My question is, can I leave ASAP or do I have to wait til I've been there a year? Obviously I would give notice but I don't want to be stuck in a situation like this for another 8 months. Can they sue me for leaving before a year, even if I give notice? I am desperately unhappy. Any help would appreciated.
Not a Good Fit...
My question is, can I leave ASAP or do I have to wait til I've been there a year? Obviously I would give notice but I don't want to be stuck in a situation like this for another 8 months. Can they sue me for leaving before a year, even if I give notice? I am desperately unhappy. Any help would appreciated.
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a good term to consider is " extenuating circumstances"
Of course you have the right to quit. The contract just states the terms of your employment regarding hours/salary/duties etc. It doesn't force you to continue to work for them. As long as you give 1 month's notice, you aren't breaching the contract. If it makes it easier, just lie and say you have decided to go back to school full time.
I don't even know why you're asking this question because you already answered yourself: "It also says both parties agree to give a months notice, unless I am fired" What's the problem?
A Mom, I can't believe you told her to lie to them. Jeez, what are we, 12? OP, you told us you feel you and the family are not a good fit, and you are absolutely entitled to tell the parents that too. Be prepared to get yelled at or immediately fired, but who cares? Sounds like a crappy job anyway.
Stop showing up. That will get you fired. Or tell the parent s/he is abusive to you and the children, and if s/he doesn't stop, you will call family services. That should do it.
I can't imagine giving a month's notice, and then being verbally abused to the nth degree for the entire month.
I'd just get another job and move on. When the s/he abuser finds out and erupts, tell them you are being abusive to them. Just kidding. Quit, seriously, as soon as you have another job.
I don't think she HAS to lie to them but sometimes it just makes for a smoother exit and it's the least likely way to burn a bridge. I have no problem with her being honest, or she can tell them off and leave storm out in a huff. She can also sit on her ass all day and do nothing and collect a paycheck until they fire her. If she doesn't ever need to use them for a reference, any of these suggestions could work too.
MissMannah, you're right. I've been under am extreme amount of stress so I guess I was just having an idiot moment and not reading carefully. I assumed it was saying I was stuck there a year before I was allowed to give notice.
If she is being verbally abusive to you, leave ASAP. That fact alone, if they tried to sue you, they would not get far.
Hey we all have idiot moments, I know I have more than my fair share of them. Keep us updated on the job situation!
Sorry that you did not find a "good fit" OP and that you and the children are being abused. The posters above offered some great advice. Just be prepared when you give your notice. Your working conditions might become even more hellish or you might be fired immediately. I truly hope it does not get worse for you but sadly this is a very common situation when jobs come to an end. Keep us posted!
Thanks to everyone for the kind words! I've begun the job search, if all else fails I'm always welcome back at my previous job. I left to make more money, but have realized I value my sanity and happiness more than an amazing paycheck!
You are a mandated reporter. Please report this parent. You, as an adult, have the ability to leave this abusive situation. The children don't.
I was abused for 8 years as a child because nobody spoke up for me. I had to wait until I was strong enough to physically fight back to finally end it. Please, please, do this for the kids.
It's freaking America. lol. Of course you can quit.
Hi there, if you are still with that family do something. if you have a smartphone with voice recorder tape any further verbal abuse that may occur before you leave and when you do leave go strait to the child protection services and report what is happening to the kids.
And you can leave whenever you want, with or without a notice. But you should get some evidence and report the abusive parent to the authorities.
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