The nanny was pushing 20-month-old Tyler Jones in a stroller when a truck driven by Department of Streets and Sanitation worker Dwight Washington ran her down along with several other pedestrians at the corner of Rush and Cedar.
Anton pushed the stroller away, keeping the little girl out of danger. Her hip and pelvis sustained severe fractures. She can't feel her right foot and has since had eleven surgeries.
Dwight Washington was found to be intoxicated at the time of the crash. Jen and her mother, who hasn't left her side, are hoping to hold him and the city responsible in court.
Jen had taken care of Tyler since birth and the little girl has visited her often at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Jen is devastated to be unable to work or most everything she enjoyed.
The long term impact is substantial. Aside from her medical problems she's facing financial ones as well. She's currently on her parent's insurance policy, which will expire this fall when she turns 26.
I remember this story! I remember when this happened wondering if the family would help her financially, guess I got my answer. I would think they would be helping somewhat with her financial situation.
I knew this was gonna happen. My first thought when I read the first post was that the family was gonna replace her and disappear. Of course they wouldn't help her financially, they didn't even offer her health insurance which is way she is still on her parents at age 25.
I could understand if the nanny was unable to work due to something completely unrelated to her job. Since she was injured in the line of duty it seems like there should be some form of workers comp available. Of course, it is possible the family is helping out financially or that they have set up a fund and that it is not mentioned here. I certainly hope that is the case.
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