Hey everyone! I need advice. I have been a professional full time Nanny for 4 years now. I was a part time Nanny and a babysitter for 3 years before that. I have an AA degree in liberal arts and I work part time for a nanny agency as a temp on the weekends. I will be turning 25 soon. I love my job but its time to move on. My charge is turning four and is currently in pre school. My day used to be filled with her but is now filled with errands and a lot of waiting for her to come home and play. I also miss having a baby and my current family only wants one child.
Im thinking of relocating to NYC or possibly some place warm. Im also thinking about being a live in Nanny, something I have never done before but i think could be great with the proper family and contract. With the job market for professional Nannies being over run with less then ideal families its seems only "professional formal families" have what i want and need - to be paid a fair wage legally with full benefits.
It took me 3 months to find my current family and that was WITH an agency! My question is, do you think Nanny School is worth it? I saw a new segment on T.V. a year ago about a Nanny School. It is a 3 month program that consists of a practicum with a family that will have a newborn and a toddler on fridays, infant care certification, health and nutrition for a child, cooking, defensive driving, etc.. basically everything I had to learn on the job. Besides the horses. Yes they teach you how to hopefully deal with horses. I can see this giving me a leg up for the professional formal families that I hope to interview with but its expensive and I would have to live there although that could be a plus since I have never moved away from my family. (I'm very close to my parents, sister, and nieces but I think its time for a change.) Has anyone gone to a nanny school? Do you think its a worthy investment? And to Employers: Would Nanny School would be a reason why you would hire a Nanny? Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
I went to a nanny school, sounds like the same program you are thinking of. While it was a learning experience, I don't think it was totally worth it. If you have childcare experience, then there isn't really anything new to learn from the school. Its mostly common sense things they teach. We did a lot of arts and crafts, and the practicum taught me nothing I didn't already know. Your experience does count for something. Yes, jobs are hard to find, but having worked with children, and having basic common sense is all you really need.
I live in Auckland, New Zealand, and I spent a year at a nanny school last year. It was well worth it, as I gained heaps of different credentials and a wide knowledge base.
Part of the reason you could have had difficulty finding a job last time around is that the last few years the economy has been a mess. Parents out of work don't need a full time caregiver. If they do need a nanny they can easily find someone who will work under the table for $150 a week.
Also last time, if my understanding is corrrect you did not have any full time or professional nanny experience. You have 4 years of that now which will work in your favor.
It also could benefit you to try different agencies.
I also think, if the cost isn't out of this world it can't hurt you to have it on your resume.
If the tuition at a Nanny School is within your budget, by all means try it out. It can't hurt and can stand out on your resume.
However, it is not necessary just like it is not necessary to attend a modeling school in order to be a successful model, etc.
Pretty much what Mike said.
If you can afford the expense and can take 3 months of being out of work why not?
If you want to work for formal professional families I suggest you list with agencies that serve that population only.
Agencies are great, but choose wisely. Since you want to work in NYC I'm sure nannies in that area can give you tips on the best agencies in that area.
You've got 4 years of nanny experience behind you now I'm sure that will help you a bit.
Good luck in your search!
I agree with other posters in that as long as it's in your budget to go to school it can't hurt you.
Just out of curiosity what school is this?
Following on the coattails of 1234's comment about the economy: it took a long time for professional nannies to work up a fair salary and with people so desperate for jobs now and some parents willing to take advantage of that - I'm afraid that when the economy DOES get better, it's going to be an uphill battle for the salaries to once again be fair and competitive.
As an employer, I would consider it a completely meaningless degree. I might even see it as a negative as I do not think you would learn much after 4 years of real-world nannying experience, and I would worry your salary expectations would be dramatically higher based on this.
Really nycmom you'd see it as a negative?
Why is that?
She has 4 years working eperience but everyone can learn something or brush up on skills, learn new techniques.
It's the prrofessional thing to do.
Or do you not consider nannies professionals?
Also, OP mentioned she was looking for high end clients.
People that won't blink at having to pay more than $15 an hour.
I don't know why folks here seem to worship nycmom and hold her opinion as the gold standard and what all parents thinks.
She admits to being an employer with out of control kids that she puts half-assed effort into modifying their behaviors.
She admits to going through nannieas and au pairs like a person changes their underwear.
Her idea of being a good parent and having a great nanny-empoyer relationship is giving her nanny lists of activities to follow.
Pay attention! She's the kind of boss you all complain about on here.
