Where: Starbucks on Central Avenue in Scarsdale
When: Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Who: Obese black nanny with orange, burnt looking hair wearing cotton track pants with three red stripes and white tennis shoes that were all white. Boy of about 4(?) with curly hair. His name might have been Logan or Keegan. (I heard one thing, my friend heard the other). The boy was wearing a green long sleeved shirt with a tractor on it, shorts and sandals. The boy urinated in his pants either while the nanny was at Starbucks or before. There is a bathroom there. She told the boy there was no point in going to the bathroom "now" and he needed to sit still because she needed a cup of coffee to "deal with you all day". She looked to us for a sympathetic nod. I just looked at her. As if that was not enough, she was reading a book and sipping her drink. She kept telling the boy to "shhhhh and drink your water". We sat there for thirty minutes and she was still there when we left!
* The book she was reading was a hardback called "Schemes and Dreams".
That's awful! You should expect occasional accidents and even if you don't have a change of clothes on you, at least take the kid to the bathroom because he might not be done yet. I feel so sorry for that poor boy, I bet he was humiliated.
This is truly a legitimate "bad nanny sighting" since the poor boy was made to sit in his wet, urine soaked clothes while his nanny read and enjoyed a coffee. I pray his parents or someone who knows them will read this post and the nanny will be out of a job.
I am a good nanny and it angers me when other nannies treat their charges so bad. Shoot....I deserve to be working more than they do.
What could she do for him in the bathroom if she didnt have a change of clothes? Should a 4 year old be having accidents?
I LOVE this web site. Every time a 'bad nanny' sighting is submitted somebody comes on and defends the nanny-- SERIOUSLY MARNEY??? What could she have done?? Um, LEFT and TAKEN HIM HOME? Yeah, yeah, I get it, there is probably a MOM or two out there that would have treated her own kid this way....so this isn't REALLY a bad nanny sighting--just like the TJ Maxx incident 2 submissions below this one. There are also parents who beat their kids to within an inch of their life so therefore there is nothing wrong with a nanny smacking a charge here and there.
@Marney: It is part of the Nanny's responsibility to keep a child comfortable and this Nanny was not doing that. She should have taken him into the restroom and let him "finish" peeing if need be. Then she should have gotten some paper towels and dried him off as best as she could. Finally, she should have just taken him home. Sure a four-yr old should not be peeing his pants, I agree...however maybe he has a medical condition or perhaps this Nanny wouldn't let him use the bathroom and he finally burst!
I admit the T.J. Maxx sighting was a little off, but this one truly is a bad nanny story.
Poor little boy. I bet he was embarrassed and this nanny was just awful.
Poor kid, and yes THIS is a legitimate nanny sighting.
I never ever ever ever punish kids for potty accidents and I carry clothes with me, heck right now one of my charges is 5 and a half and I still have an extra change of clothes in my car for anything that could come up.
Funny enough I just realized I don't have an outfit for the little one but since he still wears a diaper I could always just strip him down if need be :)
That poor kid. My little ones have had accidents before, without a change of clothes with me I'd never let them sit in it!! The least she could've done was take him into the bathroom and wash him off! Urine has acid in it! Take off the wet clothes and wrap your jacket around his bottom half or ask for a large trash bag that you can use. You won't believe this but in my car is a complete clothing change for my little ones, right down to the sneakers! I also have a blow up potty, dirty diaper/pull ups bags and wipes. This is a job, you need the necessary tools to do it properly! Bad Nanny, Very Bad Nanny!
Blow up potty, it has saved me many headaches!
When my little charge was mad at me, she would look me in the eye and say, "I'm gonna peepee my pants!" And she would....on PURPOSE! I still wouldn't give in to her, and wouldn't let her change her pants for 15 minutes. Pee will NOT harm them. Babies pee in cloth diapers all the time, and it touches their skin! My charge did this 4x until she really realized that I wasn't a wimp.
That being said, it's a COMPLETELY different thing to let them sit in pee undies in a public place on a public chair!! Big NO NO! That Nanny should have cleaned things up and left right away. I would have calmly said something like, "Boys who pee in their pants on purpose don't get to have playdates for a week, and now we are going home." Or don't get puzzle time, or candy, or park time, etc......something along those lines. I understand that the kid might have pee'd as revenge on the Nanny for not letting him have his way, but there are some things that are not publicly appropriate! Gross!
World's best nanny, seems like you do deserve your moniker!
Not at all. I was impressed by the full change of clothes and the inflatable potty. You sound really prepared.
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