*One more thing. The time it took for her to jump in the car and take off was less than 2 seconds. I don't know where she put the child but it was impossible that she buckled the child up. She was lightening fast, and intent only on fleeing. That baby was just a tool to her. :(
Stop and Shop in Nanuet, NY
Received Tuesday, July 21, 2009
This is what I observed, Monday at approximately 330 PM. A black female, between the ages of 30-38, height & weight proportionate, wearing a short sleeved, ribbed pink sweater and blue jeans. She had with her a white girl, between the ages of ten months-18 months. Said child had curly blond hair, may have had blue eyes, was wearing a mint green and white sun dress and white sandals. I passed this nanny a few times while I was shopping. She was loading up her cart with what looked like family groceries. At one point, I noticed she was snacking on a cupcake and a chocolate milk. No biggy, I've let my children start in on something to keep them quiet while I shopped. (shame, shame, I know). The little girl was sitting in the front of the cart next to a hobo style handbag, black leather. When I came around the corner at one point, I had clearly caught her stuffing something in her handbag. I looked at her, she knew I had seen her. I turned and went back the other way to notify a manager. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see her pass me by. She is carrying the child and the bloated handbag. I look around for a manager or employee and no one is readily available. I go outside, she is a good distance from me, so I yell, "hey" and start to jog towards her. This is when I trip and fall on the pavement. I caught myself with my hands, but it was very embarrassing. I saw the nanny drive away in a silver SUV. Looked new, I only say the top 1/2 of it, so I can't say for sure what the model was.
*One more thing. The time it took for her to jump in the car and take off was less than 2 seconds. I don't know where she put the child but it was impossible that she buckled the child up. She was lightening fast, and intent only on fleeing. That baby was just a tool to her. :(
*One more thing. The time it took for her to jump in the car and take off was less than 2 seconds. I don't know where she put the child but it was impossible that she buckled the child up. She was lightening fast, and intent only on fleeing. That baby was just a tool to her. :(
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Wow in NY you guys are strange. You don't ever try to chase someone for shoplifting especially if they they have a child. That is dangerous. People who shop lift are already desperate who's to say that she wouldn't shoot you. But i don't know how the gun laws in NY are... see where I live we are allowed to carry guns all the time. You never know who has one or not.
Um, do you know what she was stuffing in her purse? Because I stuff things in and OUT of my purse all the time, in stores. Not items from the shelves, mind you, but items that I'm carrying WITH me, from my wallet with coupons in it, to my cell phone, to my sunglasses, to my water bottle. So, did you just see this woman stuffing something in her purse, or did you see what it is? Because your description sounds like the former.
If she wasn't worried, why would she run away like that then?
Wow, I have to agree with WildWest. That was really stupid of you to chase her. Is it worth getting into a dangerous confrontation over something that, as immoral as it may be, is not your problem? Your only responsibility is to notify management. Sad that this nanny would steal, but I truly hope OP does not try to chase a thief again.
Lala I doubt the lady would have fled the grocery store if she's wasn't doing something wrong. Its pretty obvious that she took off because she had reason to be worried. I also don't think it was the brightest idea to follow the woman into the parking lot and yell for her. Hopefully the store is already aware of what she's up too.
I'm sorry, but this made me laugh. What a ridiculous story. OP, WHY would you run after this woman? You do not work at the grocery store and it is not your job to catch shoplifters there. Obviously it was an immoral nanny, but get a grip.
WTF? You have got to be kidding me. I call possible baloney, no cashiers on the way out of a store??? Or any one "readily available" If you SCREAM they will notice and become available. This post is either some hockey from a bull, or the OP was really not thinking clearly, to bad she did not take a picture with a cell phone.
Why would you scream? That would be crazy. And Nanuet is where Rosie O's mansion is. I doubt the nanny was packing a gun. It's a nice area.
ps if op hadnt done anything, people would be saying, why didnt you do anything.
nice try op.
Trust me, It has nothing to do with NY. It is not a smart thing to do ANYWHERE and I assure you this not something typical of a NY'er to do!!! Just plain moronic.
Scream might have been the wrong word. How about Yell really loudly?
Though on the face of it after looking up the definition of scream. Why, Yes you can "Scream" (Verb usage) out. "She's a shoplifter!" to get the authorities/managers attention". Or how about screaming "Stop Thief!"
Now if this small post of mine isn't screamingly pedantic sounding. I obviously failed in the attempt to be so. Do you know another definition of scream is to be funny? Why this post of mine is so NOT screamingly funny. Its not a scream for sure.
To the OP from someone who has worked in/on security subjects before, including retail businesses. Next time walk after the person, do not pursue, get a picture if you can, write down the license plate number of the vehicle if you can. The Stop in Shop more then likely has a camera system and has a picture of the person involved. You just need to bring it to their attention. Not put a poor child and yourself at risk. And good luck next time.
Unless you were 100% positive she shoplifted, you should've just left it alone. How dumb would you have felt if they caught her, searched the handbag and found nothing?
The sky is falling!!! The sky is falling!!
Shoplifting has become quite a problem lately, many people blame it on the economy. I hope as a nanny she is getting paid well but then again someone who shoplifts while having enough cash on them to pay for the item is in it for the thrill. If you did manage to get her busted because she had a child with her she might have just gotten away with the punishment of banishment from the store. She'll just take her business elsewhere.
At my grocery store they have a rack of reduced items, usually dented cans and open packages. This little old lady was caught on the cameras denting her own cans and then writing on them with a Sharpie the new reduced price. However she forgot one thing, the store crosses out the bar code on the item so it doesn't not accidentally get scanned for the full price.
She was asked not to come back.
Does anybody care that she sped off in her car without placing the child in a baby seat?
Yes and that is part of the problem Mom of her being chased. Most retail security do NOT chase after any suspect that runs, for the very reason that someone may be desperate enough to endanger others. Note this statement specifies RETAIL security, not a security force that has been properly trained in apprehension and detainment of suspects "police and some higher end security services". In this case a child was put in danger by the actions of the shoplifter and it could be argued by the OP. There is a chance that a civil liability could manifest on the part of the person doing the chasing if the child got hurt. Also the Nanny could say she saw this crazy person chasing after her and thought she was a Kidnapper. A lie of course, but people will lie as it suits them if they are involved in a criminal act. Any lawyer willing to take the civil case could go after the OP for endangering the child by placing the Nanny in a stressful state and the OP is not QUALIFIED to make the correct assesment on whether or not the situtation warranted the OPs action.
That makes sense.
oh please: guess u have no conscience of right or wrong. op saw her apparently shoplifting and theres absolutely nothing wrong with reporting a crime. grow some already. good job op
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