Considering it's only 3 months I'm sure she'd have a certificate of completion instead of a degree. I view it more as an amped up ceu/ppd program.
Just out of curiosity, what other degrees do you consider meaningless
I have looked at some of these so-called nanny schools and they look totally ridiculous, in my opinion. I'd say don't waste your money. If you really want an investment in your career and a head's up on the competition, go to a real college and get an AS in ECE or something like that. You already have one worthless degree, don't get another one.
Miss Mannah:
Since when is an Associate's in Liberal Arts considered "meaningless?" I consider an Associate's Degree a worthy accomplishment and think the OP should be proud of it!!
I hold an Associate Degree and I worked damn hard to earn it. It is my pride and joy and should be OP's as well.
I want to start a petition to remove you from this site!!!! I can't believe you just told someone who probably worked hard to go to school that they have a worthless degree.
You seem ignorant and I am sick of you spilling your guts and I honestly do not want to hear your opinions anymore.
I think it is time for your dose...
Deborah, go for it. Have fun in your meaningless petitioning.
Liberal arts degrees are meaningless, not degrees in and of themselves. I am currently working towards my AS in ECE, that's why I suggested it. When are you people going to learn reading comprehension? My good friend and my cousin both have a BA in liberal arts and both have had to go back to grad school because they were unable to get a job with that degree. It is a common consensus that in today's world, you cannot get a good job without a worthy degree.
If it were a 3 year program. I would tell you not to do it, especially since you have experience in the field.
It's only 3 months so it could be worth it.
But consider what you'll get out of it.
If enrolling in that course will give you better access to the type of families you want to work for. I'd say that's a plus.
If it will set you back a few thousand and won't really give you much of a boost and prevent you from working when you need to work I would say that's a negative.
As a parent, I wouldn't see it as a positive or a negative.
Simply because I know all the cetificates and trainings and the world do not automatically a good nanny make.
Also, degrees are as useful or useless as the holder makes them no matter what subject area.
Have you consider working as a Newborn Nanny?
You seem to be interested in working with infants and have the experience for it.
Newborn nannies also tend to be on the higher end of the nanny salary and attract professionals.
I think it's great you want to make yourself a stand out nanny, but I would blow a ton of money on a 3month certificate program.
Consider what you have in your profile or resume or what you can add to it.
Are you fluent in any languages?
Do you have any other specials skills to offer?
Don't lie but don't sell yourself short either.
A petition? lmfao, I can think of 3 or 4 posters that should be added to that piece of paper, but you know what? I hate to say it, but those people (you all know who you are!) bring such a wave of drama with their opinions that it actually opens the door for all of us to really delve into the subject at hand. You can't say that the ones who write in for advice here don't get all sides to an argument!
I say this: we love to hate them!
Anonymous said...
I want to start a petition to remove you from this site!!!! I can't believe you just told someone who probably worked hard to go to school that they have a worthless degree.
You seem ignorant and I am sick of you spilling your guts and I honestly do not want to hear your opinions anymore.
I think it is time for your dose...
Deborah, get a moniker!
Let you in on a little secret Mannah- You're ECE degree wont mean much either. ECE degrees are a dime a dozen these days. Not like you have your masters in teaching chemistry.
Thank you for all of your responses! I am visiting the school next week to see if I love it. I think that will be the deciding factor I just wanted to see what other people thought. Most people are on the same page as I am couldn't hurt but with the amount of experience I have probably wont make my career either. I originally went for liberal arts because I honestly did not know what I wanted to do for a career. Through my program I took a ton of ECE classes but wanted to be able to transfer to a 4 year university and decided a AA degree would give me the most acceptable credits at a four year institution. I was right I was accepted into 5 schools for all different areas of study with all my credits being accepted (child life specialist, education, library studies, speech, and nutrition.) I loved my college experience and the amount I learned from my eclectic mix of classes helped me decide that I want to do a little of everything hence me being a Nanny. I do plan on getting a bachelors where ever I land I will start to take classes part time. Most likely in child development. The truth is I have the best job ever with the most amazing family and a charge that I would do anything for. I am sad that I have to move on but excited for the future.
OP, don't waste your money. High profile families want nannies with a BA in psych, early childhood or education. Go to a good University and finish your degree. I would major in something more general just incase you don't want to be a teacher or nanny for the rest of your life. To set yourself in the nanny market, minor in something like art therapy and learn a different language. You can pay separately for driving courses, life guarding etc. Even just getting a certificate to be a CNA would be better.
