I went to a park just to let my little nephew run around. We were home most of the morning and he was playing with monster trucks. The volume was so loud, I was getting a major headache, so I said, "Basta!" and we headed to the park. I took my textbooks with me because I am just babysitting for the weekend and I am a full time college student and as you might imagine, we are getting near finals.
We went to jj byrne park in brooklyn. This is a super great park for me to take my nephew to because there are benches right next to the playground equipment. I brought all the provisions he would need, a little hat, sunblock, bottled water for us both and some Chuckles.
I walked around the playground for awhile while he got himself used to the equipment and said hello to some kids. He's a pretty social little kid, so I knew he would be fine. I had a prime spot on a bench pretty central to the whole playground. I sat down and cracked a book and began reading and of course alternately watching my nephew and listening to him.
The park started getting more and more crowded as it got closer to 11AM. I continued doing my thing. When my nephew was thirsty, he came for water. I gave him a few chuckles. He sat on the bench with me for awhile, then he returns to play. *All of this is relevant and you will soon see why!
I am reading my textbook now with my sunglasses on because it is bright out. I also pulled out a NY Mets hat and put it on because I hate to squint in the sun. About five minutes later, there is a large, burly woman standing next to me. She says, "Where you kid at?" but it sounded like "Weh you kid at"? I immediately looked up straight ahead, I didn't see him right away but within four seconds, my eyes settled on him. I looked back at her and said, "there, why". She tells me "You best get up off you lazy butt and watch that boy. He got no business up there by himself. Him hanging on my little girl for support".
If you know this playground, there is nothing major to climb on here. It's a super safe and column arena for kids. I say to her, "what are you talking about". She says, "Your boy keep grabbing on my girls arm and he 'bout pulled it out of the socket".
So, now I am mad. I get up walk over to where my nephew is playing and there is an obese red haired girl next to him. I call him by his name and ask if everything is okay. He is laughing with hysterics and smiling big. The obese girl is also laughing. Her arm looks fine and in tact. I turn back to the nanny and I say, "what's your damage?" She goes, "Don't you ask me what my damage is. I'm not here to watch your child. You best keep your eye on your boy, because the next time he pull on my girl, I'm about to fling him down on the sidewalk".
I tell my nephew, "come lets go play over here, with the boys". I even go so far to tell the little chubby girl to have fun. And I walk away. When I am walking away I can hear the nanny muttering under her breath.
Now there are three boys right by the center and I steer my nephew over to them and introduce him. I introduce me. I tell them where I will be sitting and go back to sit down. I sit down basically right smack in front of their action.
My whole flowered tote bag is gone. The waters, the candy, the sunblock, my ipod, my nephew's batman glasses - the whole bag is gone, except the one text that I had layed down next to the bag when I got up to follow the nanny. Right away I notice, the nanny is gone! She's nowhere in sight. If you know this playground you know you can escape to a major bustling street easily.
If you know the identity of the nanny who stole my bag or may have set me up to steal my flowered tote bag, please contact this blog and let them know. I need my things back. I had completed homework in that bag, a second $88 text book and my ipod full of songs. I also had some cash in the bottom of the bag, it was a lot of loose $1 bills and maybe a $5. Probably $20 or so.
The nanny was a rather large, masculine in appearance, African American female with rusty colored hair in a short, curled style. She had a really large face and very big cheeks. She was wearing a ribbed material short sleeve pink sweater and a gold chain with a ring hanging from it. Her charge was a little girl of about 4 with a weight problem. The girl had orangish-red hair, pale skin and wore her hair back in a single pony tale. She was wearing a matching capris and top outfit where the cuffs of the capris matched the shirt. I think it was black flowers.
Be on the lookout for this nanny. She makes up bogus stories about you not watching your child or charge so she and possibly her accomplice can steal from you.
I had a feeling this is where the story was going. I really hope you get your bag back! :(
(For the record, though, the fifth borough is the Bronx, not Long Island. LI just holds Brooklyn and Queens on it, along with Nassau and Suffolk counties. :)
As a PT student, I feel bad for you. Textbooks are not cheap and some teachers aren't understanding about things like this. If it were me, I would have grabbed my nephew and hit the street in search of the theif and grabbed the bag right out of her hands.
How big this is park? Any chance that if the police had been called, they would've found her near the park and arrested the nanny? Gee, I would have loved to have seen the look on her face had she been arrested. Even more priceless would be what she would tell the parents of her charge when she was in jail, and why she was in there.
Ahhhh...such a good example this nanny is for her charge!
what a nightmare!
That's a pretty sucky thing to happen. You should really try posting with the detailed description on the Yahoo groups "Park Slope Parents" and "Brooklyn Parents' Network". You would almost certainly find the nanny's employer, or someone who recognized her description.
