They walked into the play area and the woman turned to "allie" and said "you pooped didn't you?" and then hit her on the side of the face with a paper bag and yelled at her and told her she was bad and said "you might get away with this with your momma and daddy, but you wont with me." the woman changed the little girl's diaper and then has made her "take a time out" for "being bad". The woman made the little girl sit until she wasnt "mad" about the accident.
I think this woman's behaviour was totally inappropriate, and I hope the parents see this.
*There are three children, named molly, will, and allie.
Sickening. BAD nanny. Hit her on the side of the face with a paper bag full of poop and make her sit until she's not "mad" about it. I hope the parents see this!! Poor "Allie".
That's horrible!!!!! A child should never be punished for something like that. And to hit the girl on the side of the face?!?! Unacceptable! Awful awful nanny.
cali mom - just wanted to clear up with you that in the post it doesn't actually say there was poop in the paper bag.
Op here -I don't know what was inthe paper bag, she did it before changing her.
Also want to add that as I was leaving, I heard the nanny say "youse kids are off the wall, I should lock you in the car."
Awe poor kid, I know I got frustrated ALL the time when the little girl I watch was going through that stage but it never crossed my mind to hit her for it or even make her sit in time out.
I do hope the parents see this, you don't punish a kid for accidents you clean it up and move on.
That's so horrible!
When the little boy I watch poops in his pants, the biggest "punishment" is the one he gives himself. No more clean Thomas the Train undies.
How rotten. Who knows if there is some medical problem with the little girl that causes this. Or, likely, some psychological problem that the nanny created and is making worse. :(
I hope the parents see this. That breaks my heart. Hit, in the face no less, for a potty accident.
She got in trouble for pooping in her DIAPER? Wtf! This nanny is messed up! And then to threaten them with locking them in the car? I really hope someone alerts these parents about their nasty nanny.
I just can't even believe some people! What is their problem?
I really hope the parents see this. :( What a horrible nanny.
These kinds of incidents make me want to get violent!
Jenna-I know! I just felt this nanny was so nasty that SHe deserved to get hit in the face with a paper bag full of poop. How sad and awful.
There is some serious damage that nanny could be doing to that poor child psychologically. You should never punish a child for an accident. Those muscles are not fully developed until around age 6, and even then there could be a more serious medical condition.
We have close family friend who is still trying to potty train their severly autistic son who is 8.
Hah, I go to that play area all the time and see all sorts of miserable people caring for kids.
What scares me the most is that I might know this Norma person. Was she short and large?
where is there a play place in the towson mall? i go there sometimes with my kids but don't recognize this place
Just to post a different side of the story to this, I personally don't think it was an "accident" based on the nanny's response. My charge is currently going through a phase where he poops on PURPOSE just so he doesn't have to quit playing. He will laugh about it and then ask me to clean him up immediately after.
That being said, I personally wouldn't have hit my charge in the face with a bag, nor would I put him on time out, but I DO know other nannies who are very successful with this approach. (Well...not the paper bag thing, but the time out) Some nannies are just more firm(?) with their approach, you know? The parents probably hired this nanny BECAUSE she was a "tough" nanny.
Most parents I've discovered, either want a firm, controlling nanny who takes charge of the entire household, or they want a more quiet and flexible nanny. To each his own.
Just to add, I'm not taking this nanny's side, but just trying to give another viewpoint from someone who is dealing with a similarly frustrating experience with my charge. I just didn't want anyone jumping to conclusions that this was DEFINITELY an accident, because it most likely was NOT, which changes a few things...
As a nanny, I encounter many different types of caregivers. It is my experience to observe many older and/or African American, Caribbean and Latino caregivers to be a lot more strict and seem to use harsher methods of discipline. I have a friend from Jamaica who is here on a work visa. She regularly uses a switch or strap to discipline her children. Because this is pretty much the norm in her home country (even the police will beat an offender if they thing he or she deserves it) she sees nothing wrong with it. Several years ago, I worked part time for a woman who was raising her grandchildren She had a strap she used to keep them in line. I am in my 40's and remember my mother using the wooden spoons on our behinds if we did something that warranted it. Us girls did not get it so much but my brother, he was another story!
Incidentally we are all fine and my point isn't to have anyone berate my mother. Who despite loosing her husband with 4 children under 10 managed to keep us all fed, clothed and a roof over our heads. My point is to say that the OP says the caregiver was older and AA. While this does not justify the woman's treatment it may help to explain it. It's only the past 20-30 years or so that corporal punishment has become so hotly debated with many people supporting it as well as being against it. Debating it here won't change the fact that people of certain generations or backgrounds will think differently and no amount of arguing will convince them otherwise.
Oddly enough, although I have been babysitting on and since I was 12 and doing it full time the past several years not a single parent interviewing me has asked what my discipline methods are. Food for thought.
oh my god bloomfield. please put a sock in it. god. shut up.
Somewhere...a bridge is missing its troll...
I think the OP meant that the nanny should have been hit on the side of the face with a bag full of poop. LOL!
You probably let your kids talk back to you, say they hate you to your face, hit and yell at you...and DO NOTHING. LOL! I do not at all agree with abuse, but discipline is not going to kill any child. If more parents took the time to firmly correct their children, then other people wouldn't have to. Stop trying to be a friend and be a PARENT! Some people are so damn gullible and pushovers..SAD! Raising little monsters instead of capable, respectful, independent children.
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