I have been w/my current family for 14 months. The parents and I get along great, and we even follow each other on Twitter. I love their daughter w/all of my heart, she is the light of my life...the apple of my eye. Period. The pay is decent and they do not take advantage of me as some of my previous employers have done in the past. Sounds perfect, right?
Problem number one: When the father advertised on Care.com, he stated the pay was $15/Hr. My profile said at the time I charged $10/Hr, yet when I interviewed they stated they were offering $15. Well after I was hired, they told me they would be paying me $10 since that is what my profile said. I have had a few families pay me what they advertised, even though I advertised a lesser rate. For example, one woman said she paid her prior nannies $17/Hr and she would pay me what she paid her..regardless of what I advertised. Well, one day I was outside and spoke w/a nanny across the street. She told me that she was asked to be their nanny about 14 months ago (before they went on Care.com and found me) and she had to decline because of time conflicts. Well nosy me asked how much they offered to pay her and she stated $15/Hr!! My question here is..do I have a right to be angry? If a family advertises a certain rate, yet the nanny advertises another, then which rate should take precedence?
Also, they give me set hours each week. For instance, I am supposed to work Mon-Thu from 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, yet lately the Father has been coming home around 4ish or sometimes one of the child's grandparents will come for a visit around the same time, enabling me to leave earlier than expected. Normally, I do not care, however when I get paid, my pay is docked the time I was let off early due to the Father or Grandparent coming over. Yet, I need to reserve this time frame for this family and cannot make any commitments to anyone else. Is this fair? They do give me notice, but it usually is via e-mail the night before. And lately the Father has taken off an extra day and I am not paid for it. For instance, he took off the Friday prior to Memorial Day so he could have a four-day weekend. They gave me two days notice, but I was never compensated for the Friday. Should I have been?
I would really like your advice on this guys! Thank you in advance for reading this.
You've been with this family for over a year, is there any point to being angry about something you let happen that long ago?
You advertised a rate and due to mishandling on your part, you received that rate even though you could have very easily received the higher rate the parents were willing to pay by simply having the backbone to enforce it at the time.
Unless you are now willing to give an ultimatum, that ship has sailed. To answer your question, yes, you have "a right" to be angry, but make sure you're angry at the right person -- yourself.
As far as the pay being docked, if you don't have that scenario spelled out in your employment contract, amend the contract to protect yourself. But I'm willing to bet you don't have a contract.
If you've been with them for a year, it's time to ask for a review and raise. At that time, you need to establish the need for a work agreement, and in that you can address the issue of $XXX for UP TO X hours a week, and $x per hour for overtime. That eliminates the pay docking.
As for the pay you are getting, sure, they jerked you around, but you accepted it. All you can do now is state why you deserve a raise.
Of course, the other option is to look for a new job and establish your rate of pay and not deviate from it.
Hun, you let them screw you and take advantage. Since you been there for 14 months the time has come and gone. Your only options are to tell them you need a contract indicating you are paid for your schedule hours no matter what and/ or find a new job depending on their response. Sounds like you have a habit of letting ppl take advantage and unfornuatly unless you can stand up for yourself it will always happen.
On a side note, I've notice families that use care.com tend to be scummy and don't offer much of anything. All the ppl I've spoken to from that site believe since one nanny will take a lower wage then they can offer it to everyone. I've never accepted a nanny position from that website or babysitting gigs.
Do you have a right to be angry? Heck no, you have learned a lesson here and that is to be as shrewd as these parents are. Why were you dumb enough to put a low rate in your profile in the first place? I just checked it and the available range is between $5 and $50+. You low-balled yourself.
As for getting docked for hours not worked, that has to be something specifically addressed in your contract. It is generally accepted that if the nanny is scheduled to work a certain number of hours, she is paid for those hours unless she calls out. Since you did not ask for this in the beginning, you probably won't be able to get it now if you ask for it. You said you love the job so I'm guessing you want to stay so your best bet is to just ask for a raise and maybe more vacation time.
I am curious to hear what other nannies think about the issue of working less hours than scheduled to work as well.
I am currently in a temp position and never set up a contract or anything since it is so short-term--however the parents have always paid me for 45 hours a week even when there is a holiday or if the baby is sick for several days, etc. I have really appreciated this...but am not sure whether or not I should EXPECT this from other families? What do you think?
My friend that also is a nanny has a 45 hour per week job where she is often asked to come in early or leave a little late and is paid her set rate per week regardles..but when the family goes out of town or doesn't need her on a certain day, they will ask her to 'make up' the hours on other days. Is that fair/normal?
I am paid for 30 hours a week no matter how many hours I work (it is never over 30 though). Most of the time, I only work about 25 hours a week, but that is because the parents don't need me anymore than that so I am still paid for 30 hours. Sometimes I'll work extra on a weekend night so they can go out and I get paid extra for those hours. I would think that what your bosses are doing (docking you for when they come home early) is not the norm.
