Nanny/AuPair? is most likely early to late 20's. Sandy blonde/brown hair, medium build, 5'8" or so. Wears tight clothing and Ugg type boots. European accent.
Little girl is very blonde, about 3 years old.
Music class started in early October and this Nanny/Au Pair comes late every week- about 10-20 minutes. She is constantly texting throughout the class.Does not pay much attention to the little girl, rarely does she really interact or participate in the class- which is supposed to be an adult/child class where everyone sings and does the motions for each song.
When class is over she bolts out of there (actually she is ready with her purse, even before the last song is over.) Not sure if she has to drop/off, pick up other children- so that may be the reason she is late to class, rushes out the minute the class is done. However, her constant texting and lack of interest and inter-action with the little girl bothers me. The few times I’ve seen her interact with the little girl- it seems likes it’s a huge effort for her and its clear to see she really does not enjoy being there, so I wanted to post about it.
Hope parents see this. Most classes like that have an emergency contact session- did they list parents or someone that knows parents- may want to speak with the parents.
I don't understand that, I attend a Gymboree class with my charge and we usually get there a couple of min early and then I do interact with him because that's what you're supposed to do, plus when we are singing songs I love to hear him laugh :)
There is a parent in the gymboree class that is just like this one, she comes in about 20 min late to a 45 min class and then spends the time texting on her phone not paying attention to her kid.
Why bother even showing up if you aren't going to participate?
Why don't you tell something to the teacher?
Sad. I hate to see nannies who don't even seem to care. If she can't even put on an act during the class, what is she like at home with the little girl?
Sadly I see this all the time from both nannies AND parents.
I understand the nanny is not intrested in the music class and not saying it's okay and not how I would act however the child is in no real grave danger here. And you don't know the whole story or you may never know she may be very good when at the park or at home.
ABC, I understand what you're saying, however, as a nanny, it doesn't matter if you're interested in music class or not, you participate because it's your job.
music could be one way to unite and form a community
I agree with you Chi Nanny...I wonder how the nanny behaves when in the home environment.
I am a nanny who just LOVES taking my charge to these interactive music classes. It brings me such joy to see him participate, dance, play instruments and just sing along at these classes. It is interesting how he reacts differently from week to week as he is changing so much developmentally (he is almost 2!!) But again, I love my profession and it seems not everyone does. There are some nannies (hopefully far and few between) who see nanny work as "easy money" and view their charges as "little cash cows." They charge $15 tax free dollars an hour, yet do not engage with the child. This is a shame and I hope the parents read this and fire her ASAP.
Thank you for the sighting!~
Theres a difference between a job and a profession a job is where you go to get paid a profession is when you have passion for what your doing!! The babysitter is probably getting paid little and resents her job therefore she doesn't care. I am a nanny with a passion for children and love what I do and put forth the effort. This kind of sighting gives us real nannies a bad name.
The Music Together program emphasizes the importance of the adults participation. If there is even one nanny or mom who is apathetic, it brings the whole class down. Texting during the class is incredibly rude. This nanny isn't doing her job in the class, and I doubt she has any more interest or enthusiasm for her job outside the class. She needs a different kind of job, and the little girl deserves a better nanny.
That sounds pretty typical unfortunately. I have been a nanny for a couple of years now and really love my job (just started a new one, still keep in touch with the children I used to care for and love them very much, adore the new little guy I have now) and am always being complimented on how wonderful I am with the children and what a breath of fresh air I am because I clearly love them and devote my attention to them...I love Gymboree, its probably as much fun for me as it is for the children and I cannot stand seeing moms/nannies ignoring the children like that. It annoys me, if it's the mother, I understand that you need some "me time" but if you take your child to the park for an hour and ignore them the entire time...I personally just don't get why you had that child in the first place. The parents I have worked for/work for now truly love spending time with their little guys and wouldn't waste a second let alone the amount of time some of these moms do...and as for the nannies who ignore their charges, shame on them and I'm glad this site is here. Saw it at the park today and it really makes me angry. They give the rest of us a bad name!
this could easily be the mother.
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