OP, please take this post and copy and paste it to any message board you can find where Moms or nannies in this area post. I want to see this disgusting piece of crap get caught. What a nasty hobag!!!
As a college student you should know that when you lay something down, you laid it down, not 'layed'.
And I'm sorry you were a victim of a thief. Next time, don't leave your things unattended. I was robbed in college, too, in a public place. I trusted those around me not to steal from me. It's a lesson learned.
Thats terrible. I am sorry this happened to you. Put some fliers up around that park.
What a terrible human being. In NY you can never have your guard down. With anything!! I live across the river
Little Miss Perfect
stop being so anal
That's a terrible story, but they probably see themselves as a a classic parent/child con team - like Paper Moon, the Kid, or one episode of the Simpsons I seem to recall.
So do you think the whole thing was a set-up from start to finish? Maybe the "nanny" wasn't even with the obese girl - maybe they go around parks doing this sort of thing all the time.
why are you such a bitch?
Isn't college a place to learn? I thought it would be a plus for a soon to be college graduate. Also, I have a feeling English is a second language for her, ('basta' is
'It's enough' in Spanish), and English has tricky, illogical grammar at times. I majored in languages, and I appreciated the assistance of a native speaker. Once I was using what I thought was a French phrase for my body temperature, when I was actually using sexual slang. I REALLY appreciated that correction.
Where did you get those great manners?
Fake. The incorrect borough is one clue and the other clue is that JJ Byrne park is gone and has been gone for a while... it's Washington Park now; this whole story is bogus. Also, I was in Washington park yesterday with baby Drusus and there was a huge family festival there, unmentioned by OP.
Apologies to the last commenter and the late Borough President JJ Byrne. But JJ Byrne Park is Washington Park now. Got it? Located on Fifth Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets, the park has been officially renamed, restoring it to its true place in American history as the sit. I don't visit the park often. I barely take notice of it, except as in today when I had my nephew with me. I was not out to defraud you. And the park is a whole park, I was focused on the playground. There is always something going on somewhere, this is NYC.
Who's the idiot troll?
elise- how are you so sure this didn't happen? you left no supporting evidence to prove yourself
Because it was cold and drizzling and no one was in the park playing today.
Oh also OP's response above was cut and pasted from the first paragraph of
Yes, that's right, I had to look up the park to see when that happened. What is your damage, man?
And I submitted this sighting YESTERDAY. When it happened. Take your nastiness somewhere else. And so you know, I know what the boroughs were, I just mispoke. I did not submit this as a document, I submitted this sighting in this same tiny scare I am using now to post this comment.
You are a mean troublemaker.
Everything I said happened, when it happened, it just so happens the park has not been called JJ Byrne for like a year.
So was it raining with no one playing there?, or was there a family festival going on while you played with "baby Drusus"?
You sound like an ee-dee-ut!!!
I guess the whole "Please don't bash the OP's" rule has gone unnoticed. Seriously guys. Great post OP. Don't listen to those who feel the need to dissect your post piece by piece.
Enough bashing the OP, guys.
Don't try selling your bologna here and going back on your initial intent: you meant to insult OP. Don't be a coward as well as a bitch. Her grammar mistake was completely irrelevant to her post, and your comment about college was uncalled for and meant to be mean, not helpful. I don't care how many languages you speak: you're a jerk in every one of them.
I am really sorry about your stuff....
But I wonder if you may have needed to be minding your nephew a bit more. You are an aunt, so I totally understand if this isn't something you'd know, but it really is important to be aware of kids, because what if someone had hurt him?
I didn't catch his age (did you mention it?) but I have a feeling this could have been avoided if you had been looking up the whole time (since I suspect the other nanny was angry that you weren't watching nephew more than the actual "rough play" NOT)
Again, sorry about your stuff...
Not to pick apart your posting, but, umm, Brooklyn is NOT a suburb of NY. NYC is made up of 5 boroughs, Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Staten Island and Brooklyn! It is not a suburb, it is part of NYC, Long Island is totally different from these.
Anyway, as for the sighting, I am not surprised at all, that park (JJ Byrne) is notorious for bad nannies. I just don't get it, people in this area have so much money and own pricey apartments and only buy organic foods, yet, they seem to hire the worst nannies in the world!
To all the people saying JJ BYrne park is gone, umm, no it is not!!
Only the back area of the park was changed to Washington Park, the front area where the playground is is still called JJ BYrne, the signs on the outside entrance to the playground area all still say JJ Byrne. The playground area is called JJ Byrne while the back area (the fake grass area, the ball fields, handball courts, skate park, etc.) is called Washington Park, pay attention to the signs people.
I couldn't have said it better, AMom , regarding the five boroughs correction. That really irritated me because she was trying to "inform" people what "Brooklyn" is and she was totally wrong. Long Island is not a borough and has nothing to do with NYC.
