If this helps, here is your nanny...
She has magenta hair that is very soft looking and slightly curly,
She has very pretty cocoa colored skin and wide set eyes.
She is not thin, but curvy. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a belt and a green cap sleeved shirt with ties that hung off the sleeves.
Your child....
He is a boy. He was sleeping. He is a tow head with curly hair. He doesnt have any distingusinhing characteristics except a navy blue and white striped mini blanket he had in his hand and his stroller which was light blue with a cap hood and handlebars that faced away from the pusher.
This all transpired at Marhsalls on Wolcott Street.
Just curious: high on what? As in "mad"... or drugs?
You like to get high and go shopping at Marshall's? What do you get high on?
You were high?
Why would you admit that? You've lost all credibility to your story.
How do you expect us to take you seriously?
Hahhahaha go smoke another doobie and get back to us.....
I've been lurking for a couple weeks after not posting here for a couple years (due to major drama when I was a regular)....been looking for a good opportunity to reply again. I feel compelled now but cant think of much else to say besides "Wow." And, yeah, what everyone else said!
I admitted it because it was true and if I went to the manager, my sister's manager; he might have noticed and been suspicious of her. And because I didn't alert the store, I wanted ISYN to know why.
Yeah, OP, but you didnt need to tell us. LOL
You were high? Then you probably imagined the whole thing. Next......
Hahaha.......hahaha so your a pot head and a dumbass. I dunno what's worse a nanny stealing or the child being exposed to a crackhead.
I love this f***ing site lol
If she didnt take the baby in the fitting room and she was already curvy and wearing tight jeans, where did she put these clothes she was stealing? Maybe I missed something but I dont get how that could happen.
I would normally be one to come to the OP's defense because I abhor when they get attacked but I think this was said just to light a fire under us and start some controversy.
OP, there was NO reason why you had to mention that you were high. It pisses me off because it makes other OP's look bad when they want to report something and see everyone jumping on you.
Well, all I gotta say is: you asked for it!
LOL! GREAT first time to come back to the site in a while! "I was pretty high." LMAO! Made. My. Day.
All I can hear ringing in my head now is a an old South Park character; "Towelie": "Wanna get high?" lol I try not to judge, but the random placement of: "I was high" did take away a tad bit of credibility, and in an oddly comical way, almost made me laugh. Well, we can all say one thing here, this OP is brutally honest. ;) Not sure if we have enough to go on to say for sure that the nanny was shoplifting, but I at least found the posting entertaining... and OP, if you truly think she was shoplifting I guess your heart was in the right place to at least attempt to get the word out...
"Bostonnanny said...
Hahaha.......hahaha so your a pot head and a dumbass. I dunno what's worse a nanny stealing or the child being exposed to a crackhead.
I love this f***ing site lol"
She's a pothead, sure. But why call her a crackhead?
I think this is pretty serious.
But the child was not crying or anything. I know. I know. But it sounds like the child should not have been outside the changing room. Especially with hungry potheads looming in the area!
I'm sorry, but did you say you were high when you saw this supposed shoplifting? yeah, very credible witness you are
LMAO @ Trish! You hit my funny bone!
In BostonNanny's defense, Justcurious....the OP did not say what she high on. Could have been crack?! :)
There's an argument against drugs for you. If being high prevents you from pointing out to proper authorities when a child is being neglected, what can you be counted on for?
My view, to heck with whether or not she was shoplifting, the child was out of her sight!
Good point Megan! I'd hate to be so "hindered" by a substance that I was afraid to report misconduct, or step in and help if a child was in need.
The *potential* shoplifting aside, leaving a baby outside of your dressing room (and line of vision) is probably not the wisest decision.
really. it is.
I'd rather get high and go see Inception, personally :)
Give me a break....fake post.
Well OP, if you were *that* high, it seems quite poissible that maybe the fitting room attendant cleared the items out of the room or the nanny in question was actually carrying them with her and you just didn't notice in either case.
yes, or it's possible that regardless of the op being high, that this nanny was still stealing. the two have little to do with each other. this person is not necessarily an idiot, stop treating them like one. there's a huge difference between being high on one thing and high on another.
sorry but high on anything makes you lose credibility. My husband smokes pot everyday. If he tells me a story and then said he was high I would question it, and he is a functioning pot head. I'm the only one who can tell when he has smoked. It is just not something you say. I mean really...
I'm sorry officer I didn't see you because I was on my cell phone.
I didn't notice that man hole because I was texting.
There are certain things you leave out of a story to keep yourself from looking like a dumbass.
They call it "DOPE" for a reason!!!
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