Your nanny has very short white/blonde hair that's often a little disheveled looking. She often wears sweat pants and a red and black plaid flannel jacket. My guess is she is in her early 30s or possibly late 20s. I overheard her introduce herself as the nanny once, so she's definitely not the mom.
You have two children (at least) I've only ever seen her with your adorable baby boy, approximately 9 months old, but she's there for pickup and dropoff on the K-2 side of the building each day, so there's at least one more child.
I have seen this situation a handful of times with the baby. He is often quite under dressed for the weather. This morning, however, it was 33 degrees at drop off. The baby was dressed in a pair of pants and warm up type jacket (black and red) and nothing else. Bare feet, no hat, and no regular/winter jacket. The nanny also had no blanket or anything else to keep him warm. I watched as she stood out on the playground for 10 minutes holding him as his little toes, hands and face froze. I was dressed in jeans and a jacket and was cold, I can't imagine how he felt.
Poor baby! Even if you're in a super-rushed-hurry, you have time to grab a blanket! And why did they have to stay there for 10 minutes? I sometimes drop off and pick up my charges, and pretty much all of the parents/nannies (and hence the children) stay in their cars until right before the doors open, especially in cold weather. Of course this may not hurt him in the long run, but there is just no need for him to be so cold!
Not defending the nanny but you may not know the whole story
My boss picks out the baby's clothes and I dress him. I have no say in what he wears and 9 times out of 10 he isn't dressed for the weather.
His older sister dresses herself though mom knows and allows the clothes she picks out (she is dressed before mom leaves in the morning) She wears sun dresses and flip flops even in the dead of winter. There have been times that I've told the oldest that it's cold outside and she needs to wear pants and a long sleeve shirt and mom hears me and then goes up stairs and picks out a dress for her daughter that is appropriate for a hot summer day.
Today the baby was wearing a thin long sleeved shirt (thin enough that it was sorta see through) and shorts with crocs. Sister was wearing a spaghetti strapped dress that hit right above the knee and flip flops. It was in the 40s when I got to work today
TC, that is a valid point. It definitely could be the parents doing the dressing in this scenario. Although if I were the nanny, I would at least bring a blanket along if that were the case.
Some people are more hot-natured, I guess you would call it, and so they may not realize that the kids in their care (whether their own or not) need more protection from the elements than they do. I used to work for a woman who was very cold-natured, and would always overdress the baby. However, I think the caregiver is responsible for the comfort of the baby. Unless the mother specifically says not to change the clothes, I think it is fine to adjust as necessary.
Rocket scientist you're right about the blanket that is something I did last year and will do again this year.
You can't always change the clothes. I've done that in the past and mom makes snide comments even after I have explained that it was too hot/cold for the clothes the kids were wearing.
Oh, I totally get that, TC. If the parents tell you not to dress their children, you're kind of stuck. And sometimes they "tell" you without really telling you. I hope your MB is nice in other respects!
oh goodness! TC, I do understand what you are saying but even if boss picks out clothes that is not an excuse for no socks etc. For a baby I think it would be a nanny's job to put socks, shoes, jacket and hat on. The least she could have done is grab a blanket!
And goodness TC, I cannot believe the mom lets them go out like that! I wonder if they are all hot all the time? I do know that some people are like that :)
No they keep the house on around 75, they aren't hot natured or cold natured.....they are just dumb
The sock issue where I work is socks. It does not matter what the kids wear she doesnt put socks on them! The baby now walks so he wear cute little tennis shoes WITHOUT SOCKS and they FREAKIN STINK. The oldest wears shoes all the time that need either socks or tights and she doesn't wear them, I have never in my life seen this. Each kid has a couple of pairs of socks but that's for when we go to an indoor play area that requires socks. For the life of me I can't figure out why she doesn't like socks.
Dear Anonymous,
Get a moniker and quit OP bashing. If you don't like the post, move on.
Wow, I live not far from here and it was COLD this morning. Poor baby with bare feet out in that.
I agree TC, it might be the parents dressing the baby, but the nanny should make sure he's covered somehow if he's outside in 33 degree weather.
I've almost never have dressed my charges with what has been left out. I guess that could get some in trouble though. Still, ten minutes? A possible oops exposure for a minute I'd excuse, but I don't think I would ten.
I would at least grab a blanket...if the parent specifically told me to only dress the child in such and such I would say "Okay" and then say since it is so cold outside, I will probably throw on a cap,socks and a blanket.I would hope the mother has no problem with it, but if she objected..then I would think she was just nuts and do it anyway. The child's needs are always the #1 priority here. I don't think it would be a dealbreaker..something they would fire me over.
My charge is allways properly dressed. If I would have a problem with the way the mom dresses the baby, there is an idea how to change the clothes without getting in trouble.
Babies spit up and make big messes. You have to change their outfit after that happens. What do you do in a situation like that? Did the mom put out a second outfit for the baby to wear? Probably not. So, just let the baby make a little mess and change it.
NOTHING is more important than the baby's health.
Observer, haha I'm the same. If I think a parent has used bad judgment on something like dressing for the weather, I'll change an outfit. My charge over the summer had a uniform for summer school and his mother wanted me to put him in the uniform slacks and heavy socks and shoes. (shorts and sandals were ok-ed by the school) She also wanted me to put him in an undershirt! And we live in Oklahoma! I also think the only time their A/C was ever turned on was when I was in their house. Some parents are just weird.
Why isn't this a plain and simple COMMON SENSE issue? Regardless of what the parents picked out, if the kid is in a tank top and shorts and it starts snowing, the COMMON SENSE says change the kid's clothes! GEEZ! How would any parent get upset by protecting their children's health from the weather????
I am a nanny and I always state upfront to my families that first and foremost the child's health, safety and welfare is always my number one priority...NO EXCEPTIONS!!! I have never had a parent disagree with me on it either.
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