1) I need cheap childcare (East Tulsa) - Date: 2012-06-18, 8:40AM. I am looking for childcare for my 9 month old daughter to start June 2nd. I need hours 7:30-5:30 M-F. I am only able to afford 50-75 a week. I know this is very low for childcare but if you are available at that rate, please email me asap. Thank you.
Submitted by MissMannah. Thank you!
2) I'm looking for someone to watch my kids while I go to Disneyland with my ex-husband's new kids (Nashville, TN 37201) - Job Details: Ages of Children: 12+ years, 4 children, $50 per hour.
Submitted by Felicia. Thank you!
3) Wanted: Nanny to sit in my home (Chesapeake) - Hello I am looking for an experienced nanny, to start the end of of July, our family will be looking for a nanny to watch new twins boy/girl in our home from the hours of 0700-1700, M-F. We would like to find a nanny who has a lot of experience, patience, doesn't mind very minimal light house work, just keeping common areas tidy, it wouldn't be much as our children also have chores to keep these same areas clean. We would like to pay approximately $200 weekly. We also have 4 other children ages 6, 9, 12, 15. The 9, 12, 15-year-old are self sufficient and do not need care, and are able to assist with the twins needs. The 6 yr old will be at daycare during the day. We would love to interview several nannies before making any decisions. CPR, First Aid, References and background checks will be required. Thank you for your time and patience. If you are interested please feel free to email. I will send out an all reply email the 7th of july with address and interview times. We will be doing interviews the weekend of july 14th. Thank you so much for your interest. Thank You Yvonne and Bryan.
Submitted by MEEBO guest. Thank you!
4) Need last minute childcare ASAP! (Seattle) - I have 3 children ages 4, 7, and 9. I can drop off or you can sit in my home. Preferably my home though so I don't have to wake the kids. My babysitter plans fell through and I need a night out with the girls tonight, I'm losing my sanity! Hours: 8pm-approx. midnight. $50. I would put my number but last time someone just kept calling without saying a word! Thankyou!
Submitted by nynanny. Thank you!
1. Hope she's looking for a home daycare. she might get that rate at one of those places.
2. WTF?
3.Why is it so hard to understand that at some point the nanny will be in charge for all 6 of the kids.
I won't even bother with the $200 a week.
4. WTF? I understand wanting me time , but you're going to put someone you never met in your homw with your kids.
4) I see ads like this all the time! I feel like you're asking for all sorts of horrible things to happen! The poor kids. If you are this desperate to get out for a bit last minute call your friends/neighbors ask who they use and recommend and call. Having someone you know attest to a good babysitter is so much better than turning to CL in the last few minutes.
I love how #3 sneaks the other 4 kids in there like it was nothing, then suggests they can take care of themselves or even help with the twins. Such bullshit.
BTW, thats 10 hrs of work a day, m-f for $200??? Like Umass says: thats cray-cray! lol
1. I'm going to assume this person is looking for at-home daycare.
2. Say what now? You're skipping out on your babies to take someone else's kids to Disney?
3. I love the old my other kids won't be a problem.
4. Agree with Lyn on that one or you (gasp) cancel your plans.
Does anyone else get the vibe that #2 would be the type of mom to leave with a bf and never come back? And I like how #3 just casually brings up the 4 other kids as no big deal. Also, even though I see it all the time, it still amazes me when I see posts like #4. How as a parent can you do this?
I've accepted many last-minute gigs like #4, not off of CL, but on care websites
Wow the paltry pay in #1 is so pathetic...my cat wouldn't even accept that job.
And #2 is going to Disneyland, but is not taking her own children. What a beyootch. Well, I hope she brings them back one of those cool Tinkerbell magic wands so her kids can wave it and make their mom disappear!!
In #3 I get that line all the time. Oh Johnny is 12 and will be such a BIG help...and little Lucy is 11, but she is so mature for her age. Just think...it will be like having two assistants helping you out! Then I get there and Johnny is never around and Lucy won't even lift a finger since I am "the babysitter" and am expected to do everything while she sits on the computer.
For #4, all I can do is say WTF???? I have seen ads like this in my area...someone who posts on CL and states they need a sitter tonight ASAP since their sitter backed out or got sick. Well if that is the case, would it really kill someone to wait a few days to go out? I know raising kids is tough, but not so tough that you put their lives in complete danger so you can go get drunk.
Do I really share this planet w/such idiots??????
I know I say a lot that you can find cheap home daycares around here, but you can't even find them that cheap! *Maybe* you can find $75 a week but it would be in the worst part of town or else only a part-time. Also, I specifically sent in that listing because the timestamp cracked me up. Anybody notice?