Missmannah, I normally agree with you and like your posts but please don't knock down an AA in liberal arts because honestly an Associate in any subject especially ECE is becoming worthless. Today most college students are going straight for their masters after getting their BA and many adults are going back for their masters too. Right now an AA in any subject is worth as much as a high school diploma. It would be in the best interest of anyone who doesn't want to live off a low salary for the rest of their lives to either make amazing networking connections or go back to school. MA is even passing a law that daycare providers need to recieve a BA within the next few years in order to keep their jobs. I think it's wonderful many nannies are working towards their degrees but to really excel we all need to have higher levels of education. Not only to stay competitive in our own profession but to give us more options in different fields should we ever need to change careers.
Bostonnanny, you do make a very good point. It is unfortunate that an associate's degree is kind of worthless these days. But I'll be honest: I'm almost 30 years old and only just now getting mine. And I know I will be stopping with it. There's no way I will be going on for the bachelor's. School is just not for me and I have been really struggling with it. Even the decision to go back to school was a huge struggle for me. I do commend the OP for going to school and sticking with it, especially for choosing to take some childcare-related classes, because she can apply them towards her child development BS later on. OP, I really urge you to do that instead of this nanny certification.
I honestly don't think any education is worth less. The reason why I have my current nanny job is because I had EXPERIENCE and my associates degree. The MB told me that she would have preferred a nanny with a bachelors degree but in the end loved my personality, ease with her newborn, and that i did have a degree. I ended up getting a great salary vacay time and benefits at the ripe old age of 21. I know for a fact I was up against girls with their masters, a nurse, and a kindergarten teacher. They chose me because I was a great fit for their family and needs. I chose them because they were honest, caring, hardworking people, who have been nothing but generous and supportive of me and my job. Heres hoping lightning strikes twice! I think Nanny school could help me land a good job with great money so that I can also pay for my college education in cash like I did with my associates.
Miss Mannah:
You think a Liberal Arts Degree is worthless, but think a Child Development Degree is not?? Hahahahahaha.....Yahoo listed it as one of the lowest paying degrees ever.
By the way, I do not think a Nanny w/a college degree is better than a Nanny w/out one. If you want to work w/children, you do not need to know Chemistry, Calculus, etc...however you do need to be patient, loving, energetic and have a great work ethic.
As a parent, I agree with nycmom.
I think a 3 month certificate from anyplace is practically worthless, and I view those programs as just a way to make easy money from the unsuspecting student.
Bostonnanny has is right.
And I DO view a nanny as a professional, v.s. a babysitter, which is not.
But, that is a whole other discussion.
I agree that a college degree in Child Development is not worth much.
My sister has an A.A in Child Development because she wants to open up her own preschool, but she is having a tough time. She is going to go back to school soon and study Social Work.
If you are going to work hard and earn a degree, I suggest earning a degree in a field that pays enough to live on. Most of the time, working with children doesn't pay the bills and there certainly is no room for advancement.
I would not waste my money on a Nanny School. There are many successful Nannies out there who never went to one and many families who don't require their Nanny attend one. All the education you would need to be a Nanny would probably be a CPR/First Aid course. If you also have some child development units under your belt that would be a nice bonus, but is not mandatory.
How reputable is this program?
How much do they want for 3 months of education?
It seems to be more geared towards someone with no experience. So for you it might be a waist of time as you have nanny experience with infants and toddlers.
Would a certificate hurt you? Well it depends on the person. For parents like nycmon and workingmom it would.
But who's to say you'd want to work for that type of person anyway?
For others like leftcoast it wouldn't impact their choice either way.
Others might consider it a plus.
Basically it's a chance and it's your call.
FYI there are legitimate training nanny programs.
You best believe their graduates demand a higher salary.
Wouldn't you?
I alsow ant to applaud you OP for taking time to consider your degree.
Consider what you want to do in life and let that determine the degree you seek. Instead of picking a degree and trying to make it fit.
Many young people make the mistake of going to college to go to college and think that having a degree is an automatic magic ticket.
A degree is nice. It also matters who you know and what you've done along the way.
I totally agree with the poster said a degree is as good as what you do with it. I also say it's as good as who you know.
Don't underestimate the power of networking.
Certificates can be helpful and go a long way as well so don't let all the degree talk scare you.
