First nanny: I was visiting the children's museum with my babysitter and saw a nanny who initially looked great. I approached her and asked if she had full time work and was seeking that - she said no. I liked her so much that I took her number down. As I turned to leave and said goodbye to my babysitter and baby, I could hear this nanny turn to my babysitter and say "I'm going to the bathroom, could you look after this baby?" (ie her charge). She had literally just met me three minutes before asking this of my babysitter and had not exchanged a word with my babysitter other than an introduction. They didn't know each other. I was horrified. She left the child with my babysitter (and I stayed with them). The child, Thea, looked truly scared. She looked like she was going to cry, but we distracted her. But jeeeez... we may have looked normal, but this is NYC - how could that nanny trust that we wouldn't steal the baby? I was frightened for the child. The nanny returned and the baby was happy to see her and the nanny acted like nothing wrong had happened.
Description of the nanny: black, excellent English, 40s, very happy, pretty, easy going, well dressed.
Description of the child: I believe her name was Thea (prounounced 'TAya') and she was 14 months old (I believe - nanny told me, but I forgot) and was small for her age. White, sweet face, lots of curly dark hair, looked like she wasn't crawling yet, but I could be wrong. The nanny said that she had started with the couple about a month ago and that she was working four days (I think) a week for an Upper East Side family (I think) and that the couple was shopping that day. If you know who the child's parents are, feel free to contact me through the blog provider who has my contact information.
Second nanny sighting that I didn't like: Also in the Children's museum. A nanny had a child named Lyndsay - probably 16 to 24 months - and another child who looked to be the same age so I assumed that they were twins. The nanny yelled at Lyndsay a lot - for no reason - and would yank her away from things by picking her up in the armpit in what I thought was a somewhat aggressive way. Lyndsay looked perfectly fine with it.
Hi Op. What did the 2nd nanny look like, please?
The number you have is it the nanny's or the 'number? If it's the nanny's you could call her and tell her that she did such a good job with their kid and you wanted to tell the parents how well she was doing.
duh. it is the person who wrote's this phone number.
Jo Jo was your 'duh' comment directed towards me?
It's not apparent that this is the nanny's phone number. If she lives with the family it may very well be their home number. Not everyone has a cell phone sweetie.
You might want to be careful, your true character is showing through :)
TC...thats just rude to do to someone, lets call the nanny and tell said nanny you need their employers number to compliment them? fishy. plus, it's mean...considering the OP would be doing just the opposite. There is no reason to get nasty.
not only is it rude, it's wrong. I was referring to the author offering her number to the parents. my bad.
So if your nanny was doing something wrong you wouldn't want someone to find anyway to get ahold of you? I sure would, even if it meant lying.
This is just a very general question. just from sheer curiosity. people see all these nannies and report them. but how do you know without talking to them ( I know you talked to this person so obviously you knew, op) they are nannies? can you just tell? i have never ever had someone approach me and assume i'm a nanny/ they just always say something about how cute my "daughter" is .they just assume I'm the parent. so thats why i was wondering. I didnt know if there was a tell-tale sign. :o)
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