#! - I'll do it. Bring her over and put her in a play pen. I promise she won't starve to death, and I can almost assure you she will get diaper rash. But hey, you can afford me.
#2 - Is this a hoax? If not, I'll do it for $50 an hour. I'll take them to Disneyland.
#3 - $4 an hour to join the military! (Please note that it's approximately $200 for a very precise 50 hours a week.) Sure I'll do it, but I will be sitting in your home, emphasis on sitting, as is precisely stated in the opening sentence 'Nanny to sit in my home.' I'm not sure how the six children will fare, but I will probably be able to see it from where I'm sitting.
#4- My husband is in jail, but I can do it. Be right there.
Regarding #3, I just love when parents say "Oh, the older kids are self-sufficient, you really won't even need to worry about them". Ummmm...bullcrap!
The last time a parent said that to me I caught the 14-year-old girl in the garage with her boyfriend (who had snuck in) with his hand under her shirt. Yea. Self-sufficient my ass. If anything older kids are more obnoxious than a 2-year-old. Tantrums and barf and changing diapers I can deal with, teenage sexy time = no thanks.
@Village, that was a lame ass remark. Just because someone's hubby is in jail does not make her a bad nanny!!
It's satire dear, or failing that, humor. Sorry I offended you.
Village, lmao- that was funny as hell! (comment @ 3:02)
#3 military time. don't work there!
What the heck is with the anti-military family crap? I've seen like 3 or 4 comments recently on this site about it. Military family does not mean they will be horrible to work for! Just as there are good and bad civilian families, same goes for the military.
I work with special needs kids currently and every one of my families is active military, as they have the insurance to cover the services. Some of my families are amazing, some of them are fruit loops. Such is life.
I'm not trying to start a debate as I'm sure we all have different experiences with military families, but I get a little stabby about military stereotypes.
Of course not all military families are bad.
You are tying to start something because I haven't seen any posts her that are anti-military more anti-crazy military families.
Don't be silly Elam!
But I tend to avoid families that use military time in their postings as they tend to be very Bull Meechumesque situations in my experience.
And I say that as military brat.
I think there are multiple posts from military people because the blog owner is looking at the Norfolk CL. With the high concentraion of military, its no surprise she's finding crazy ads....that just so happen to also be military. I have no reason to think she's pickin on the military. They were dumb enough to ask for a nanny to watch four kids for FREE. As they say, "who does that?" Anyway, I wouldn't be offended. :-)
No, no, I'm not saying the OP is bashing military. I mean it is a ridiculous ad. I'm in Hawaii where about 90% of the nanny ads are military and there are DEFINITELY some ridiculous offers. I was referring to Phoenix's comment. And there was either a post or comment a few days ago about a military dad and how it should have been a red flag.
I wasn't the one who found the Norfolk ads. I have Readers sending in multiple ads a day and I am picking from the worst.
The only reason I usually skip ads where the families are in the military is because they usually cannot afford to pay a nanny rate since (shamefully) military folks don't make enough.
I have nothing against the military. My father was in the Navy for many years and our family was well taken care of.
I think it is sad that our soldiers make so little. A few years back in San Diego where I am from, some military families had to go on food stamps since their pay was so low. :(
Just My Two Cents Just Now,
That's not totally true, it depends on their rank and pay grade. My last DB was a Lt. Colonel and he made close to $80,000. Also, the military are allotted monies for childcare, rent, etc. Just starting out they earn sucky pay, so yeah I wouldn't work for newbies. But an established military family is great! And I love the consistent hours and pay.
I agree frack! Just as I can't stand military stereotypes from civilians I also can't stand those military spouses/families/service members who help to perpetuate the stereotypes. My husband is only a Cpl but we are living very comfortably because we aren't living beyond our means like so many others do. When you have your housing, utilities, health insurance, and COLA covered there is really no excuse for crying poor.
But yea you can make some good money working for military families! You just have to weed through the cheapos (like the person behind ad #3).
I have to agree with "2cents" that working for military families usually does not equate good pay.
I never accept jobs from these families. I don't mean to stereotype here, but soldiers just do not make very much.
Well that explains your attitude towards the poster in the flaky nanny post.
She didn't sound anti-military to me she said the poster sound like an uptight military type. Not that all military members are uptight.
There is a type and you can spot them a mile away especially if you've grown up with one as did the OP.
Where are all these phantom posts of military hatred that you've been reading?
As for working for a military family It's a matter of personal preference just as some nannies prefer not to work for parents that practice attatchment parenting or that are extremely religious.
Another chance for Elam to tell the world how perfect she is and how fantastically she manages her finances.
While we're on the matter of stereotypes can we talk about bored military wives that get their panties in a twist over anything concerning the military? Ring a bell Elam?
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