In my case having a certificates, doing weekend trainings, and taking classes have helped me.
It's something I talk about during interviews when parents ask how I keep current.
Take your time choosing what to study. Don't let anyone scare you one way or another.
In any situation you will find 20 people who support your choice and 20 people who don't.
It doesn't make either side right or wrong. It just is.
That's a hard lesson to learn as a young person and probably the hardest thing about being an adult.
There's very little black and white and life and a whole lot of gray. Most of that gray, in the end, doesn't matter.
Make a choice that makes sense to you. Maybe it will work out maybe it won't. That's life. That's life.
Do you want to go to the school?
You sound like you're having doubts and are trying to talk yourself out of it. For that reason alone I would say hold off for now.
But that's just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.
I would like to add that being raised in the college hub of the nation surrounded by the best universities has made me extremely aware of how far I can get without a degree. I have changed my major three times and have finally decided one that allows me to jump into a few different fields with the right Masters program. I am competing with teachers with masters in education, harvard grad students and multiple individuals with various degrees for the higher paying jobs. My experience will set me apart but it only goes so far especially when an agency sends you to meet with harvard professors looking for childcare. Most high profile jobs in Boston want the degree and are willing to pay for it. I could easily get a job for a lower wage that is decent but that isn't want I personally want. I guess it really depends on where you live but if OP wants a great paying job in NYC she needs a college degree not a 3 month training school. Otherwise she only puts herself in the category with illegal workers and other individuals still in college. Its unfortunate that it has to be so competitive but thats the reality of this profession. So unless your already working for a high profile family who can network for you then you need an education to move further ahead or be prepared to stay in the low to average price range.
Missmannah, any education is better then none and if you know you don't want to move forward in your education thats fine but I'm sure you understand how it might make it more difficult later on when looking for jobs. I know you live in the midwest, so it might not make a difference unless you move to the east coast.
Just to note even a masters in Social work won't get you a six figure job unless your willing to put in the time to form a therapy practice. Social workers make crap and that degree can only take you into a few different fields that are all very low paying. But i guess everyone needs to remember to pick a career based on passion and love if money isn't going to matter to them. Sadly, I want a high paying job to be able to support a family alone if I should never meet my "soulmate" and that has lead me to branch off from my passion and seek a career with more options for advancement.
I have never been to nanny school, but I would guess it would not cover much more than what your experience has given you, or that you could learn on your own, except for the horses, and even that could be attained on its own.
Why not go back to college and earn a bachelors in two years? You say you need a change of pace, and you could choose a major, such as child development, that would directly improve your skills to nanny.
I am not a parent, but I would guess that most would respect that just as much, if not more, than nanny school. Plus, it would be more valuable in case you ever decided to change careers in the future. Just my $0.02
The only nanny school any employer would be impressed by is Norland, which is based in England and teaches traditional British values (think Mary Poppins!). In this field, experience is of much greater importance so I wouldn't waster your time or money. Spend it learning a new language.
Will this nanny school help you get the most desirable jobs?
As you mentioned being interested in working in NYC, I can offer some advice on high end jobs here.
First of all the horses! Do you already ride? Because unless you can help with tacking and grooming, and accompany the children on trail rides, it isn't going to help you get a job.
The best thing you could do for your career is to go back to school. An AA is good, a 4 year liberal Arts degree is better in terms of what families are looking for. It doesn't really matter what your major is. Families are looking for a nanny who will model correct grammar and can help with homework. ( The homework from tt privates is no joke!)
My opinion on the 3 month expensive nanny school is this. You can always learn more, but frankly, if your objective is to improve your resume, it won't carry much weight here. Put the time and money toward that BA!
AAA defensive driving course 6hours cost $35
adult, child and infant CPR/AED/First Aid one day cost $60 through American red cross
Water safety instructor course cost $200-300 through American red cross
Horsemanship classes $65 at a local farm teaches proper grooming, safe conduct, tacking and untacking, care of equipment, basic stable management
Everyone of these courses are certified and take less then 2 full days to complete which means in one month and around $500 you can have all these certifications while still working. Add a few ECE courses at the local community college and you have the exact program this school is offering for way less
Bostonnanny has summarized the value of the degree very accurately IMO, including the comparison with various other skills. For younger kids, basic safety education, life experience, warmth, kindness and common sense are what matter -- no 3 month nanny school can teach that to you.
Manhattannanny is also spot on that for higher paying NYC gigs it is the homework help abilities that parents will value for older kids. A higher education at a traditional college is the route to go here.