If they advertised that the pay for the position was $15/hr, they should have offered you $15/hr and you should not have accepted the position for $10/hr.
If your agreed upon hours are as you describe, they *should* pay you for those hours even if you are let off early through THEIR scheduling changes.
Are you on the books and under contract? If not, you're screwed.
What if the parent asks in advance--for example, they ask if instead of working morning to evening; just coming in late and staying late? Or if they are going out of town and ask you to 'make up' the hours with a couple late nights in a couple weeks to make up for the days you are off?
You should have said something the first time you were paid $10 an hour instead of $15, you have let it go on too long. It would be appropriate to ask for a raise now but it still probably won't be $15 an hour. I find it kind of shady of them to tell you $15 in the interview and then pay you $10 because of your profile but honestly you should have spoken up before.
Now for the coming home early etc. I would speak with them on this. Do you have a contract? If you don't, make sure you get one now. You have bills to pay and you do have to set aside those times. They should be paying you for those times regardless but they may not know these things so you are going to have to speak up. This is why it is really important to have a contract to say you are paid for the hours whether they use you or not.
I understand the concept of charging a lower rate at the beginning...if you are in dire need of a job, then you probably do this to get a leg up from the other nannies who are interviewing. However, it can backfire (as seen here) when you end up making much less and resenting it. I agree with the other posters, you are being used and you deserve to be used. I am a parent and even if I advertised $20/Hr and found a nanny who would work for half of that, I would take the sweet deal in a heartbeat. If a nanny is going to let me take full advantage of her, then I am going to. I am not stupid. The nanny is. Not you personally OP, btw. But what your family is doing to you is what ALL families who employ nannies would do. We all want to lowball our nannies...childcare is expensive and if we can get a good nanny for a cheap rate, then we feel like we've struck gold in them thar hills. This is what everyone is saying..I am just putting it more honestly for you OP.
Yes, Care.com has a lot of cheap parents. Sittercity is much better. I personally try CL since there are no membership fees like Care and sittercity.
OP, leave and get a new job ASAP. This family only hired you based on your low rate and could care less about your bills or even your happiness. In your next position, state upfront what you are worth and stick to your guns Man.
I had similar issues with my last family. It is completely unfair that you are not being paid for time you had to reserve. I would speak with them and explain that if your hours will be cut you require "X" hours notice. I would suggest at least 72 hrs I usually say to book additional on call work. That way they understand that you have a life and you need the money. As far as the 10/hr go I think perhaps that is more of a live and learn situation of get it in writing before you except the position. Never assume. Good luck though sounds like an overall good job.
What I want to advise- Since they said they are paying you $10 because that is "your rate," simply inform them you are raising your rates to $15 and let them take it or leave it.
However, that's really not realistic, so I will go with the other posters and say you need to sit down for a review in which you get a contract and ask for a raise. Present it as an opportunity for both parties to discuss what is working/what could be improved, and be prepared to state everything you love about the job before you ask for these changes. Good luck
Working less hours:
If the nanny, or more likely a babysitter is booked as needed, and parents come home early, or cancel, she only gets paid for the hours she works. If she is a nanny with a set schedule she should be paid for those hours even if they are not all used. If she works more than those set hours, she should be paid for the additional hours..
Making up hours:
I was asked to do this in my first job. I think it seems fair to some employers because in many jobs it would be. As a nanny however, I was working 50 hour weeks with 3 young (but heavy) children, running around the playground, lifting in and out of swings, highchairs, cribs etc. I was physically tired at the end of the day/week and having to work additional hours on top of my regular week to make up time without even earning any extra money was hard, and didn't seem fair since they chose not to use the time I reserved for them. I explained my view to MB and she understood and said she was glad I spoke up.
OP, you need to sit down for a talk with your employers. They may not even realize that you have these issues.
Mrs. Billy,
"If a nanny is going to let me take full advantage of her, then I am going to. ......... what your family is doing to you is what ALL families who employ nannies would do. We all want to lowball our nannies"
Wow, where do you live? I want to be sure never to look for a job there! Nanny poachers in my playground try to lure us by offering more $ and perks. :<)
I am not sure what you can do about your rate. However you need to let your employers know that you need to be paid a minimum number of hours each week, whether they are actually worked or not. If they do not understand that you need the money, then maybe they are not just as great as you think they are. As an employer, I would never dock the pay of a trusted babysitter because of a grandparent visit.
@Manhattan Nanny:
I was just paraphrasing what the other posters were saying. They all said the same thing...just in different lingo. Why did you choose to single out my statement? What about the other statements prior that said the same thing I did...only in different wording? Sheesh...
OP made her own bed..now she just needs to lay down in it. Instead she is choosing not to.
I would take off your rate on your profile. I don't advertise my salary when looking for another job. i wait to see what they offer. That is really stupid of you and you have no one to blame but yourself for not being paid very much. instead of saying $10 hr you say competitive.
Phoenix...on childcare websites such as Care.com, they won't let you list competitive at all. You must list a monetary amount if you want a profile.
