My baby has gained less than a pound over two months and two weeks. It is very little bit of gaining. When she comes to my home in the morning, I have about 20 minutes with her to get ready myself. She shows so much enthusiasm reading books, playing music and playing with baby while I am there. That is how I believed her that she will be doing that every day while I am gone. Let me tell you how she took care of my baby.
As soon as I leave home, she puts my baby either in crib or on floor , and never picks him up again until lunch time. Even though my baby cries, she doesn't pick him up at all. what she does all day is eating after eating. She opens refrigerator , freezer , and cabinet where food store so many times and even she opens my baby food drawer and eats my baby puree food. She lives in kitchen and dining room all day eating and eating. During lunch time, she picks my baby up and put him on high chair and she eats my baby's lunch and gives very little to my baby. She eats my baby's lunch more than feeding my baby. she puts my baby's food in her filthy and dirty mouth with baby spoon and gives that spoon into my baby's mouth. She gives her germs to my baby. It is so nasty somebody do that to my baby. Also she wipes her dirty ass with napkin on dining table in dining room. It is just so disgusting and nasty nanny.
As soon as my baby's lunch is done, she puts my baby in the crib all afternoon. and She picks him up just before my husband comes home. so my baby is in crib over 4 hours crying crying and tired and fall asleep all day like this. Again she plays music and pretends like she is taking care of baby all day and give bottle just a couple of minutes before my husband comes home. She is supposed to give him milk around 4 o'clock as snack between lunch and dinner. She rarely tried. All she does is eating for herself. She reminds me of pig. She has been neglecting my baby all day. She rarely changes my baby's diaper throughout the day. She is always in dining room or kitchen and my baby is in crib all day. and she picks him up only twice a day, during lunch time and before my husband comes home. so She rarely changes my baby's diaper. She just abandons my baby all day.
I had a feeling that something is not right. since I have this nanny, my baby has started not sleeping at night, because he has been crying and sleeping all day in crib by himself. also he has gained very little bit of weight over two months of period time. He was okay playing by himself in his play area as long as I am in his sight even though I am not right next to him. but since I had that nanny, he just cries even I walk one step away.
So I decided to install the camera to find out. that is how I found out. First I pretended I didn't know anything, and I asked baby food jar's gone. She said that baby is keep opening mouth so I gave him.
She lied to me that actually she ate baby food. She lied again that she is playing with toys, reading books and playing music for baby during the day. she lied again she changes baby's diaper quite a few times a day. she lied that my baby doesn't take bottle, she tried only a couple of minutes just before my husband comes home. the person makes me sick and she is lying after lying......
When I talked to nanny, I told her that I know how she was doing all day, she said that I am sorry, I guess that I am going home something like that. so she knows her wrongdoing and then she said again, she took care of my baby and I did nothing wrong.
All moms in Clearwater , FL watch out this woman, Annette - She is out there looking for a nanny job.
i wonder about this posting. sounds like a 6th grader wrote it.
There is something off about this post, the weird grammar/immaturity of the language. It sounds very childish and focuses on the alleged appearance of this woman, rather than on neglectof the baby, which one would expect to be the major i don't know, it sounds like a kid being nasty rather than a real report.
It sounds like English is not the OP's first language that's all. I think she is doing a good thing warning people about this horrible and negletful woman.
Yeah I would hope this is a fake post.
Number one most people know how to write, of course not everyone is perfect but that entire 'sighting' was ridiculous. I could barely follow along.
Number 2 if you thought someone was neglecting your child you would immediately fire them.
My guess would be this is an "enemy" who wants to get back at Annette for something.
Maybe you can get past the parent here that obviously doesn't use English as her first language and feel bad for this baby that got sub par care. She sounds very angry, and is probably heated as she is writing this, I know I would be!
Here we go, people that are afraid to believe that there are neglectful nannies out there that would do something like this, so they cry, "fake post".
Fake or not, it happens. Every day. Unfortunately, I've seen it first hand.
How do you know that English is OPs first language? Not everyone can write as eloquently as you can. Also, how do you know she didn't fire her as soon as she saw the tape?
It's really frustrating for me to hear all of these bad stories about nannies and caregivers. I never hear good stories.
I'm really glad I get to stay home with my daughter.
What mom in her right mind would keep a caregiver, for over two months that wasn't taken proper care of her child. She said her child really didn't gain weight in the two and a half months she worked for her. Why would you wait ten weeks wouldn't you be worrying after a month if the child isn't gaining?
I am sure the pediatrician was wondering why the child wasn't gaining on the regular monthly visits.
In all fairness I don't know any child that has regular monthly visits to the doctor. I have a 6 month old that has had only 4 scheduled visits and isn't due back for another 3 months. So maybe after 2 1/2 months with this nanny she took her baby to his rugular well check and the doctor noticed the baby hadn't gained wait and that's when she got concerned. I don't see why everyone is so hard on this Op first because she is probably writing in her second language and secondly for not handling the situation up to everyone's standards. She did what she thought was best and now she is rid of this woman which is the most important part and is nice enough to try and warn others.
