Where: Eden Prairie Mall Play Area, Eden Prairie, Minnesota.
Who: Grandfather, red fleece, tall and thin with white hair.
Child: Four year old little girl named Jasmine. Dark hair, wavy, pulled back into a loose ponytail, olive skin, wearing a gray sweatshirt.
What: I realize that this is not a bad nanny sighting, but I was still very concerned. This little girl came over to where I was sitting with my charges and sat right next to me. I said hi to her, and she began talking to me, telling me that she lived with her mother in Eden Prairie, her name, and her age, among other things. She seemed very lonely, but was an extremely intelligent little girl. I asked her who she was there with and she told me she was there with her grandpa. After a quick scan around, I asked her where he was, and she said he was shopping. I was extremely concerned that he had left her alone in the middle of the play area in a busy mall. While there were many mothers and other caregivers around, someone could have easy grabbed her considering that no one was looking after her. Her grandfather would leave for 15-20 minutes at a time, look in on her, and then leave again. I stayed with her until her grandfather came back and I saw him sit down, but as I was leaving with my charges, I again saw him get up to leave again. It was just a little disturbing to me and I was concerned for her safety.
When: Monday, (12/7) around noon.
I, as a nanny, sometimes, have seen this type of situation. You feel really bad and wish you could say something. OP: I was so happy, you took the time to talk, interact and make sure the child was safe. But there is only so much you can do. Hopefully, the parents (or grandpa) sees this- and realizes what is going on.
Dec 10, 2009 5:06:00 AM
This scares me. I understand you did not say anything to the grandfather, but I think you should have. I also fear that someone awful could read this blog and go to this mall......I shudder to think....
awww this is really sad. Not only should the grandfather not have been leaving this kid alone, but it seems as though her mom needs to sit down with her daughter and have a talk about giving out personal information to strangers. I feel like this is the kind of situation where if you had approached the grandfather in a non confrontational way, it would have been appreciated. He might just not have realized that the play area was not the type of environment that you should leave a child alone in.
I would have taken the child to mall security and told them that you found the child unattended in the play area and you are not sure where their caregiver is. I have done this in the past and it tends to be a wake up call to the caregiver since mall security around here generally has no problem telling them how dangerous leaving them there is!
I think Tattletail's suggestion is very good. This is VERY disturbing and surely Grandpa had no idea of the potential dangers of what he was doing.
This is why I cannot have my dad babysit, though he lives nearby, (he is utterly oblivious to detail and the finer points of reality) and why the old line of "get a family member to babysit (50 hours a week?) if you can't afford $25/hr for a good nanny" annoy the hell out of me.
This summer I met a little girl at a busy playground. She told me that she was visiting and that her grandmother and her cousins were supposed to come back for her after half an hour. She looked sad and lonely. I guess she was between eight and eleven and I felt bad for her. So the present post baffles me. Just how much trouble can a four-year-old get into? Also, I must say that for all their supposed wisdom, grandparents are not always up to date on safety issues.
I'd have to agree with tattletail. That's why they have mall security. I think it would feel extremely gratifying to tell Grandpa off, but I know I would be way too nervous.
I think the better option (although tattletail has the right idea) would have been to use your cell to contact mall security and have them come to the play area. That way Grandpa can't raise a ruckus about YOU endangering the child, and the security people can still give him a good lecture!
oh well said: "So the present post baffles me. Just how much trouble can a four-year-old get into?"
I am confused. Are you being sarcastic, or do you really not get exactly what could happen to a 4 yo alone in a mall?
if OP was so concerned why didn't she contact mall security?
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