So I have been a live in nanny for a family in Beverly Hills for the past 6 months and I have 3.5 years of nanny experience prior to working with them. Hours were never really discussed, but as time has gone on they have definitely increased. We agreed that I would make 300 a month since I am living with them and we said that hours would balance themselves out week by week. However they DO NOT. I work 55 hours a week mon-sunday. That is right Monday-Sunday. We have yet to make a schedule and I work literally around the clock for them. Although I do live with them comfortably, which I greatly appreciate 300 dollars a week for working more then full time equates to less than California's minimum wage hourly. I am planning on addressing my work schedule as well as what I feel I should be paid. However I am trying to figure out what that pay should be. Any suggestions? Thank you!
FT Live-in Being Ripped Off
So I have been a live in nanny for a family in Beverly Hills for the past 6 months and I have 3.5 years of nanny experience prior to working with them. Hours were never really discussed, but as time has gone on they have definitely increased. We agreed that I would make 300 a month since I am living with them and we said that hours would balance themselves out week by week. However they DO NOT. I work 55 hours a week mon-sunday. That is right Monday-Sunday. We have yet to make a schedule and I work literally around the clock for them. Although I do live with them comfortably, which I greatly appreciate 300 dollars a week for working more then full time equates to less than California's minimum wage hourly. I am planning on addressing my work schedule as well as what I feel I should be paid. However I am trying to figure out what that pay should be. Any suggestions? Thank you!
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After doing the math, I am speechless as to how much you earn.
What??! A family can afford to live in Beverly Hills, yet only pay you $75/week?
Huge red flag. I would quit. They are cheap and will not change.
At first you said you make 300 per month but then you said 300 per week. I hope to god you meant 300 per week, but even that is way too little!
Please tell me you make at least $300 a week and not a month? I definitely agree that you should be making more though, even though you are a live-in. And please get a schedule in place!!
You've been working for these people for 6 months and you only now want to address the salary issue? Good luck! I would suggest asking for minimum wage and expecting to get kicked out.
Yes 300 a week is what I meant and everything was great and I love the family dearly. They have never had a nanny before. I am just wondering if there are any other live in nannys out there who can let me know what I should be getting since I do live in and this is new to me as well
Find out the average hourly wage for a live out, multiply by 55, then subtract what you would pay to rent/eat weekly for the type of accomodations you have. That should bring you to a reasonable weekly salary.
I think the area is very important as well. If they have the bucks to live in Beverly Hills, then they should pay you more since everything, even gas, is much more expensive there.
They need to pay you (at LEAST) minimum wage for every single hour you work, and, according to the link below, you are owed OT for every hour worked over 9 in a single day. If you are working 55 hours a week, spread into 5 11 hour days, and CA minimum wage is $8 per hour...(8 * 9)+ (12 * 2) = 72 + 24 = $96 per day, or $480 per week.
I would suggest that you do some research, and print out supporting material from various websites, like
Then, before you ask to meet with your employers, develop a plan that covers where you will go if they decide to fire you on the spot.
Ask to meet, present the legal facts of what they have to pay you, and see what happens. IF they choose to have you stay on, find and use a nanny contract, in which you outline exactly what your hours are for each day you will be working, and then exactly what you will be earning for those hours.
Good luck to you.
OMG! When I was a live in nanny in Pacific Palisades, CA from 1993-1994, I made $400/week gross. I had my own suite above the garage with separate entrance, etc. 20 years ago!! I was 22 years old! and a first time (full-time) nanny!
Run, better run...
If you had been a nanny for 3.5 years beforehand, surely you should have known you were worth more!?!
You may love the family, but they do not love you! If you think they are so wonderful and caring they wouldn't expect you to work around the clock. I can't believe you work everyday!! Are you illegal?
It may be impossible to set up boundaries, schedule, and a pay increase now that they are used to taking advantage of your inability to set up all of the above mentioned before you moved in. It's a hard lesson to learn, but it's your responsiblility to advocate for you! It's not going to be easy but you will have to become better communicator if you want the family to stop taking advantage of the situation. Write down what you need to change , formally so they can have a copy, seet up a meeting time without children and discuss the situation and what you need to change so you can be a better nanny and not up and leave from burn out!
OP, you have advice on the money part. I think you should frame the conversation more about how much you are working, then factor in the money. You have a right to breaks. Do you have even one full day off a week? Once you establish boundaries about working hours, you can factor in the pay to be minimum wage based. Figure all that out, then you can enter the conversation in a rational way, not looking greedy, just to establish clarity. I agree that you should have a PlanB where you have somewhere to go if they don't want to keep you. I am hoping for the best they are reasonable, but no-one has ever posted here that the conversation happened to the nanny's favor, that I remember.
In 1994 I was making $400 a week as a live in! NOT in Beverly Hills but in a suburb of NY...really? I would nevre have agreed to that..
They are getting quite a deal..and you are getting the shaft nice digs or not!
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