So..look who's stupid.
ok well for the love of all that is holy don't put $10! Use at least $15 since that is what people have been offering. It makes one look like a low life or a bad worker if you only put $10. Like a bad nanny or something.
Or put $0 so that way they have to call on the rate
It won't allow you to put $0 either.
Just tried it.
I disagree that ten dollars an hour will make you look like a bad nanny Phoenix. You don't know what area Mrs. billy lamar lives in so that rate may not be so bad. It depends on where you live at. Now if someone were to advertise at five dollars pr hr that would look like they were really desperate for a job. :(
There has to be a way to get around it. Can you leave it blank?
Make it $0.01. I am trying to figure out a way to make it so people know that's not the real number and that they would have to call you. Then again I don't want you to lose business over it
Care let's you put a range down...I have mine as 15-20 an hour...I would say only put what you are willing to accept!!
Also you can't call up verizon or your landlord and tell them you are missing a portion of your payment...why would you just accept that you won't get paid if they call you off? Speak up!! Even in most daycares you pay if you attend or not and a nanny is a whole lot more of a luxury than a daycare!! I don't agree with the whole 72 hour notice thing..where are u supposed to get temp jobs from?
I think not a lot to do about the rate of $10/hr except, now that you have been there a year, ask for a raise (but you probably won't get a 50% raise to the $15 number).
As for leaving early, I often tell my nanny she should go home early if I am home earlier but we do not dock her pay for that. I think that is an easy thing to clarify.
Phoenix, unfortunately Care.com won't let you write in any amounts, you have to click on a range. I put I will work for $5-$50+, which is the very lowest they have listed and they very highest. Like you said, people should figure out that's not the real number and be prepared to negotiate in the interview...and that is what always happens.
The other day, I was emailing with a mom who listed she would pay between $5-$10 (that's average here) but then she said she wanted to pay $200 for a 50-hour workweek and would I still be interested? I said "No, I am not interested in working for $4 per hour." (verbatim! I was not nice) And she had the balls to blame her cheapness on Care.com because they wouldn't let her put less than $5!
I actually emailed Care.com about that $5 amount because it's less than minimum wage, and it's illegal to employ anyone on a regular basis for less than minimum wage. MissMannah... I wish you had told that to the mom wanting to pay $200/50 hrs.
Reality is, some people cannot afford a nanny. If they can't, they need to check out their local daycare prices. If they want the convenience/luxury of one-on-one care and not having to take their child out every morning, they need to be able to pay a fair wage.
Honey, you have no idea how many parents I've lectured about that. It gets exhausting after awhile. What is really annoying is the ones who want a nanny because they don't want to pay the "outrageous" daycare prices. Clueless.
Plus, here in Backwoods, USA they don't really give a rip about fair wages. I just got a job (yay!) and am thrilled to death that I was able to talk them up to $400 for 50 hours.
@Phoenix: That was harsh of you to say that OP is "stupid" because she didn't list competitive on Care. Then others stated you cannot put in competitive, nor 0 or decline to state.
Who's the stupid one?????????????
I am quite aware. If you've read my other comments I've already understood that you can't do that and was trying to offer alternatives. So duh, read. Also I didn't call her stupid. I said it was stupid, smart people do stupid things too.
I did read your subsequent comments where you offered advice. I am only referring to your initial comment where you said it was stupid of OP and that she only has herself to blame. WTF?? Why was it stupid of her if she has to put in a monetary amount? Like how is it her own fault??
Um. fist of all. i don't know who posted as using my name. This last post wasn't me.
All those who know me know that isn't my style to just out right apologize like that and then move on. I will argue my point even if I am on loosing ground. So who ever decided to make me look like a nice person, that really pissed me off
I hate posers. Cowards!
Or perhaps you had a change of heart ??
I removed the comment... sorry I did not catch it sooner.
NO!!!!! she said Thanks you MPP!
That wasn't me either! This is like a mind game.
I do say Thank you, really. But why on Earth would this person being doing this. Unless I really got under their skin and they think this is funny. It's just stupid.
Thank you MPP for deleting the other one though.
@Phoenix: If you are truly worried that someone is stealing your thunder, try opening up a google account with your moniker. Problem solved.
Someone was using my identity a little while ago. Personally, I was flattered but I opened up a google account just to be safe.
Good Luck.
i should think about doing that. I know that I am just so sexy and wonderful that everyone wants to be me. Oh, how I should have expected it, *jk* LOL
thanks JMTCJN
Phoenix..since you are truly a hottie then please don't forget to put up a pic of yourself in your profile so we can all see for ourselves...wink wink. ;)
No worries. I will just keep deleting the fake one so they are wasting their time.
Yes, please do so MPP. Hopefully this lame troll or trolless will find another damn hobby than impersonating my greatness.
Phoenix...it only takes a sec to get a google account. I would do that. Don't worry, you don't have to give out any personal info.
I don't know how to get a google account. I know that it will be easy once I get there. How does one do that?
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