I interacted with them more from my table than the nannies did. This is exactly the reason I don’t leave my 16 month old daughter in the care of a baby sitter.
Olive Garden in Chelsea, NYC
Received Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I was at the Olive Garden in Chelsea, NYC yesterday and at the table next to me were 2 nannies, one of an adorable blond hair boy about 11 months old, wearing a blue checked jumper with red sandals, and the other, caring for a blond baby girl also around 11 months wearing a white tee shirt with a purple butterfly on it. The nannies were gabbing away while the babies tried to get their attention, with alcoholic beverages… only after they finished their meal, drinks and dessert did they pay attention to these two adorable children.
I interacted with them more from my table than the nannies did. This is exactly the reason I don’t leave my 16 month old daughter in the care of a baby sitter.
I interacted with them more from my table than the nannies did. This is exactly the reason I don’t leave my 16 month old daughter in the care of a baby sitter.
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Yes, these nannies may acted with heedlessness and impropriety. While your concern for these children is no doubt genuine and noble, I don't think that it is necessary to make sweeping generalizations about all 'babysitters' and nannies. There are wonderful, loving nannies out there, but no one really cares to hear about them. Not all parents have the option to stay home with their children. It would benefit them to have a stringent screening process when hiring caregivers and check up on them often.
These two are crazy to drink alcohol when they are with little babies...good posting on that...but grouping all the nannies and the baby-sitters in the same category (your last sentence) is a bit much.
This sounds more like a rant than an actual sighting. What did the nannies look like? Any other info?
OP, This is a good post, and I hope the parents hear about it. As for your fear of leaving your child with babysitters. If parents do their due diligence, and speak extensively with references, they won't end up hiring negligent nannies who drink on the job.
Maybe they were the children's mothers? I can't imagine drinking on the job.
Also, are you really going to sweep all nannies/babysitters together? You've never, ever left your child with a babysitter? Come on.
Professional nanny here and I have never and will never drink on the job. Once, one of the moms I just casually sit for at night offered me a cocktail and I said no. Please do not judge us by our worst speciamans-- if indeed these were working nanies and not mothers.
Not all babysitters are bad...I promise promise promise you...
But unfortunately, one bad apple (or two) spoils the whole bunch...UGH!!!
Drinking and driving. How were these nannies and babies getting home?
This is a firing offense. Driving after drinking with a child in the car in every parent's nightmare.
Holy Hell! How about working on your grammar first before you start fixing the babysitter issue. Good Lord!
Ok not defending the nannies inattentiveness but how do you know there was alcohol in the drinks? They could've asked for a drink without alcohol. I do that from time to time with my charge, I would never drink while I was watching him but I do enjoy the virgin drinks from time to time
Driving also wouldn't be an issue as its in NYC.
Cabs abound and I highly doubt Nannies would ferry their charges into NYC via car, so they were probably local.
Furthermore, how do you know they were nannies and not the mothers? Either way not the best caregivers it appears.
It seems overall overzealous in my opinion.
Terrible sighting. There is no way any parent could recognize their nanny or child because of the OP's lack of description, if the OP were truly concerned about the babies he/she would have posted more information. And if he/she was overly concerned about the nannies drinking and driving she should have notified the manager of the restaurant who could have possibly done something
The babies were trying to get their attention with alcoholic drinks?
Yeah a baby mixing drinks would get my attention.
As I have said before I have had a drink or two while on the job, no biggie, I can still do my job.
I'm with Kim. Sounds like you were just looking for an opportunity to be able to complain about bad nannies.
That being said, they shouldn't have been drinking. OTW, failing to see the problem here...
The real question is, why are you in NYC and eating Italian at Olive Garden. That, my friend, is the real crime!
Oh, shut up, you sanctimonious cow.
There are millions of nannies who do take care of thier charges and do NOT drink on the job so your blanket, "This is why I care for my own children" statement is insulting and ludicrous.
You need to suck it. Oh, yes, I did.
I have one question. How were the babies trying to get the nannies attention with the alcoholic beverages? Were they drinking them themselves, or throwing them at the nanies, or what?
(hehehehe) But for real, good post. I Hope the moms see this.
I think the babies kept ordering mimosas and were acting like obnoxious drunks. You know how babies act when they've had a few.
Its NYC..noone drives here? You take the subway or walk. Its still irresponsible but I assure you they wont be drinking and driving in the Chelsea section of NYC.
LOL now I have images of drunk babies terrorizing the staff at Olive Garden in my head.
Good one
nannyontherun said...
The real question is, why are you in NYC and eating Italian at Olive Garden. That, my friend, is the real crime!
Only Dad-
Glad you got a chuckle at that :) I live in the NYC metro area and couldn't help but get a little stab in haha.
Sounds like the kids were dinning with their mothers.
Hahah Portlander.
I agree with a few others...sounds like these were probably mommies, not nannies.
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