So I've been working for a wonderful family for almost two years now and I can't stop getting sick! They are so nice about it. They pay me for all the time off, call to see if I need anything, and have the kids make me get well cards! I'm not the type to just call in with a cold, and I've gone into work pretty sick. Their kids are always sick too, and I know I'm picking up a lot from them. I just feel so bad for not only the parents, but for the kids. I'm home today with a stomach bug when we were supposed to have a playdate and go to pizza hut with friends. This is something they've been waiting for for weeks!
Before working for this family, I was with a family for 5 years and could count on one hand how many times I was sick with them! I don't know what's happening to me. I've lost count of how many days I've been off this year, but I'm guessing around 7 or 8. Any ideas on what I could do to make it up to the whole family? I've offered free babysitting time and time again and they won't take me up on it, so I need some other creative ideas. Thanks! :)
No advice on making it up to your family, but have you been to a doctor to make sure there isn't a serious reason your immune system can't seem to fight anything off?
i babysit/nanny for about 6 different families and i have noticed that only one family out of the 6 gets me sick! it's not entirely surprising, considering the difference in lifestyle the one family has in comparison to the others, (family doesn't disinfect much of anything, children's diets are totally unhealthy, kids don't wash their hands very often etc). this causes the children to be sick all the time and so, when i come over, even if it's for one day, i generally end up coming down with something! i have to be extra careful not to touch my face with my hands (germs and your mucus membranes and all that equals sicksicksick) and i wash my hands often while im there.
also, idn about you other nannies out there, but i love eating kids food! it's so tasty and they generally leave leftovers so i think, why not! but if the kid is sick, i become very aware not to do this! again, transfer of germs.
also, think of the ages of the kids, i know toddlers get sick too, but i have found that the 6 to 9 year olds i've sat for have gotten sick far more often. thats just my experience!
If I were you, I would first see a Dr. just to make sure you are okay in general.
Being a Nanny is a tough job since us Nannies deal with so much illness. Kids are notorious for picking up germs and passing them along (!) and parents need to understand this. Us Nannies are exposed to so many germs on a daily basis and we are human beings who will only get sick.
Your family sounds wonderful! I wish all bosses were this understanding!
This SO describes my situation!! I have been sick (or hurt) so often since working for this particular Family- that it makes me feel guilty. (They also pay for me when I'm sick.)
If it wasn't one sickness- it was something else. So frustrating!
I ended up taking almost an entire week off-taking airborn tablets and getting tons of rest. So far, so good.
I gave them a nice card with a note thanking them for their understanding and gave them a giftcard to Starbucks.
It may not be the kids. Sometimes an adult will have a tremendous immune system, carry every germ known to man, never get sick, and infect everyone around.
Every time you get sick your body becomes inflamed, and that's not good for you.
I'd stay away from the families with constant illnesses. Life's too short.
I had the same - I was sick more times in 6 months with the new family than I was in the previous 8 years as a nanny. Turns out the house has mould in it. I left the family and I have bee FINE even with new kids and new germs. It could be the house...especially if the kids are sick too.
I know it's not uncommon for Nannies to get sick fairly often in the first year of caring for a new family. Different lifestyles, foods, activities and exposures will do that to you for sure. But after a while you build up resistances and it stops becoming a full blown illness. In your case though, having been with them for 2 years, I'd go to a DR. It could be an allergic reaction presenting itself in an unusual manner. Maybe a pet, perfume, cleaning product or even a vacuum that hasn't been cleaned properly. Definitely go speak to a professional and leave the entire day open on your schedule for testing. I would assume your MB and DB would be understanding of a day or two to hopefully find out the cause of all your health issues.
But, on the other hand, if your dr can't find something to pinpoint as the problem, I'd give my notice. Even as much as I'm sure you've grown to love the kids and your MB and DB. Your long term health is FAR more important. Imagine the long term effects on your health and possibly your life span if you stay on with this family. Sometimes two separate groups of people just cannot mix well. LIke oil and water.
well first of all you need to build up your immune system. Take some euchanacia and plenty of vitamin c.
I am in the same boat. I am no longer a nanny but I work with two year olds all day and since I started the job in November I have been sick so much! I went through 4 years of living at college and was probably sick no more than 5 times but since November I've been sick with one thing or another more times than that! I feel so guilty when I have to cancel my sessions with my kids but it's better to rest and not get the others sick too. It comes with the territory I suppose :) As far as thanking the parents, I wouldn't worry about it. Since they are understanding and pay you for your sick days, I am certain they aren't holding it against you in any way.
OP here. You'll never believe this! Shortly after writing in, I started having terrible stomach pains and ended up in the ER. Well, it turns out I have Crohn's disease! This totally explains the countless stomach bugs I've had lately. I'm not happy to have crohn's, but I'm glad I caught it early and with medicine and a special diet will be able to live a normal, HEALTHY :) life!
Wow op! I'm so glad you were able to find that out. Be well!
I would get checked out by your M.D. to make sure there's not something going on with your immune system. From then, echinacea (laughing that self-proclaimed-pharmacy-whiz-kid Phoenix can't even spell this!) and Vitamin C. Good luck and hope you get and stay better!
OP- sorry, I just read about your Crohn's. So sorry to hear that - they do have some great treatments and with the help of a dietician, hopefully things will be ok. Glad you caught it early!
Wow, OP, glad you got an answer to why you were feeling so crummy! Take care of yourself and feel better soon!
Folks, echinacea and vitamin C are basically voodoo*. OP needs to go to the doctor to be checked out, and if nothing's wrong then she needs to start paying more attention to balancing her diet (lean red meat is good for bucking up the immune system; most women don't get enough iron) and most important, MORE SLEEP.
*No disrespect intended to Santeria, Vodun, or other shamanistic practices, etc., etc.
OP, as someone who was very sick all throughout childhood and most of my early adulthood (I'm 23 now) take Crohn's very seriously. Personally, for me I have Celiac disease (and have my whole life) and was diagnosed at 18 or 19. My health has changed drastically since finding out. Granted, Celiac is vastly different from Crohn's, but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and definitely follow a crohn friendly diet. It will work wonders.
chrones disease really sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. There are different levels. My cousin has it and he's had some surgeries to remove the lower part of his intestines that have been destroyed. He is in the ER about 3 times a month and has to take heavy pain killers. He also has a problem with vitamin and mineral abosoprtion because of the way his intestines process food. He actually can't take in any more nutrients from his intestines it has to be dissolves into the stomach wall, which is not a typical function of the stomach. So he is slowly starving to death.
But that is worst case scenario. I know plenty other people who have a mild case and all they had to do was adjust their diet. No nuts, or cheese especially.
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