.... WHAT?!
1) Baby Strolling (California)
HI. We are looking for help on Saturdays Daytime and Fridays evening. Hours are approximately 10:30am- 2:00pm on Saturday, Fridays 8pm-9pm. I need a person to stroll my adorable baby son (with me walking) to Montana Branch Library in Santa Monica on Saturdays at about 10:30am and stroll him back home at about 2pm. Hours are flexible. No need to commit to every week. Distance is 1 1/2 miles each way on Montana Ave. in santa monica 90402.
I will pay you the whole time from arrival time about 10:30am to returning him home. You wont need to stay with us;--just come back and get him to stroll him home. About 2pm. email your hourly rate to me for strolling since it only involves walking and no child care. Leave your Phone no. and I will call you. My baby broke the computer so I need to talk by phone this week. Thank you, Shari and Jonah
Original URL: http://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/kid/1617970913.html
Special thanks to the following Contributors: Suedoenim90, MissMannah, Krupitzerb, JLow2474, sarahhhamilton523, UtahNanny, NannyBee, MissDee, cheesenipsaregood, JerkFaceJade and NervousNanny... all of you did a fantastic job! Remember, CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday. Please send next weeks Ads HERE or use MEEBO. And please don't forget to include the Links!
Number 2 needs to go back to school and learn some proper grammar!
Wow, Not sure how #7 is nanny related but that actually touched my heart a bit.
WOW! Good feature ad this week! I can't believe that one - maybe someone who wants to be seen in public with their child, but doesn't want the work of pushing them around? I just don't get it - anyone else with me on this one?
Why is #6 on there? Sure she says she doesn't have much experience, but I see nothing wrong with her posting to look for a job. When I had school breaks in highschool and college, I used to post ads like this too sometimes!
Lots of crazy low-paying jobs! I can't believe people really post saying how little they will pay...
#1 not to jump to conclusions. Thinking maybe a mom that had a surgery or back problems. Could be the reason she needs someone to push the stroller.
To ericsmom:
Could be. I don't like to assume things either... but why would she say she would be walking with them 1 1/2 miles each way if she had surgery or even back problems? I'm tempted to respond to the ad and find out... Also, what is she going to do from, say, 11am when they arrive at the library until 2pm when the "baby stroller" is supposed to arrive again to walk home with mother and son? Is the mother going to stay in one stationary location and assume she wont need to move the baby or touch the stroller for 3 hours???
Hi Jenna
I was just thinking the walking may not be difficult for her. But maybe its a strain on her to push the stroller. Especially, if she did have some sort of surgery or back problem.
I submitted #1 because I thought the wording was a bit odd. I would totally understand if the mom had some sort of physical handicap but the way she phrases it, "with me walking" does not sound like that is the case. I think probably that is the case and she just doesn't explain the job very well. I think if she could stroll him then the job would just be to pick up the baby at 2 and take him home (but she needs someone to help take him to the place).
It makes me angry when people compare jobs that aren't the same. The 3 day a week job in Cleveland for $125 a week pays $4.38/hr for someone to come to their house and give one on one care. The critics chime in that the job is great, their sitter charges $25 a day! But of course it's obvious they haul their child to the sitter's house! $25/day is common for in home day cares. The sitter takes in other children to end up with a decent wage.
It is shocking that they post that is all they can pay but expect the babysitter to live on that amount. They just don't think (or they think the world owes them something.)
* Repost for Anonymous.
I just wanted to chime in on #1. Concerning the bad back/surgery idea... I fractured my back in 2 places a few years ago and although it took several months of PT... I found that actually strolling my son was easier on my back because I could rest my arms (upper body) on the handles when walking. I know it does not seem like much but it was certainly easier than just holding his hand.
#12, oh yeah! Lots of people are probably "interested" in working for $1.12/hr.
I can't get over all these listings where they describe the childcare duties as "all you have to do is"...play with them, feed them, change them, talk to them, teach them, read to them, keep them safe , spend every waking minute devoting your full attention to them, take 100% responsibility for their welfare during the time you are with them, etc, etc. Oh yeah, but "ALL you have to do is..."
I submitted the Cleveland ads, and I checked today, and there are actually three more responses! One actually from the OP saying that plenty of nice people responded to her ad and called those who criticized it "ignorant".
I personally see her as the ignorant one. Like mentioned here, how does she expect her sitter to live on what she pays? So annoying.
In response to the Cleveland ad: I'm a nanny in Cleveland and I make $11/hour. I know the job market sucks here and I'm sure the lady has gotten many responses, but I don't think she'll find anyone qualified that will work for $4/hour... But I guess if she wants to skimp on her childcare to save a few bucks, that's her prerogative!
#1 - the mom could be in a wheelchair... she she can "roll" along as well, but it would be too difficult to push the stroller.
#7 made me want to respond for sure. We are wanting to adopt a child, but since I just had a baby 3 weeks ago, I know it's not quite the right time for us to adopt. I sure hope she will find her forever family soon!
I don't understand why #1 can't stroll her own kid...this really baffles me.
Phoenix, maybe #1 is "too posh to push"! :)
I just can't seem to figure out #1. I thought perhaps the mother needed someone to accompany her for safety reasons (perhaps with such a long walk, she felt it was unsafe to be a single woman with a small child roaming the city) but why would she need to hire someone else to push? All I can come up with is some sort of injury, or perhaps she doesn't have arms? Maybe she's meeting someone at the library, but why wouldn't they walk with her? I'm so confused...
If anyone gets a reply to that one, it would be greatly appreciated if you would share the details with us =)
Mar 1, 2010 10:28:00 PM
Need a name/Anonymous,
Apparently the jobs really are the same...that woman responded saying that the $25/day she pays for a sitter IS a sitter who comes to her home.
I can't imagine why anyone would work for that amount though, it's crazy.
Ha! Ask her if her sitter is legal or has any sort of training! I'm just glad she refers to her as a sitter and not a nanny.
I got it! She's walking all that way to trim the baby fat and she's especially "flabby" under the arms. So she absolutley MUST swing her arms (Power Walking!) per doctor's orders, of couse. Riddles are fun!
Lola, I love your answer! Haha... but she did not say anything about a fit Nanny being able to keep up, etc...
Has anyone tried to e-mail her and ask so that we can put this to rest? I admit I am especially curious about this one!
A big chocolate chip cookie to the brave soul that gets a reply from this woman!
As long as your getting paid the going rate. I don't see the big deal with #1.
As a mommy currently on Chemo but who refuses to give up my mommy duties I can tell you ..there are times I need someone with me, especially if I will be outside, to help things go smooth and to be there just in case my 2 or 3 yr old decide to put me to the test. They are busy & fast and I am not.
Just a little insight from the other side of the fence.
We have missed you around here BLB and hope you are doing well. You are in our thoughts. xo
I submitted the Cleveland ads, and I checked today, and there are actually three more responses! One actually from the OP saying that plenty of nice people responded to her ad and called those who criticized it "ignorant".
I personally see her as the ignorant one. Like mentioned here, how does she expect her sitter to live on what she pays? So annoying.
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