Mt Washington, (Baltimore), MD
Received Sunday, July 25, 2010
I am a nanny for a family in Mt. Washington, a neighborhood of Baltimore City. I attend the Mt. Washington Swim Club with my charges 5 days a week. What I see everyday astounds me. I never see a single nanny or babysitter in the pool with the children. I get comments all the time about how great it is a I play in the pool with the kids instead of sitting on the sidelines texting like all the other babysitters. Yesterday was a specific incident that annoyed me alot was a 6 or 7 yr old African american child by the name of Moses. This child is rough with other kids and has on several occasions climbed on my back and hit me. I see this child at the pool several days a week with no babysitter in sight. Yesterday he was using profanities and called me a Mother F***er and used other not so good words in front of lots of other children. Another little boy said his babysitter was babysitting him, and I asked him where she was and he pointed up the hill and told me she was sleeping. She was laying on her stomach with her head facing away from the pool. She was nowhere near the pool. First of all, she needs to keep this kid under control, and she needs to keep an eye and make sure he is safe, he is too young to be in the pool alone. Another child went up the hill and told the babysitter what this child was saying and she finally got up put a cover up on and she took the boys and left. This babysitter was wearing a yellow bikini with a red cover up she was young, probably 17-20ish and blonde, and thin. This is not the only problem babysitter at this pool, I see plenty of babysitters just playing on their phones, the other day I witnessed one babysitter sit and text for a long time, while her charge played in the pool, she looked at the clock, got in the pool and 5 mins later the mom showed up, so it appeared she played in the pool. If your babysitter takes your kids to this pool (or any pool) please make surprise visits and see what your babysitter is really doing.
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Did you complain to the swim club management about the boy's behavior? I don't know of any swim club that would allow this sort of behavior to continue.
As for being in the pool with my charges, I go in with them and play a bit, dunking games and horsey and the like but I don't stay in with them constantly. I am paid to provide care and guidence not be their playmate. In my opinion, it's not healthy for a babysitter or nanny to be playing with their charges in a setting where the kids should be interacting with their peers. Of coure, I am talking about older children who can swim well. Toddlers and children who can't swim well need constant, close supervision. And of course, I don't take my eyes off my charges while they are in the water but play with them constantly all 4 or 5 hours that we are at the pool? No way! That's their time to be with their peers.
I saw your posting on DCUM, also and you recieved plenty of feedback that you didn't enjoy.
I know exactly who you're referring to and I also witnessed what happened. In short, you are a liar. Why didn't you post this in the Mt Washington listserv?
I think we both know the answer...
how come my post was deleted????
wow whats going on??
Bmore, is this what you're talking about?
Why would OP make this up?
1. i am confused by what is happening here?
2. i don't always swim with my kids. they don't want the boring old nanny (i'm only 21 but they think i was born in the 'olden days') joining them when they could be playing with kids from school. as long as i am watching them and making sure they are behaving and safe i see nothing wrong with sitting on the sidelines
i think shes refering to those are not even watching them and making sure their safe.
I was going to leave a comment...but first I was this a scam post? If so, how immature.
Bmore nanny you don't make any sense. I read that posting on DCUM (if it is the right one that twinnanny posted & considering it is the only pool related post it probably is) and basically people either 1. agree with the nanny or 2. say it is the lifeguards job to watch the children (but most agree with the nanny).
I agree with both. The nanny should be watching the child like she is paid to do and if a child is being that disruptive the lifeguard should step in, if there is one.
I don't see anything where the OP would be lying, unless you were there as you claim. But who knows, you could be that nanny. So if you could shed more light for the rest of us??
I don't always swim with my charges. When their friends are there, they would rather play with them. I do however, sit in a lounge chair near the pool and keep a constant eye on them. I would want to know if my nanny were falling asleep at the pool, or not properly supervising my children. If one of my charges was misbehaving, I'd take care of it before the lifeguard ever had to step in.
I take my charge to the Mt Washington swim club several times a week along with most nannies in the area.
I will say this... one particular nanny (who I strongly suspect to be OP) got into an altercation with another girl- the one in the yellow bikini, etc. It was obvious that these girls already knew each other- the argument had something to do with 'hooking up with Kara's boyfriend'. Before things got out of hand Moses' nanny approached a lifeguard about the situation. From what I understand OP left or was kicked out (not sure which one) and the whole way out (with her poor charge in tow!) she screamed- "Karma's a b*tch".
I assume posting this BS everywhere is her version of karma. Anyhow, there were plenty of moms/nannies/babysitters present who got the full story and I made sure to post it on the Mt Washington won't be employed for much longer, OP
So OP which is worse a few nannies who aren't playing in the pool with their charges or you yelling profanities in front of a group full of confused children?
OP here, This is not the situation that I am refering to, I wasnt even around for that, I dont even personally know the childs babysitter which is why I didnt even go talk to her. But I hope the person you are talking about does lose their job, they shouldnt be working with children.
bmorenanny, I wouldn't go around assuming that this poster was the person who got into a fight with Moses nanny and the OP said it wasn't her. Now, she could be lying but she did say she hopes that nanny gets fired as well. So who knows? It is a she said/she said type thing.
Whatever the case I think parents should try to drop in on their nannies during their lunch breaks and then would see what their nannies were actually doing.
OP here, I was at the pool yesterday, and this babysitter was their again. And again she was at the top of the hill most of the time looking at her phone. She was at least faced in the direction of the pool. but she needs to be near the pool. I am disgusted.
Also, I think Bmore nanny is full of it. I didnt see anything about this on the listserv.
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