Hi, I was wondering if you could help me? I know this is an anonymous tips website for catching nannies and I have been reading it with a shocked look on my face. I was wondering if one of the readers may be looking for a kind, honest live-in nanny. I have been looking for my new family for a month now. I keep finding these amazing families who will be a great fit, but the timing is always wrong. It’s so frustrating and I feel down in the dumps today. Last month I was dumped by a family in Sadder River, NJ. The gig was supposed to be long term, but that was a lie. The family was going through a custody battle with DYFS , but I didn’t care. I refuse to judge people based on that fact.
Shortly after I was hired, the family had a meeting with the social worker. I’m not really sure of all the details, but the mother was approved to move into the house with the grandmother and the children. I am happy for them, because this is one step closer to getting their children out of the grandmother’s house. Unfortunately for me, that decision made my job unnecessary. They learned this information on a Friday and did not inform me until Sunday night that I had to move out the following day. By the way I had nowhere else to go.
More recently I found this wonderful family who I had the possibly of starting with this Tuesday. We talked everyday for a week about meeting on Saturday (today) but yesterday she pulled the rug out from underneath me. She told me her husband wanted to push everything back to nearly 3 weeks from now. She wanted me to wait for them, but understood if I couldn’t. I just feel discouraged, because I’m a good person. Although my kind heart shines through and I’m great at my job it doesn’t seem to be enough. Bad luck just follows me. I need a live in nanny position ASAP with an amazing family that I will adore. I want the gig to be longterm and full time. I don’t have a car so I would appreciate if the family will provide one for me. Preferably the family would be located in the Bergen County area of North Jersey.
I am a non-smoking, respectful, responsible, reliable, punctual, and trustworthy person. I am FEXIBLE – which is insanely important for a working family. I am willing to work late nights and weekends when needed. Willing to travel and spend holidays with the family if needed. I'm an awesome person just looking for an awesome family to be a part of. My ideal family is an open and honest family. They are warm and welcoming. They are silly at times. And love to learn/try new things. My ideal family also finds communication extremely important. My email is princessblueskies@gmail.com. Please help me if you can. ♥ Michelle
I just want to give you a big hug Michelle!
You sound like a great nanny!
Keep your chin up I went through something similar and now have a great family that wa worth the wait. This will happen for you too.
Have you tried an agency in your area or Care.com & SitterCity . Maybe you can even do some babysitting jobs until you get the live in work.
Call Noble Nanny at 201-461-7888
check out their website. They are located in Fort Lee (Bergen County, near NYC)
Another agency is Be Our NaNNY 201-592-9400
they are close by in Leonia
Very nice two sisters run this agency
good luck let me know if they can help you
OP I will email you. I am going to try and help as much as I can. I live in Bergen County. Alot of people are looking for live-in.
Hi, I didn't know the blog would actually post my email. Thank you guys for the support. The update is I have been living in a hotel trying to find a job. A nice family contacted me last night and I just came back from an interview with them. I LOVE them already. I don't want to get my hopes up. I just tried to me my normal and happy self and let that speak me.
It's good to hear i'm not alone. I know things happen in their own time. I have to have faith that things will get better. My new family better be freaking awesome lol
Call those agencies they are pretty good. Check out their website Noble Nanny lists positions still I believe
Get thee to an agency.
I've had bad luck with agencies, I feel so much more comfortable with the families. That might actually be my downfall I get too invested with the potential families. Losing that gig I was suppose to start on Tuesday really hurt, I was already in love with the family. I thought they were perfect for me. So when they said hey sorry never mind we don't need a nanny it was crushing, because I was so excited. Now obviously that opportunity wasn't mine and I know I will get others. However, after a while it gets discouraging and sad.
You don't have anything to lose at this point by at least trying a few agencies.
I know how frustrating losing out on a job can be. I could have been you just months ago, but don't give up.
Try every possibiity you have even if it hasn't worked out for you in the past.
If I may offer a word of advice: you sound like a very nice person, but don't ever forget that being a nanny is a JOB. Try not to get so invested in potential families - after all, they won't be adopting you; they will be HIRING you - to perform a service for them.
I am not trying to be harsh; I am trying to get you to be a little more objective. You almost sound a little .....desperate, and that's not a position you want to be in. Are you flexible because you don't have any other options, and you need someone to take you in? You don't want potential families to view your situation that way; you want to present yourself as confident and professional. Capable of taking care of yourself.
And while you're searching for the 'right' nanny job, maybe you could obtain other work through a local temp agency to earn enough money to feed yourself as well as give a little to a possible friend who might be letting you sleep on their couch.
One final piece of advice: other posters have suggested that you align yourself with an agency. You really should. An agency can help connect you to serious potential families who are less likely to flake out on you at the last minute due to higher requirements for accountability.
Good luch in your search.
Michelle...I think it is just the luck of the draw. You sound like an awesome Nanny and I hope you find an awesome family as well.
The economy is very bad now and that might be why good jobs are scarce now.
Keep your chin up Girl and do not give up. Your dream family will find you soon. ☺ ♥
I'm flexible because my schedule allows it. Yes, I am desperate to find another job, I have bills to pay. If a family can't understand my situation then that family isn't for me. I've had offers from families but those were not right fits because of many reasons. Nothing about my situation takes away from the fact that i'm a good person and I am an experienced nanny. I am confident and professional at my interviews. I wrote this letter because I was frustrated and had to move in to a hotel to keep from being out on the street.
