The park is First Park. Located on 1 st. and 1st ave. I usually go there week days between 10am-12 noon. The Nanny and child are there when I get there and are still there when we go home. It seems like they must be there for a few hours. The Nanny appears Phillipine. Today she was wearing a striped dress. The toddler is around 2 years old, baby short blond hair, blue eyes, she is on the tall side. Today she was wearing a white dress with a yellow sash and flowers on it. She was barefoot the whole time I was there. In fact she is always barefoot. Which is not safe because the rubber mat gets very hot. The Nanny sits on the bench the entire time texting. She allows this baby to roam the park barefoot while she barely glance up from her cell phone. I hear people asking this baby,"who are you here with?" The baby never responds. What really worries me is that this young child is getting on really high climbing structures sometimes without this woman so much as getting off the bench to make sure she doesn't fall. Other parents, Nanny's (including me) "rescue" this little one. In my opinion this baby/toddler's safety is in jeopardy.
Not to mention that she does not engage or interact with this child in any way. I see other Nannies talking and playing with their charges. All this women does is offer her food if she happens to toddle over to he bench where she has firmly planted herself. This little girl has such a vacant expression on her face all the time as she wanders through the playground. I do not know the child's name or Nanny's name either. In hopes of finding her Mom/Dad I took a picture of the child on my camera phone today. If you think it might be your little girl get back to me. I was contemplating not doing this, but if it were my daughter, I would want to know.
this is an ok nanny sighting. The only thing that I didn't like was how you worded things. Like you are some kind of saving grace to little kids. I don't know it just kind of rubbed me the wrong way. If you don't want anyone to lose their job then you can't turn them in. You can't tell the cops someone just killed someone and then say you don't want them to go to jail. You need to be completely committed to your submissions. If you feel that you need to stick your nose into other people's business then you have to be prepared for any repercussions that may follow.
I agree that this nanny was not attentaive to the child and that she could have gotten hurt or worse kidnapped. So this was good that you witnessed this behavior.
PS : The word is Pilipino
Phoenix - if you're going to correct someone make sure you spell it right, lol. It's Filipino BUT technically since OP is talking about a female, it's Filipina. :)
LOL. you should have seen what I did on another post here too! I am literally running on 2 hours of sleep! THanks for correcting the corrector. LMAO
dear OP - be aware that there are nannies and others who flame the OPs for various reasons on this site
your post was well thought out,well written, and very valued, - the little girl is in danger of everything from a physical fall to kidnapping - let us know what happens and thank you for the submission
Why is the country called the PHILIPPINES....but the people are called "FILIPINO/A"??
Oh never mind.
Anyway, this sighting was tough to read. The child should wear shoes at the playground because you're right, the mats may be too hot and poor little thing may burn her feet. Or she could step on a rusty nail, glass or dirty needle.
I can't wait to see the pics.
UB Mom here - get the picture up. I will go on monday to take a look. Do you know about what time they left? The right thing to do is chat with the nanny a little - get childs name - potentially last name - maybe where they live - plus nanny's name. the more info you can get the better.
ya I agree that the OPs should approach these nannies and act like they want to be friends to get more information out the nanny. Insrtead of approaching the nanny to critisize they should pretned they want to set up play dates or something. This is kind of sneaky but it would help the kid(s) in the long run.
sneaky works! "How old is she?" "SHe is so cute..." get the name. get if she goes to a school or other place in the neighborhood, leave the park with them or walk home with them, get address. done. If it is bad enough for you to notice, it is bad enough to make sure parents know the score.
Ugh! What a horrible nanny! What is it with these nannies who don't give their charges attention and loving care?
UB Mom - who are you, batman? You can't save every probably-mistreated child in new York. I commend you for helping Emma, you did the right thing there. However, that doesn't mean it's your job to seek these people out and interfere in their lives. You're starting to sound pretty creepy.
I totally disagree- not creepy at ALL. Nice, caring, thoughtful. We should all watch out for kids. PERIOD.
So you'd be ok with it if there were someone in your neighborhood following children home whenever they got the chance?
Ps aren't you UB mom? Way to go switching monikers, super classy...
UWS mommy said...
Ladies -- we need to let the mother know. Anyone on the UWS, please make an effort to find her. We can all try. Just casually follow her to see where she lives....[ I will go there tomorrow]......the photo is good enough, and we know the child's name. If it were my child, I'd want someone to do this for me.... there really isn't an option. This is important.
Jul 18, 2011 9:49:00 PM
I'm not sure why I haven't heard back yet but here is the URL if anyone else wants to try looking this up and sending the photo to ISYN:
NannyZen, way to blow it out of proportion and take it out of context. Good going!
The point UBMom is making, and I commend her for being brave enough to do so, is we need to protect these children because their nannies (ya know, those women PAID to do so?) are not protecting them. If her tactic of being "sneaky" or "creepy" works, go for it! I'm sure in the long run, the babies are safe, the nannies are out of work like they should be and the parents are grateful. Isn't that what matters? She's a concerned momma, not a stalker, no matter what spin you put on her intentions.
UB Mom here, I didn't change my scren name (I am not UWS mom - only posted as UB Mom and Anon) - just not a regular poster here so didn't do it right. And from the tone, I don't think I will post here any longer. No, I am not batman, just a concerned person who doesn't mind taking time to try to help other parents. I thought this was a place to make that happen - guess not. I will continue to help, I will just do so silently. ciao.
UB Mom:
I think the majority of regulars on isyn agree with you and admire your efforts. Every site attracts some snarkys, it is the nature of the Internet Please ignore them and carry on.
Nanny Zen - if making sure the parents see the posting on here isn't the point of this website, what is the point?
It is one thing to take an opportunity to help a child. It is quite another to make it your personal vendetta to track down every nanny you disapprove of and inform their employers of something that someone saw. That bothers me. I guess I just don't approve of vigilanteism like that. I didn't think that was what this site was about. If I witnessed this nanny's behavior, I would probably make an effort to contact the parents. However, I wouldn't expect a stranger to see this post and stalk the nanny until the parents were found... There IS a distinction there!
Um, I am UWS Mommy, and NOT UB. No switching of names. BUT, I think what UB did was/is GREAT. Why are you ladies being nasty?? Of COURSE we should all help other mothers, and, even more importantly-- children!! I hate the nasty comments. And I wish we did have batman!! Instead, we should help each other out.
Nanny Zen - and if it were your child being mistreated by a nanny to the point that someone noticed and posted it on here? You wouldn't want someone to find you and let you know? Blissful ignorance?
UB mom - your idea is very good - i will be batman - cape ready! A little activism can save a life of a child.
any potential OP or poster - do not listen to the snarks - they may either have something to hide or possibly low self esteem
UB Mom,
Trust me when I say I am not the only one that applauds your efforts here. I know you meant well and am very grateful for all you have done.
Please don't stop posting...
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