If you are a Nanny and would like to share with us what you received for a bonus this year, please email us or send a message using MEEBO. If you are an Employer and would like us to know what you are giving your Nanny as a bonus this year, we want to hear from you, too.
* Bonus this year (2011):
* Your weekly salary:
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus:
* Length of time you have worked for the Family:
* City, State and Country where you live:
* Any additional comments:
1) email to isawyournanny@aol.com
2) Leave as an anonymous comment to THIS post right here, right now.
3) Leave as an anonymous instant message using the MEEBO toolbar on the right side of the main ISYN page.
* You may send in Questions, Nanny/Employer Horror Stories, Rants/Raves, A Day in the Life of a Nanny, Worst Interview Experiences...
* Physical description of caregiver
* Physical description of involved child/children
* Address or venue of observed incident
* Date and time of incident
* Detailed description of what you witnessed
* Description of vehicle, bag, or stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver
To the editors of this blog and all of the awesome readers who always give such great advice, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas today. Enjoy your time with your families and I am looking forward to another exciting year on ISYN@!!!!!
First of all, I don't think this is the appropriate place to be asking your question, you should have sent it in properly. But since you've asked, I have a question for you. Is this your first nanny job? If not, you should already know to always have a contract that outlines all this stuff. It is the #1 nanny rule. "I don't know how to bring it up" is absolutely no excuse. You just say it. Present it as a "new year, new start" sort of thing. If they don't go for it, quit. You are a professional, time to get a professional job. No self-respecting nanny would work for more than a year without any vacation pay or let their family take a vacation and not pay them. Did you even ask them for your paycheck? It isn't YOUR vacation nor was it your choice to not work.
With the start of 2012 maybe time to look for another position.
It might be too late to write up a contract since you have been with them a year already, but you can always try.
I think it is rude for them to go away and not pay you. It's not like your rent or electric bills go on vacation with them, plus don't you need to eat as well?? Sheesh.
Happy New Year OP.
I appreciate those that left advice but I will Publish her Question to the Blog so other Readers can also help.
And yes, MissMannah and Jedd... this wasn't the place.
Hijacking threads is a little pet peeve of mine. ;-)
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