1) Free babysitter 4 kids in need of 1 (Pittsburg) - I am posting this ad b/c I want to help babies/ kids that have parents that drink, use drugs ect... around them. I am willing to watch any child for free as long as you want me to if it keeps them away from drugs drinking , crazy parties crazy people ect... It gives you a break and me the gift of giving. I have all clean records no tickets, no charges, I have live in Nicholasville and lexington my whole life. i go to church I am a stay at home mom I can name people you can call that will tell /show you I am a good person. We can even meet a few times before I watch your kids. I want to help just b/c I care. Please email me if I can help you. do be afraid I will keep your baby safe. I'm not asking for any info bout your problems. I wont ask bout your using or drinking , All I want to know is how I can help with your child so you can get your life back together. PLEASE EMAIL I WANT TO HELP AS A FRIEND TO YOUR KID AND AS A CHILD OF GOD. THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR. Send the email now 24/7 I am willing to help. I am not doing this for the grown ups but for the kids that need me. This is not a spam i just have a soft heart when it comes to kids. I want to help them all. God bless you all!
2) Childcare Needed (Pittsburg) - I am looking for someone to watch my 7 year old son about 4-5 days per week over the summer. My shifts are either a 9-5pm or a 1-9pm. I typically work every Saturday and some Sundays. I would prefer to find someone with a child around his age or who watches other children his age but it is not a requirement. You also must live near the Monroeville area. I would like to pay around $15-$20 a day which is what I would be paying his daycare but it's negotiable. If interested contact me at luvmycouture at yahoo and be sure to tell me your rate, the area you live in, and a little about yourself.
RE: Childcare Needed (Pittsburg) - Not being mean! but what daycare are you talking about!!! cause what daycare or babysitter is gonna work for 8hrs a day and make 15 bucks thats only 1.08 per hr! are you NUTS! the least your gonna pay is mabe 5 dollars an hour! what your asking doesnt even pay for gas to get back and forth now adays! wow!
Submitted by Porky Pig. Thank you!
That first one, sounds like she is looking to adopt via kidnapping, haha.
WTF is right! I also just went back and reread the first post in my head as if itwere the woman from Wife Swap speaking.
Seriously, if this person truly wants to help and not just kidnap/convert people why not get involved in some sort of community mentoring.program, maybe even start one at her church.
While I like to think there are truly good souls out there like the first CL ad, I think it is too risky and I would NEVER ever leave my child w/a complete stranger who offered to watch my child for free. Spooky.
1.) Whenever I see free offers for cc, I always suspect that a sick & twisted boyfriend is behind it. I hope Im wrong & the intentions are pure. Either way, she sounds like shes very codependent & has no life.
2.) Would this mother work for $1.08/hour? How insulting to the cc profession.
#1: "Drop your kids off at my house for free so I can call child services on your neglectful ass." That's how I read it anyway.
#2: I love how the responder said she didn't want to be mean but then went on to call the poster nuts. She also advised her to pay at least $5 an hour. Whoa, big spender!
I think she meant the least you'd pay for a daycare setting was $5/hr.
$5.00/hour in a day care setting is pretty good! Twice as much than is paid in many areas of the country.
Yes when i read the first AD alls i kept thinking was 'Creepy, creepy, creepy!'
And the second AD P*ssed me right off because this woman wants fulltime care (about 8-9hours a day) an you no she's making ATLEAST MINwage but still only offers $15-$20 an hour. That gets me sooo upset.
is the first add even legal?
Do you know what would happen. Some druggie would drop their kid off and never come back. Then this lady would have a house full of crack babies. Not cool
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