One of my nannies enrolled in what sounds like a similar type of course during her time with us. I don't know the name, but it was located in Northern NJ. I had the opportunity to review the coursework and speak with her. We both agreed that after many years of actual nannying experience, this was adding nothing of value for her. She was transitioning to different childcare work in daycare with the goal of opening her own center so this was her motivation for enrolling.
Yes, I consider nannying to a valued and valuable profession as I have stated on here countless times. I see the degree as a negative for all the reasons more eloquently summarized by others esp as I just noted. I also think workingMom makes a good point that the motives of such programs are likely easy money.
I long ago made it a policy not to engage in petty, personal or immature discussions on here. I may not always succeed, but I intend to keep trying. To that end, you are entitled to your opinion of me. However, ISYN discussions would be better served by focusing on the issues rather than personal attacks. It actually undermines any meaningful points that may be hiding under the layers of venom, and I'm sure you do have valid points to add.
To answer the only actual question I noted in your post, I don't keep a list of degrees I consider meaningless. Nor was I able to come up with a list for you. If you would like to provide your own list of degrees in question, I am glad to review it. Although I do not know why, you apparently care about my opinion on this issue, so I would be happy to answer provided I have enough knowledge to give an educated opinion.
re-posted for Anonymous:
I have looked into that program. If its the one I think it is (i only know of two Nanny schools in the USA) I have heard good things about it. From what I read on their website it offers certifications in AAA defensive driving, Standard first aid, adult, infant and toddler cardiopulmonary resuscitation, defibrillation, heimlich maneuver, Emergency care, water safety and rescue, infant care certificate (that is granted by the state not the school) This will allow you to state in interviews that you are a professional babynurse and can also find work instantly with this certification. I think its a good idea. It is a huge resume boost and says that you are serious about the profession. Its good that you followed your passion instead of the mighty dollar it also seems like you are very happy with your current pay which leaves me to believe you are already very successful as a Nanny and will have no problem landing a job with or with out Nanny school. I say do it its only 3 months a huge boost and really is not that expensive. They will also find you a job and many on their website are in NYC. I think families will love that you want to continue education. Good luck to you. Update us after your visit!
I think many of you will be in for a rude awakening when you hit the real world where your degree means jack shit.
Take it from someone who's been in the real world for awhile and as boston nanny says grew up in an education hub of the nation.
If you want to go go.
Will it get you the kind of job you want who knows.
All you're getting here is opinions. People share these opinions as if they are fact.
In reality they are what's true to their experience not all experiences across the board.
Here is part of a NYC agency job listing to give you an idea of what they are looking for.
Job Title: Nanny (2 openings; weekend nanny and weekday nanny) this could be a live-in or live-out position
Location: New York City and South Hampton (summers)
Home Environment: Informal but professional, clutter free and organized home, casual energy for the active, happy family -- children are number one with safety and security paramount
Skills required:
Worked in high-end homes as childcare provider for infants, toddlers or pre-schoolers
Flexibility is essential
High level of intelligence, clear and concise communicator
Speaks, reads and writes English, second language is a plus: French or Spanish
Organized and quick pace
Self --starter/Self-motivated but with ability to take direction from principal
Ability to send and receive emails
Driving is a plus
Swimming is desired
College degree is desired with a focus on early childhood education
Execute extreme level of confidentiality; protect the family and children
Understands privacy and executes a non-intrusive behavior in the home
Team player
Security driven
Great references and a clean background
Top tier salary, DOE
Bonus on merit and longevity
Health insurance
2 weeks vacation
Maybe I'm sounding like a midwestern country bumpkin, but what the eff is a high-end home?
Also, if that was directly quoted, I would be hesitant to reply to the ad because they want a clear communicator but are unable to get their own grammar and verb tenses correct.
Miss Mannah,
LOL, good question. To me it means they will have a full time housekeeper, yay!
This was written by the agency, not the family.
Miss mannah,
It just means that it is multi million dollar home with all the finishings.
