The nanny looked around 35, with short (neck length) dark hair with reddish coloring growing out just at the ends. She was medium height, somewhat heavy around the middle.
She was attentive to both the kids the whole time, playing with them and talking to them but not hovering, just letting them play and engaging them, making sure they were safe and interacting appropriately with each other and with my son (explaining to the little boy that he had to wait to play with the truck my son was playing with when the he tried to take it).
She had snacks and drink cups for both kids, she sang the Eensy-Weensy Spider in English and then Spanish, tickled the little boy and made squeaky silly noises, hugging him and tickling him and he giggled. She called him "mi niño hermano", "my niño precioso" and called the little girl "mi princessa preciosa" and hugged her and snuggled her. She spoke both Spanish and english to the kids. The little girl apparently had to poop (she hadn't said anything but the nanny knew it, and there is no bathroom there) and seemed worried about it and the nanny reassuringly told her she could go poop and it was OK (I assume she had a diaper on but was practicing using a potty sometimes). She said "I love you" to both of them while snuggling them at various times. She had said that their mommy was coming to meet them at 4:00, so they were leaving and as she was buckling them in the stroller she was telling them that they could say (or would, or should, I didn't hear it all) "I love you Mommy!" when they saw her. She seemed like an excellent nanny and she clearly loved the kids very much.
I hope the parents of the children see this :)
OOPS! I meant to say "niño hermoso".
I hope so too, she was great!
Great sighting OP! We need to see more positive sightings about nannies who clearly love their job, rather than videos of the ball throwing, screaming nanny who has "35 years of experience" in childcare, and couldn't put socks on a toddler without throwing a fit. Perhaps all the bad nannies could nanny for Norman Bates.
Lovely sighting, and the real reason a person should become a nanny: a passion for children!
I love this posting
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