Pizza Hut by New Rochelle on Huguenot St - NY
Received Tuesday, December 1, 2009
This was a bad scene. The nanny was white, the child was white but I know the nanny was a nanny. The child was well dressed and had her hair just so and the nanny was a gigantess. She was enormous, when she walked by I could litrally see her thighs shaking. It was thunderous. I was consuming a sprite at the time and while the lid was on the bottle, when she passed by a zillion tiny air bubble mass appeared and sizzled and popped. The problem with the nanny and why her weight is tatamount to the story is that she could not keep up with the little girl she was supposed to be taking care of. The little girl, average build, brown ringlet curls, blue eyes, long eyelashes, wearing red cordoroy pants and brown cowboy boots with jewels on them. The little girl had to be caught by a member of staff because the sizable nanny just could not muster the physical strenth to go after the child when the child needed to caught. Then this whole thing became a spectacle. It was really bad. When the man brought the child to the heaving, out of breath nanny, the nanny was super mad. She whacked the child on the butt three times! With her bare palm. And this woman was like 900 times the size of the child. The child didn't cry, so I don't think it hurt but that doesn't mean that big ole beast should be smacking on the behind of a helpless child. And more importantly, I believe in spanking a child, but when they do something wrong and not when you just happen to be fat and out of shape and unable to keep up with them! Where did this happen you ask? At Pizza Hut by New Rochelle on Huguenot St. And yes, the nanny was gobbing out on Pizza.
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This isn't a bad nanny sighting so much as you showing your lack of character.
Grow up.
Just because someone is over weight, they can't be the parent of a well put together child? That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.
On top of that, if she were the nanny, has it crossed your mind even once that the parents are well aware of her size?
OMG! That's all I can say. I am utterly shocked at some people's ignorance. No, the nanny should not have used physical discipline. That is NEVER ok. But OP's blatant hatred of overweight individuals is disgusting. I know many nannies that could be considered overweight but do a wonderful job keeping up with their charges. And as the above poster said, OP only assumes it's the nanny because of her weight? Absolutely ridiculous! OP-Go drink your Sprite and grow the hell up!
So I guess the parents hired a fit nanny who was able to put on a great show for them but as soon as the parents are out of sight nanny becomes a blob of quivering flesh unable to perform the simple task of keeping up with the child?
I see many nannies who are very overweight and yes some of them truly can't do their job because they are just not fit enough but I don't blame the nanny I blame the parents. I also know many overweight nannies, including myself who can keep up with our active charges.
It sounds like the child did not deserve a spanking regardless if this woman was the mom of the nanny. How sad.
Troll sighting. This person just wanted a reaction. I'm betting this didn't happen.
Sounds to me like a legit siting,assuming this this is actually the nanny. Nonetheless, the OP's excessive and negative judgments about the nanny's weight are out of line. However, If a nanny is so overweight that she can not outrun her charge if need be, its a problem. what if, god forbid, this child ran ahead of the nanny into on coming traffic? The nanny would be unable to catch up with her and stop something terrible from happening. Little kids can be really fast and things can happen in a blink of an eye. But the fact of the matter is, a caregiver should be able to match a 3 or 4 year olds pace in a few quick strides. If someone is too overweight to do so, then it is probably best for the parents to reconsider her position. Obviously the parents know that their child's caregiver is overweight, but like Bloomfield babysitter and VAnanny said, not all overweight nannies are unable to keep up with their charges. The parents are probably under the impression that their caregiver is capable of matching their child's pace. This is a good siting, and if the OP had provided a more detailed description of the nanny and her charge, with facts instead of rude comments, I am sure no one on here would find the siting to be inappropriate.
oh wow! I hope the parents see this! what a horrible nanny! :( :( :( to spank a child is awful and to spank a child that is not yours is just sick. :(
I am sad reading this. :(
and yes, it does seem like OP dislikes obese people. I don't really get that, since to me I don't see the fat, I just see the person. (I know that sounds corny but it is true: when I got pregnant I gained so much weight that I was over 200 lbs and I did not lose the weight until years later when I got divorced, now I am back to my regular weight.)
