This woman walked out of Old Navy at the Dadeland Mall, left a baby in the stroller next to the parking lot and a toddler with the stroller. The Nanny (maybe even the mom) left them both, walked about 15 steps to throw something away and the toddler pushed the baby into the parking lot and almost made it across two lanes.
If cars were going by, both kids would have been injured or killed.
I haven't ever seen anything so irresponsible.
Now that is scary! Things like this are why I am super paranoid about children and parking lots. Thank God that they were not injured.
Holy crap that is scary!
not that I am excusing the behavior, but sometimes people just don't think that they are doing anything wrong or stupid or they are just not thinking. They do not do things like this on purpose to harm anyone.
The nanny's job is to ALWAYS be thinking of their charges safety. She was in a parking lot for goodness sakes! Both of those children could have been killed. There is no excuse for this. None at all.
j.d.c.f.b, um, but it DOES sound like you are excusing her behavior. Not meaning to do it on purpose?! The nanny NEEDS to make it her purpose to keep a watchful eye on those kid the whole time they are in her care, especially in a parking lot. What is up with this blog lately? Too many people making excuses for bad behavior.
Thank you for jumping all over me because I introduced a different opinion. Parents do stuff like this to because too, but there doesn't seem to be a tattle tale blog for that stuff. I thought the point of blogs and comment threads was to share opinions, but oh so sorry, I was wrong. Since I don't appear to agree with the rest of the lemmings, I will just go away.
Oh my goodness. You cannot leave a toddler alone ANYwhere, especially moving vehicles.
I'm the total opposite in a parking lot. I hold on to my charges with a death grip and don't let go until we are a few feet on the sidewalk.
j.d.c.f.b, there are a lot of strong opinions on this blog, why leave? Why not count yours among them, whether others agree with you or not? That's how discussions become lively! There is no right or wrong.
I do agree that people here did jump on JDCFB's case, it did seem like she was excusing the behavior but I think what she meant is that people make mistakes...this was a freak mistake and this lady is lucky that nothing happened to these children.
JDCFB, when you post something that is the obvious opposite opinion of most expect some controversy
now about the sighting...I do believe this was irresponsible whether it was the parent's or the nanny's. I think it would be even MORE irresponsible if it were the parent, because hell, its their kid, a nanny should not be expected to be above the parents morally speaking.
whoever this lady was, nanny, aunt, parent, etc...she was not thinking about the kid's safety at all.
close call, yes. But I have had close calls with my children. I don't like this kind of tattling that implies that less than super-human perfection will not be accepted.
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