yes, I know, I am shameless. LOL.
It's so obvious this show is completely fabricated. It plays out just like a regular T.V. show. They have a problem in the beginning and then by the end of the program they all hug and kiss and the problem is solved. Then the next week, there is another problem to conquer. Never ending drama Folks. I also love Mtv "Teen Mom." It's weird how Amber told a court last year she made over $180,000 in one year for doing that show.
I love Sisterwives. I realize this adds nothing to the conversation. . . But I do, yup.
Oh! Teen Mom! Another guilty pleasure.
"Hi, my name is Lyn. ("Hi Lyn!") I have an addiction to crap tv and then try to deny it when others ask." :/
Wow lyn, you are so pretty! I love the black and white photo. Lucky girl! ;-)
Love Teen Mom as well!
It seems contradictory, but I hate the reality shows that exploit the kids ala Kate Plus 8 and Toddlers & Tiaras.
I don't know if I could ever agree to do a show. I guess it depends on the type of show.
Erica, you are too kind! Thank you for the compliment!
@SLNanny I love sister wives and have been watching since it first premiered, I have just noticed in these later seasons, it seems less natural. I think it's just simply because the sister wives have less going on now, so they set up a lot more scenes with them like going out to eat or shopping at a little store and probably have to redo them countless times to get them right-making their reactions look less than authentic. I don't care at all though,2 hour episode this Sunday!!!
Teen mom and 16 and pregnant...I hate reality tv but for some reason I will watch every episode of those two shows. I just sit there thinking wow those are some dumb teenagers. I was thinking about making them into drinking games like take a shot everytime they say "I feel like a 30yr old in a 16 yrs old body"', "I knew I had to give up things but not everything" or "it's so hard". I would be so trashed after an episode.
The gypsy show is sort of scripted. They ask questions & encourage the people to get worked up. They also ask to go to parties & tell the women to clean, so they can film that. Then theyll ask,"how important is a clean house for a gypsy?" "How important are the parties?" They arent told what to say. But they are encourged.
Are you a gypsy?
Are the gender roles acurately portrayed?
Are girls/women really not allowed to date?
Is lack of education beyond middle school as common as it's portrayed on the show?
This blog is similar to a reality show to me. Call me crazy, but I love to read all the stories on here. I look forward to all the different opinions as well as the nanny sightings.
This blog is my guilty pleasure online. I come on here before I log into my Facebook account. LOL.
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