The kids I work with are great, but I have worked with nightmarish families and I can't take it anymore! Years of drudgery, isolation, job creep and being treated as an indentured servant had caused me to lose the joy in what I originally loved.
Currently, I am in school learning skills that will help in a new career, but I am still in the process of figuring out what direction to go. I am going to have to make a change in the next 6 months. Has anybody gone through this? How did you take steps to make this change? What direction did you go in? Have you found what you love to do? Any advice is appreciated. Thank You.
If you are with a family as of right now- my suggestion- is sit down and speak with them. Nothing will get settled/ change- unless you speak up. If nothing changes- time to move on.
Anonymous said...
What are you learning in school right now? If you still want to work with kids. There are lots of options.
For example: Speech therapist, occupational therapist or physical therapist for kids. I know its alot of school. But the pay is great and you get to work with small ones.
Or if you are not really into school. What about becoming a postpartum doula? Its a short course. And your basically helping new moms out with their newborns. Pay is good too. And you are only with a family for a short time. Then you move on to another family. Never boring.
Apr 30, 2010 6:40:00 PM
Anonymous ericsmom said...
opps why did it show as annon
so weird
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