Childcare Scams Rake in Thousands - Part 1
On paper Angela Hale is a child-care provider. She reported taking care of the same five kids seven days a week while their mom supposedly worked at a lawn-care service, even in the winter months. The government paid Hale more than $30,000 last year for her child-care business.
It appears the government got duped. Hale didn't care for the kids at times she said she did, nor did the mom legitimately work, the Journal Sentinel found. The newspaper spent four months investigating the $340 million taxpayer-financed child-care system known as Wisconsin Shares and uncovered a trail of phony companies, fake reports and shoddy oversight. (cont.)
Childcare Loopholes Lead to Easy Money - Part 2
The two-story house on 17th St. looks typical of the working-class homes on Racine's west side. Three bedrooms, one bath. Assessed by the city at $122,000. Yet inside, a young woman has tapped into a home-based money-making operation that netted her and her three sisters more than half a million in taxpayer dollars since 2006. And they did it with the blessing of the state.
All four had been in-home child-care providers. Collectively they have 17 children. For years, the government has paid them to stay home and care for each other's children. Nothing illegal about it under the rules of Wisconsin Shares, the decade-old child-care assistance program designed alongside Wisconsin's welfare-to-work program. (cont.)
Thank you to 'Anonymous Reader' for Contributing this Article.
I am completely dumbfounded! I guess once the word spread that it was easy to cheat Wisconsin Shares for money, all kinds of degenerates jumped on board.
Anybody from Wisconsin here? I have a SAHM friend in the Denver area who looked into the state paid home daycare plan so she could continue to SAH and have playmates for her daughter and income. She was told the state pays $7 PER DAY per kid and the parents pay whatever they can above that.
Supposedly, it's to help low-income parents find childcare that's less expensive than traditional daycare. But that's only $35 PER WEEK! So to make a living wage of say, $400/week, you'd need to be watching 10 kids... problems like this make it easy for people to abuse the system. And even if people weren't abusing the system, what kind of childcare provider would be willing to be paid $35 per week?! Probably the same scary people on craiglist who advertise "Only $100 per week!"
Is it someone's Birthday?? Jane?? MPP?? I see the new picture/Banner,which BTW,prompted me to bake a Pineapple Upside Down Cake,because it tipped off my sweet-tooth!
It's just a very different picture than usual..must be a reason!PLs let us know!!
It is the birthday of someone very special to me. The little girl I fell in love with (at first sight) when she was 1 and lived with and nannied for 8 years turns 13 today. She made such an impact on my life and blessed me with so many adventures and memories. :)
Jane,Thanks for sharing. I knew it must have been something wonderful like that!
Happy Birthday New Teen!!
Thanks Jane :))
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