To me, though the most horrible part of this siting is that the nanny spanked the child. Too bad OP's fat talk takes away from that issue.
Is the problem here that the OP thinks the nanny isn't fit, or that the OP thinks the nanny is fat?
I'm fit and thin, but I don't know how to run! I was taught bad habits as a child regarding how to move my arms and legs when running, and even though I'm in my early 20's and a size 6 an active four year old child could easily outrun me. Would I get reported for not being able to keep up with my charge? Probably not, although I suppose an observer might just think I was lazy.
My cousin is overweight, and she had three daughters a year apart from one another and managed to wrangle all three every day.
My point is- just because someone looks like they're in good shape doesn't mean they can "keep up". Lots of circumstances and conditions can prevent someone from strenuous activity, and I know plenty of girls more than twice my size who would kick my butt up and down the street in a race.
I think you could have been a little bit more sensetive to this over weight woman. I mean I could go on all day about how you are a stupid, nieve, stuck-up bitch but i won't.
The nanny was obviously frustrated and embarrassed. She may have splanked the little girl for not listening (Parents do do that)The girl didn't seem hurt. So get over it.
Wow OP, It would be much easier to take you seriously if you did not engage in hyperbole in order to make a point. You completely lack credibility and look like a complete doofus when doing so.
I do think it is a big deal that this nanny spanked the child. Just because some parents choose to spank (which teaches a child nothing, incidentally) and even if the child was not "hurt" physically, it is still wrong to do.
I agree that OP should have been more sensitive to this woman's weight though. But she had no right to spank the child even if she was frustrated.
If the nanny is spanking the child in public, I wonder how often it's happening at the house. Especially since the child didn't cry- which basically says that she's used to that form of punishment.
But I agree with others that OP can't be taken too seriously because of all the comments about the nanny being overweight. Obviously the parents know that they hired someone who is overweight. I also have doubt that this person is the nanny. As Nv Nanny said, a heavy person can still be the parent of a put together child. I had plenty of thin, well dressed friends when I was a kid- many of their parents were overweight.
How can anyone say it is ok to spank a child????????? It is NEVER ok!
That is all I have to say to that.
Wait a minute, you know she was a nanny because she was fat? How does that make any sense? I'd love for the OP to come back and give a better reason why she "knew" this was a nanny sighting.
If it really was, thanks for posting. The parents need to know she is spanking their child. If it is a parent, MYOB! I hate seeing parents spank their children in public too, but it is there prerogative.
The part that galls me is OP says she agrees with spanking but only if the child is misbehaving. I think running around a restaurant qualifies as misbehaving. Any charge I've had knows better than that because they know I'll pick them up and go straight home, which is much more effective than a spank on the butt, which she said didn't even hurt the child.
I don't think it is a parent's perogative to spank their child in public: I don't spank my child and I resent having to explain to my toddler why that other mommie/daddy is hitting their child. It is scary for me to see so I can imagine what it is like for a child to see that violent behavior.
Not commenting on this post, but rather the thread.
A swat (or 2) on the tush doesn't qualify as "violent behavior" to me... If a parent was beating their child, then I could see that being scary, but how does a swat scare anybody?
I pretend "spank" my charges harder than I've seen many parents spank-- the point isn't just to hit the child until they're too scared to misbehave, but use the physical connection to keep the child's attention in order to make it very clear the the behavior was unacceptable. I do think there are times when spanking is appropriate: dangerous situations, like when a child runs into the street/parking lot or wraps a jump rope around their sibling's neck.
I do agree that there's rarely (if ever) cause for spanking in public--mainly because if you react quickly, it's likely you're swatting to take frustration/anger rather than to reinforce a concept. However, if you explain what the punishment is for and only using spanking for a few severe trangressions, a swat on the tush can be much better motivation for a child changing their behavior than simply a time out or taking away toys.