Thank you guys for all your advice.
one thing that I always tell my "clients" who ask me to do readings for them because they are in bad spots like you, is that bad energy follows those who put out bad energy. It is perfectly natural to get depressed that something doesn't come through for you. But you can't dwell on it. Everyting happens for a reason and those jobs that you aren't getting is a way to teach you to become stronger and it is a stepping stone to the job that you are going to land that you are perfect for.
One thing that a lot of people don't do and you should is to visulaize what you want. You need to basically put out a thought that you are going to land a wonderful job with a wonderful famlily. Your aura is very very sad and that isn't going to get you anywhere. Look at the positive and know that you didn't get these jobs because they weren't right for you. The right job is out there but it won't come to you if you have a negative outlook. You also can't be unrealistic in your expectations. After all, everyone is human and there may be some things that don't pan out the way you want them to. But that is life. YOu can't dwell on your past just look forward to the future and shape it as best you can. I'm not saying everything will go good for you but you have to put the good energy out there not the bad
I completely agree with WorkingMom.
Thank you Phoenix. I was on a job search for months, before I found the family that let me go. When I found them I thought things were looking up. So I have been waiting for things to get better for months now. I've been staying positive for months. Sometimes you just get tried. However, I will keep my head up ladies.
I just moved 1,700 miles away from my hometown in November. I started an amazing job with an adorable 10 month old baby almost as soon as I got here. 5 weeks later I was fired because the baby had bad separation anxiety and mom worked at home, she couldn't deal with hearing the baby cry so they sent him to daycare. I got 1 days notice (they called me on a Tuesday night after work and said to not come back) and 4 days severance pay which they apparently thought was beyond generous. We had a contract and I was on the books and everything. didn't see that coming.
I searched for a job for 4 weeks. I had multiple interviews every day. I interviewed for jobs I didn't even want. My husband was working a temp job and it ended. We were running out of money. I took a job that was a LOT of work with a special needs child for $9 an hour when I was used to making $15 an hour because I needed anything I could get. 3.5 weeks later they fired me accusing me of denting the mini van- something I didn't do. I was so glad to be free of the job, but again I was running out of money since they barely paid enough to pay my bills.
I searched for another job for a month after that. I went on an interview by accident for a job that was only 15 hours a week. I almost cancelled but decided I'd just go because I didn't have anything else to do. I got hired on the SPOT. The family is beyond generous and I feel like a member of the family which I've never felt before. They are incredible and the hours over the last month increase to 40 and it pays 3x what my bills are. The two kids are ANGELS and I just cant believe how it all worked out.
Just keep sticking it out. Losing those 2 jobs was awful for me and I almost thought I'd have to move back home when I got my current job by ACCIDENT! Everything happens for a reason. You'll find your right job. I promise.
WOW Kate! WOW! Your story gives me hope. Right now I can't afford to stay in the hotel I was staying in so I'm pretty sure I will be spending the night in the computer lab of my college. I have no place else to go so I have no choice. It's a 24hr lab so maybe I can do it. I might try to sneak into one of the dorms and stay in the lounge area.
Princessblueskies, you can do it. Do you have any friends in dorms? You are totally homeless right now?
Yes, I am. I'm going to hopefully sell my cell phone tomorrow in order to buy me two more nights in the hotel. I know it's not a lot , but it's something. Luckily my friend has some of my stuff in her car. My friend feels really bad about my situation, but she still lives with her parents. She does want she can for me and I am thankful for that. I don't know what I’m going to do when she leaves on Thursday. I guess I better hope something comes up so that I won't have to find out.
Princess, I don't want to step on your toes here but this has been bothering me a bit. Have you taken out student loans? I don't understand why you are wasting money on a hotel when student loans will pay for you to live on campus or will pay your living costs for you to live off-campus. If you are unemployed, I don't see why you wouldn't qualify for loans.
Also, are you looking for other work or only nanny jobs? Nanny jobs are very hard to get right now...as you know. Why not take a daycare job for awhile just to make ends meet while you're looking for the perfect family?
I am no longer a student...And in order to get a day job you have to have some kind of place to stay. Anyway...I am not long crashing in the college lab. I was able to sell my phone and get tonight and tomorrow night in a hotel. I'll keep you guys posted if I can. If I can't thank you so much for your help.
I apologise--the way you were talking about college made me assume you were still a student.
OP...I am so sorry that you are homeless and jobless. What a terrible thing to happen to you.
I will keep you in my prayers that you find a permanent home soon and a nice family as well.
I am actually starting a live-in nanny search...but I live in San Diego, CA...
Was in the same position after a live-in job I relocated 2000 miles for ended very unexpectedly after 3 months -- homeless and jobless, and hundred and hundreds of miles away from ANY friends or family. It was scary, and a dark time for me. Finally made enough money taking random temp jobs to pay for a plane ticket to my parents a month later. I was so disheartened, because I kept interviewing for great positions, and they would almost...work....out....and then something last minute would change (start date, hours, or what they were looking for).
My road isn't over, but I'm home and safe, now, and a family is flying me back to the same area for a work trial next week. Will keep you in my thoughts -- you're not alone! Maybe the tides will change for both of us this month...
Wow thank you for your message. It is nice to know that i'm not alone. I wish you all the best and I hope you find a new job soon. You and I both better have a ton of luck owe to us lol.
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