I am a nanny on call, for when the mom has trips and goes out of town. Anyway, here is a day in my life for 2 year old A and 3 year old C.
9:00pm Saturday Night - I arrive and the kids are already asleep, I talk to MB as she finishes getting dressed and packed.
9:30pm - She says goodbye and tells me anything pertaining to the kids that I might need to know for the night and next day.
10:00-10:45pm - I watch a tv show. I love coming here because I get to catch up on a few shows when the kids are asleep, I don’t have cable at my house :)
11pm -Time for me to sleep, have to be up with the kids in the morning.
7am - A is awake. He needs a diaper change and we head downstairs for breakfast, he is in an extremely good mood this morning!
7:30 - C comes downstairs, she is whiny because we left her by herself upstairs sleeping. I made eggs and toast for her also.
7:40-8 - We eat and talk about what the kids have been doing recently. I hear all about the new neighbors!
8-8:20 - The kids and I color and put stickers on their coloring pages. They love this!
8:20-8:50 - I put on “Curious George” for the kids to watch. I am going to get dressed so that we can all go to church.Their mom loves that I get to bring them even when she is not home.
8:50-9:20 - I am ready and begin getting the kids ready. Teeth brushed and dressed. C fusses because she doesn’t like the dress her mom left out for her, but she puts it on eventually. A never complains :)
9:20-9:30 - I make sure we have enough diapers, extra clothes, snacks, etc., and we load up into my car to go to church.
9:30-10:00 - We make the trip to church. C begs for me to play her favorite song, Footloose, and we listen to it 3 times on the way there. She loves it!
10-10:45 - I go into the preschool sunday school class with the kids. They don’t like for me to leave them, so I make sure that they are comfortable and wait for them to warm up to the teachers.
10:45-11:45 - I go into big church. A sometimes comes in with me and did today. He fell asleep after the songs.
11:45-12:45 - Great! There is food at church today. We eat at a big table with my family and friends.
12:45-1:15 - We head back home. Of course, we have to listen to Footloose again on the way there.
1:15-3 - The kids fell asleep in the car. I quietly bring them up to their beds and go back downstairs. I clean up the dishes from breakfast and tidy up the house. I catch some tv in the spare time before the children wake up.
3:00 - Both kids are awake! We cuddle for a while and talk.
3:15-5:15 - We head outside and ride bikes/take a walk/chalk on the sidewalk.
5:15-6:00 - We go inside and I begin making dinner. They are begging for spaghetti. C and A both help me make our food.
6:00-6:30 - We eat and talk at the table.
6:30-7:30 - We head back outside for another walk. We play in the sand and the kids are so dirty, which means we are all having tons of fun!
7:30-We head inside, both C and A whine about it getting dark outside.
7:35-8:05 - Bath time! They love bath time and getting to draw pictures on the wall with their bath markers.
8:05-8:30 - We read books and play quietly.
8:30- Bed time! These kids are worn out! Once they are both in bed I head downstairs.
8:30-9:30 - I go downstairs and tidy up. I also do a load of laundry.
9:30- Mom is home! She thanks me and pays me. Time for me to head home!
very nice.
before I was old enough to watch my sister she was in a home daycare down the road. My family is not religous at all and we didn't know they were taking my sister to church. Then one day she came home with the book of mormon. To this day she is registered as a mormon.
my parents were not happy. i thought it was hilarious. not growing up with a religion i was allowed to go to church with my friends (my parents don't care as long as they were asked before hand) i've been to every single religious sermon. from catholic to jewish and all in between. the muslim stuff was odd to me and so was the wiccan thing. but it was a good experience to see all the different types of faiths. i went to catholic highschool my first year (then was asked not to return)
i think its good for kids to go to church to get the experience.
my son was supposed to be going with his mom. it was a ploy to get him to her house and we didn't realize it until one day our dog died and we said that he went to live with jesus. my son looked at us so we thought maybe he only pronounced it the way they do in spanish. so we repeated it jesus. He got all excited and said "oh, my uncle!"
well we found out he wasn't going to church! LOL
Sounds like a fun job. I think its great that you can take him to church. Isn't it better working for families occasionally? The kids are more excited to see you. Plus sometimes the pay is better
I do like working occasionally,but I have gotten pretty attached.Sometimes I will see them everyday for like 2 weeks,then not see them for two weeks,and I miss them a lot.
Sounds like you have a great gig!
I would hate not having a regular schedule.
Just out of curiosity do you get compensated for being on call?
Pheonix -
I am constantly seeing you get crap for your posts, but I think you are hilarious and use fresh eyes in every scenario. I am also a step mom and most moms and nannies just don't get it. I enjoy reading your posts because I can relate. Your Jesus story inspired me to write. - Too funny!
Thank you Magen! It is nice to see another step-mom on here. it is honestly a lot harder than people think. Even more difficult because actual moms assume that since we didn't give birth we don't know what we are talking about.
Step-moms are mothers too. And it is harder for us because the kids don't automatically love you and trust you. That is an earned love. If you don't work the kids won't warm up to you.
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