Location: W 22nd street btw 5 & 6th Ave, Manhattan
Date: Today, March 11
Time: 8:40, 8:45 AM
I saw an African American nanny pushing a maybe 3 or 4 month old baby in a jogging stroller in black (not Phil & Teds or Citymini).
The weather was crisp this morning - 40 at most- and this baby was bare-headed and only had a small blanket around their legs!! I had on 2 sweaters and a coat!!
I wanted to stop the nanny and reprimand her but I didn't have the heart.
If this sounds like your nanny, tell her to bundle baby up more.
Agreed that it's certainly not okay to have a child minimally prepared for weather.
I always layer my son. The worst that'll happen is you remove a layer of clothing and stash it under the stroller seat.
This warrants a sighting?
A few weeks back when the temp was 32 here my oldest charge decided she wanted to wear just her leotard. I told her no, and picked out two outfits she could chose from. All of this transpired in front of her mother who then looks at her daughter and tells her she can wear whatever she wants TO class as long as she put clothes on AFTER class. So what was I supposed to do? If you had seen us you would have thought I was the worst nanny and yet I had no control over what outfit she wore that day.
The youngest charge is still a baby so she doesn't argue with me when I dress her but most mornings the mother picks out the kids outfits. They aren't always weather appropriate. Half the time the baby doesn't have socks, hats are unheard of around this house and the baby is almost never dressed appropriately.
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