Washington DC, blue line Metro, at the Smithsonian stop -- 3 Hispanic nannies, all waiting for the elevator to go up to street level from train. All had shoulder length or a little longer brown hair. One had shorts and red converse sneakers and a baby girl was her charge... it was hard to tell the age because she was reclined in the stroller sleeping. Another nanny was wearing a purple t-shirt and jeans and was a little heavier set. Her charge was a little blonde boy, maybe a year and a half or 2 years old, in a red stroller. The third nanny had 2 charges, one baby girl in the front of the stroller and a 3 or 4 year old boy sitting facing the nanny, on the back of the stroller.
They were all speaking to one another in Spanish when the baby girl in the front of the stroller was sitting facing the wall and started to cry. All three nannies seemed instantly annoyed and rolled their eyes then directed their attention to her and immediately started laughing and mocking the girl's crying. The nanny of the one little boy had a snack bag with apple slices and began taunting the crying baby with them.... when the girl reached for an apple slice the nanny snatched it away, making the girl cry harder and all the nannies continued to laugh. The elevator opened and they all squeezed in and went up so that was the last I saw of them. It just made me really sad for the little girl... maybe they thought it was funny, but being a witness I did not think it was funny whatsoever. I just think it's cruel to taunt a crying child... there was no softness about these nannies.
Aw, this is so sad. OP, thank you for sending it in. Could you please tell us what day/time this happened?
Yes-sorry, it was Thursday AM-May 24th around 11:30 AM.
I agree, it is very cruel to taunt anybody--especially a child.
This post made me SO angry!!
How dare these women act like that?? What the hell is the matter w/them?
OP, it would be good if you could post this on the DC Urban Mom forum. It's a pretty active message board.
www.dcurbanmom.com. There is a sub-forum about nannies.
Excellent advice, NVMom-movedtoTX... thank you!
Good for you OP, for reporting this! Going above and beyond is what makes you spectacular!
That is despicable.
I've said it a million times, and I'll say it again: If you don't like working with kids, don't work with kids! For everyone's sake.
How awful! It probably occurs regularly since the little boy got in on the mocking.
You Gals really have an even Bigger bigger EGO ... Haven't you noticed what we are ... as humans ---- sociopaths / psycopaths/ borderline personality disorder/ hypocrites / Huge brains capable of creating science and a paradox of bealiving in dogma ....
What a RANGE, and it starts when we are little... It also is a product of a maladaptive society when we are mistreated by others or if we are spoiled too much we can also turn into spoil brats ..... Who can resolve this ? Only perhaps if we each as individuals search inside ourselves quite the irrational mind --- the negative mind ---- that which is the foreign implantation ------- but its up to each individual not you --- your comments won't change anything an iota----- Even your comments seem hypocritical since our society collectively creates this symolacrum of a society that if you scratch further than the surface .... you realize that collectively we put on masks pretending dumb, deaf, blind, and mute so we don't deal with what is really iimportant↪↪↪ HumanOne is only as strong as its weakest link Mind-body-thought integration is what we need and it starts within us !
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