Usually, the agency writes a quick list of requirements that is very brief and general. I doubt the family wrote that at all and if this was a staffed home then the household manager would be doing the write up and first set of interviews
The thing about schooling is this. Going to school for anything doesn't make you better or more experienced than someone who didn't. This is true for ALL professions, including healthcare. Anyone could study and learn and pass tests but that doesn't make them good in their field. Doctors, lawyers, and other professions need schooling but that doesn't make them "good" just because they have it. I've met some pretty stupid doctors in my time and lots of them don't know what they are talking about. Just because they went to school doesn't mean they know EVERYTHING there is to know
The reason I say this is. Will having nanny school benefit you? Will it give you the financial benefit? Is it worth your time? Nothing in nanny school will ever prepare you for real world nanny experience. It just can't. They can teach you the steps but that is not real world.
I have a pharmacy technician license. I did not go to school for it. I just studied and took the test. i saved myself $13,000. Other people went to school, still had to take the test, and then they had a debt for going to school and they didn't learn anything different than what I did by picking up a book. It wasn't financially beneficial and it was a waste of time for them.
I wish like hell I didn't get my masters degree. I really wish i never did that. It is one of my biggest regrets.
In the nanny world which is true life application and learning from experience school will teach you probably what you already know, some things you may not have known, and others that were pointless to know. If you think that the time and money are worth it then that is your choice but I honestly don't think it would be worth it.
Phoenix, a masters degree and working as a pharm tech? Ouch! Do you mind if I ask if you work retail or hospital pharmacy? My Husband worked at pharm tech intern salary (about $27 hourly) before he graduated with his pharm D. He loves retail and always complained about how he has never met a lead tech that makes more than $13 an hour and about how terrible that was considering the stress.
LOL. No I don't work as a technician anymore but I still keep the license going for the "in-case" I work in the finance department of the pharmacy.
I never did hospital. I worked retail and it was good to interact with the people. i worked as an opti-fill tech in the filling side of the mail order pharmacy. so i got to work on the huge machines and stuff. then I was also a clinical care technician on the phones. We had patients call in about drug questions. The same type of things they ask in retail setting but over the phone. I found that most people over the phone are waaay more open than they would be in person. i've got stories about those peope. Retail stories too. So much fun!
I loved working in the pharmacy. I was on the road to go to pharmacy school but i had to support my family so I ended up getting a masters in accounting. I hate accounting but it was easier for me so it was my easy subject degree. I still work for one of the big pharmacies im just in the finance department on the PBM side of the business.
and yes. the technicians are not paid enough. In mail order they get paid a lot more. in the retail setting they are not paid anything and they do a lot of work. It is really sad. They are the same type of thing nurses are to doctors and I really wish the good ones would be rewarded. We have very busy pharmacies. If your husband works for CVS or Walgreens he will know the traffic they get. Some technicians are on the ball and can work every station and others only have the ability to type scripts in all day, or they have no desire to do anything else.
The good techs should be rewarded.
Here's my $0.02.
The program would be worth it if you were looking to break into the nanny career and had no experience.
You have that experience so in your case it's not really worth the cash.
If you want to brush up on skills check out your local YMCA , RMV, and Red Cross. You'll get the same info and probably save a bundle.
As far as degrees go, don't get me wrong having a degree or certificate is a great thing, but it's only half the battle.
Actually probably less than half.
The other half especially in today's market is who you know!
Networking! Networking! Networking!
People get jobs not only for having the fanciest degree or the most letters behind their name ( in some cases that can be a negative) they get hired because they know the right people an dmake people believe in them.
I'm a bit late to the party, but, I have to ask....
Horses? Are you going to be their nanny or their stable hand?
Get a syllabus of the class and ask a) what certifications do I get out of this? b) can I get this same education on my own for cheaper? For example, if they offer Red Cross Lifeguarding, find out how much that costs. If they offer CPR, find out how much that costs.
Honestly, it sounds like a waste of money.
It's an interesting conversation and I have to say that it looks like people don't see it really as a profession for what you go to school and learn about it. In Europe I think it's a total different story. People want qualifications which you only get when you go to school. Depending on the country this could be 3-5 year at vocational college and University. Most nannies in Europe are Kindergarden or nursery teachers. After that the experiences in families comes into account. The pay is higher but also the education is and people who want a nanny appreciate it. A nanny is not something for everybody and she has this profession like a doctor or a shop Assistent. It's her job to know about child development and do everything possible to develop the child mentally and physically. It has it's price and is nothing to a normal babysitter which do often have other jobs or still teenagers.
I went to the Nanny School in Ohio. What a JOKE. 10,000 dollars later.....I am a professional nanny....big deal. They do get some big clients- NFL players, rock stars and royal families. That *sometimes* gets you more money but don't count on it.
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