I saw possibly the best manny I have ever seen on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. He was light skin, dark hair, dark eyes, jeans and sweatshirt, about 22 yrs old, a student. Manny picked up boy, brown hair, from private school, about 8 years old, he came out very excited, they chatted, got on their scooters and left.
Later, I find them at pizzeria around the corner. Manny and dc are talking about Pokemon. They get their pizza, manny gives child juice instead of soda, tells him why soda is bad. They start playing game with straws, boy laughs hysterically. Manny's cell phone rings, he silences it. Boy cursed, and manny had conversation about why it is inappropriate to say that word, boy got sad that he upset manny, manny scuffled his hair and told him "is okay bud" - gave him kiss on head, and told him "it's alright kiddo" (by this point every mom and nanny in popular kid pizzeria is looking at how great this guys is - your ds LOVES this guy).
A friend of the boy came over to say hi, manny engaged other child in conversation, gave him high five when he left. I HAD to go up to him and ask if he was sitting for the boy as they could easily pass for brothers the way your son was showing affection for this guy. Very politely, he told me he was and how he's an education student, has worked at various private schools, camps, and is a live in manny for different family other days of week!!! They left, still talking about pokemon, got on their scooters and raced down the sidewalk.
Dear lucky parent, you have the best male sitter I have ever seen. He looks like he loves his job for the right reasons, and does not come off as a jock or sketchy guy sitters like others. Athletic, well-mannered, smart, and amazing with kids. Signed, envious mom.
Glad to hear something positive about a manny for once.
Thats great :-) I hate how many people stereotype that a male sitter has another agenda. Its so unfair, there are many female sitters that are no good. Why always pick on the guys? I thinks its especially nice for a young boy to have a positive male roll model as his sitter.
Awesome! At first I was thinking he was part of a big brother program, but that's cool that he's a manny. It's great that the little boy has such a positive male role model to look up to.
I have never run into a manny during my whole childcare career. But it's great to read a positive post about either nannies or mannies!
I want a manny to ride scooters with my son! I can totally picture how cute that would be!
This guy sounds great, if you run into him again ask if he's straight and single! He's gonna be a great dad one day.
Wish i got comments from parents like that :( i guess its cause the kids i watch are much younger(ages 18months-age 3) what i get are looks like i am some sort of molester or something all while im doing the same thing you described, but with my 18month old charge(a girl) i do what you normally do with toddlers, run with them, tummy kisses, peek aboo etc. and well the typical looks are given like errr err. or the such.
i wish i had spectators like you :(
Mr. Nanny,
As a fellow male childcare worker, you deserve major props for still doing what you do even with all of those looks. It is sad that a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us.
Are you the same guy who was getting your hands tied by the different daycares? How is your search for a good daycare to work at going for you?
Repost for Anonymous...
omg, i thing i saw the same guy. was he wearing a brooklyn sweatshirt? he and boy were scootering around e. 70s today. he seems very much a guy's guy - they're both kinda in their own world talking about whatever they were talking about, seems great.
Awwww he sounds amazing! I can only hope that when I'm a mother, that I can find someone as amazing as him.
nc yes i was, i am making a list of potential places to go to after i finish my masters, that dont cut ones duties due to gender. this includes diaper changing, pottying, etc. i dont like those duties but hey i aint gonna slack.
How is your search going??
so far so good, but all will tell when i go for an interview or such but i just wish i knew more schools in california liek that.
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