Oh come on! The nanny was hired BY the parents! It isn't as though she's fit and healthy then magically expands the minute she is out of the eyesight of the parents.
Bad sightings are necessary to keep a page like this going.. but her size shouldn't play a factor. For no other reason than the parents chose her to care for their kid.
Ahhh, I LOVE ignorant people who think it's perfectly alright to judge a person because of their size. Your sprite/massive nanny mental image wasn't clever, it just made you come off as sounding like a tool.
I'm sorry, but you've entered the wrong blog. The "Bad Horror Fiction" blog takes it's submissions next door. Have a great day!
denver nanny,
if I were you I would watch the pretend spanking. if my child ever told me that the nanny spanked them they would be out on their ear.
It is never ok to spank a child, and it is violent behavior if you ask me. There is no need to hit to "get a child's attention." If you think that, you need to take some child development courses. Children learn absolutely nothing from being hit.
Judging by the how this post is written, about the "air bubbles" popping the nanny walked by has me doubting the legitmacy of this post.
NEVER spank a child.
I had to get through about 17,000 fatphobic comments to reach the actual suck!
Children do learn something from being spanked. They learn that it is ok to hit someone smaller than you.
well said, MN!
I completely agree! Hitting is a lazy and horrible way to parent/nanny. It is just saying to the child: "I am bigger than you so I have the right to hit you." It is done in anger, I don't care what anyone says. It doesn't work and it is wrong.
I know the spanking debate is old hat. I am not a spanker. I was spanked excessively as a child, in my opinion, and I grew up resentful. That being said I have spanked on only the rarest of occasions......when the child has, or is in the process of doing something of extreme and mortal danger. i.e. the child darts for the road and nearly runs into oncoming traffic. I picked them up and swatted them on the behind. When that got their attention, I explained how that didn't hurt nearly as much as getting hit by a car among other sentiments. The whack is not for punishment, it is to get their utmost attention, and demonstrate a very real thing...pain. I'll tell you what, I only ever had to do it once for a child to get it. And they don't run in the street again. When it comes to my child's life, I am not worried about anything but making sure they know what's up.
Now go ahead and tell me a better way. Or that you're child would NEVER run in the street because of your firm and never ending clenched fist around his. But it's not gonna change my mind one bit.....
It seems like you are more concerned with her weight than her physically diciplining the child. I mean, I almost stopped reading this because it seemed so ridiculous but THENNNNN "OH!" she wacked the child. Are you sure you werent just mad she was fat and knew you had to throw in that she spanked the child in public to make yourself not sound so ignorant and pathetic?
Thank you Manhattan Nanny. This bears repeating, and is 100% true:
Manhattan Nanny said...
Children do learn something from being spanked. They learn that it is ok to hit someone smaller than you.
Let's see someone try to argue that calling a kid a filthy, mean name is "OK as long as they are misbehaving, because it gets their attention," but of course they will not try to call other people filthy mean names they heard from you.
OF COURSE they will turn around and model that behavior. They are supposed to do exactly as you do because you teach them everything, right??
Well atleast Thunderous Thigh Nanny tried. I'll give her that. Hey, who knows maybe she's a good caregiver. Depending on what you consider good. I would totally hire a Thunderous Thigh Nanny -assuming ofcourse she displayed balanced eating habits in front of my children.Perhaps this was her pig out day and perhaps she eats all organic raw low carb low fat all natural sugar food the rest of the time. And that is OK in my books.
@ Fit and Slow
I'm fit and thin, but I don't know how to run! I was taught bad habits as a child regarding how to move my arms and legs when running, and even though I'm in my early 20's and a size 6 an active four year old child could easily outrun me.
I know I shouldn't laugh but I can't help it.
one for the road,
there is a better way. and fine, do not change your mind but you are wrong. you do not need to spank in order to get a child's attention. it is hitting, plain and simple.
if a child on the playground wants to get your child's attention is it ok for that child to hit your child? is it ok for a teacher to hit a child? no.
try thinking about why we do not hit children in school or allow hitting.
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