If I remember correctly the first year I had to bring my son in every month. But maybe different states or doctors have their ways.
Its sounds like a desperate mother looking for childcare. Actually, I just reread what she wrote. And I sort of feel sorry for the parents. They are probably in low paying jobs as well. And are in need of money to just survive. Like she wrote we didn't like her from the beginning but we need care right away.
Sort of sad for parents and child.
1. Sounds like a woman whose first language is NOT English.
2. Sounds like a woman who is not comfortable with fat people.
3. Sounds like a woman who had a horrible experience with a horribly neglectful nanny.
I'm sorry for the baby. I wish the fat-phobic parts weren't in the post, because I think they are irrelevant and make the mother look irrational. If I set aside the fatphobic bits, it seems as if Mom has more than enough here to justify real outrage, so why the fact that the nanny "look like pig" is relevant is beyond me.
I'm sure this is not a fake post at all. Because something is horrifying, people tend to call it a fake post. It's obvious the OP is not a native English speaker. I don't think there is anything wrong with her post beyond that. It seems highly relevant that the OP mentioned that the awful sitter was very fat. She ate the baby's pureed food and did nothing but neglect him. It's abuse. Of course the OP is mad, and very justifiably so. The OP probably could have had this person arrested for what she did (after having caught it on tape.).
I agree fox in socks, the weight issue was relevant because of the exact reason you gave, but also, who can blame the OPs anger? That's probably another reason it comes across as crass.
I agree with the posters that say English is probably not Op's first language.
By the way, not all parents who hire 'nannies' are able in a position to do so, and some of these so called nannies hardly qualify. A bonafide nanny would never leave a child in a crib all day. That is just bizarre. This is somebody who just needed a job, and this was available so she took it. Her experience was not actually in nannying, albeit in some kind of childcare.
This mother is just really ticked off, and rightfully so. The deceptive nature of this 'nanny' is unnerving.
It seems to you bizarre to leave the baby in the crib all day, and of course I feel that way too, but there are plenty of people who do this and think it's a perfectly normal thing to do, a perfectly acceptable way to take care of a baby. Many people have lower standards. They are caring for your kid the way they'd care for their own: badly.
"I had a nanny. Her name is Annette from Clearwater, FL. She is 61 years old and very fat. My husband and I didn't like her much at beginning, but we kept her because we needed someone immediately."
O.P., your opening statement says it all, you are an idiot.
As far as the OP describing the nanny as fat...I normally cringe at that myself. However, in this instance I suspect that OP is righteously angry, and that her appearance is just one way that she is lashing out at her.
Also, in this instance, it serves to complete a whole picture...a nanny who clearly never misses a meal eating the food of a tiny infant at a critical growth and developmental phase of his life is all the more disgusting. In other words...if its relevant to the post, I don't mind the weight being mentioned. If its just to be mean and has nothing to do with how the child is cared for, leave it out, please. In this case, I didn't find it too lout of line.
And yes OP, you missed several opportunities to fire when oyu didn't like her at first, and when you FIRST saw on the video tape what she was really doing. I wouldn't have waited. It would have been her last day. And I would have taken the tapes of the baby in the crib all day to some sort of authority in the off chance that it might somehow prevent her form getting another job caring for children.
I had a friend who left her baby in the crib when she didn't want to be bothered by him. Our mom-friendship was very brief...even though I had known her for years before we had kids. Havent seen or talked with her in 21 years, in fact. it was too awful. Had I been who I am today, I would have called somebody about her. When we're young, we're not always the brightest.
I'm new to all this, but wondering the same as well...I completely understand people can deceive you...but how does this pathetic excuse for a nanny even get their foot in the door? IF they really are that bad..they must have worked VERY VERY hard to cover it up..or someone may not have been as diligent in their screening the prospective nannies as they should have when selecting someone to care for their child. like I said though, people can be very convincing and deceiving...just a thought
Have to chime in now. If the nanny really was eating the way OP describes, OP would have to posess about 6 brain cells to only become aware of it after 2 months, and must have lost at least 3 to let the nanny stay on after 1 week. And would have had to lose 2 of those 3 to keep nanny on after witnessing her behavior on the nanny cam.
If nanny was really spending 8-10 hours a day eating, OP would have to do a full grocery shopping every day. There would be nothing left for breakfast or dinner at the end of each shift. Not baby food, not snacks, not meat, nothing.
That crossed my mind too. Wouldn't you notice the pantry being emptied every day?
Unless she was a constant grazer.
I don't know. But it makes me sick that the baby didn't gain the proper weight. Although OP, how old is your baby specifically? Because that weight gain is not out of line for an older baby...and some of it depends on the specific baby. My newborn son gained at least a pound every two weeks at first, but my daughter gained 7 pounds her entire first year despite being fed constantly(boy was that a stressful year!)
I am Anette and I have a hollow leg and that is why I must eat and eat and eat. Mow mow mow mow. Yummy yummy yummy. Baby stays in crib while I nom nom nom. I eat fooooood.
Dear "Anette"
I think you mean "moo"?
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