Being from another state, far from New York I couldn't care less what's considered a borough or not.....I don't see the point in correcting the nanny, it means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Hell people mispronounce my city's name all the time and I just smile to myself and go on I don't feel the need to constantly correct someone. I live in a suburb of a huge city and constantly people mistake the attractions in the suburbs as being part of the big city and yet again I smile to myself and go on, I don't rant and rave because someone doesn't know that the Kemah boardwalk isn't part of Houston or even Galveston. I don't correct people when they refer to *A* Texas city without realizing that we do indeed have a city here called Texas City.
Again it means nothing and doesn't take away from the sighting which was about someone in a park with her nephew who had her things stolen
Thought I posted this already, but I guess not . . .
1. Just to clarify that NYCMOM and myself are different. I have been posting here under nycmom for a couple of years now. I tend to use lower case and I think this new poster uses capital letters in her moniker. I want to make the distinction to avoid confusion and because we seem to have different opinions much of the time.
2. To OP, thanks for a good sighting. You sound like a great Aunt. This is good information to help all of us be more aware and cautious in the future.
I have to say that just because a little child is smiling doesn't mean that she might have been a few moments ago. Children recover fast, and if the other nanny hadn't been watching, something MIGHT have happened to her charge because you weren't paying the best of attention. It's not hard for a 5-7 year old kid to be screaming one minute and then perfectly fine and dandy the next.
Furthermore...even if you report this nanny, or call the police, it would be very hard to prove that it was her, specifically, that took your things, or some kind of accomplice of hers, unless there was literally no one else at all in the park. You can post flyers, but if she -didn't- take it...
Jeez people, give it a rest! I'm sick of hearing the same shit about the boroughs and the C&P already.
What about the SIGHTING?
No wonder people are too skittish to post bad nannies on here. The way you people pick apart the OP's is ridiculous!
Some of you people are seriously anal retentive idiots. THANK YOU OP for your sighting. I'm sorry some people on this blog can't let go of their self-righteous attitudes long enough to be of any type of support or assistance.I hope you get your things back and that this horrible nanny gets hers.
Wanna know what I like? (Besides the OP's great sighting of a crappy nanny) - but how they put in pics of things in the sighting.
I never knew what chuckles were! Hee-hee, chuckle, chuckle!
Thanks Jane & MPP!
Once again people, the playground area is still called jj byrne, the rest of the place is washington park, get over it already!
Why do you guys seize on tiny details in people's posts--and reasons to invalidate the original post? Jane and MPP asked you not to do that. They want you to take the post as authentic--authenticated by the fact that Jane and MPP posted it on this site. That's all the authenticity you should need, period. It's also not amusing or nice to pick apart someone's grammer. The purpose of this post is to make others aware of this scam of a nanny...and to hopefully get the OP's stuff back. Everything else that you're posting is unnecessary. You truly need to stop it!
SORRY nycmom!
Most definitely didn't know that the moniker was taken. I'll go by NYCMOM2...
Well I happen to think it's RATHER odd that 'Noble Drusus' just happened to 'catch' the OP in the act. How on earth did this person put two and two together? Really, i would like to know how they knew of that blog post "from 2008" and how they just spotted the fact that it was the exact same thing the OP posted. I am flabbergasted!
Village get over it. As a major in a bullshit degree you should know that in proper English only the lazy start a sentence with "and". My English teacher just rolled over in his grave.
Okay, I admit.....you made me Laugh out Loud!
Buuut, I am not, nor have I ever been an "OP" on this site. A loyal reader (since 2006!) and infrequent commenter, yes. But not the OP, nope.
Good post, your last one, and to think I thought YOU must be the OP (albeit an OP with multiple personalities) but I digress...thank you for making me laugh tonight!! Your a funny one King Drusus.
Also, I am intrigued by the name, Drusus, what is the origin?
Another rule broken. I thought we weren't supposed to accuse posters of being other people? I think the whole lot of you needs to be spanked! Bad Noble Drusus! Cool moniker, though.
The OP said she had to go online and look up about the park, didn't she? So she cut and pasted what she found which made your point that the name was changed, but guess what DUFUS the name of the playground still reads JJ Byrne.
You are just destructive. Add something relevant or disappear.
missdee...it would be such a bad idea to confront the woman with nephew in hand, maybe follow her at best I agree with calling the cops and posting on other sites
(not that cops are usually very helpful in situations such as this)
also flyers are a great idea im sure they hit the same parks all the time and it could protect someone else (or someone would recognize the description and call the police)
then again the manly woman would probaly see them and tear them down...
Did you ever get your bag back? I have friends in your area with kids. I'll tell them to be careful in case this happens to them!
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