As they walked in the door, Nanny told Boy she was going to 'punch him out if he didn't stop'. In the Store, Nanny was saying 'I don't care' repeatedly as the Boy tried to show her toys. She let Norah run around unattended as she looked at toys. Left the Boy at the store as her and Norah left for a good 5 minutes.
She was extremely rude to these Children. If you are the Parents... FIRE HER.
She was of Hispanic Decent, wearing olive green T-shirt and black sweat pants.. with white sunglasses on her head and her hair up in a ponytail.
Again, this was in the Winter Park Village Toy Store.
Hispanic Decent---was she really decent after all, I thought you said she was rude?
Grammer dear!
Grammar, idiot.
Oh nana, that is just rich.. too perfect! haha.
OP, we all make mistakes, don't feel bad. You did the right thing reporting this, and that is much more important than someone coming on here to correct your spelling.
Hahah "grammer, dear!"
OP, this woman sounds scary!
She's going to punch her out?
That's horrible.
Good sighting. I really hope this is seen by the parents.
Wow, so dangerous to leave children alone like that. What if the child was abducted.
Maybe someone will abduct nana!
Ever consider that I was making a point with the "e"?
snarkymama, if you were trying to make a point, you failed. Sarcasm doesn't usually come across too well on the internet in case you haven't noticed.
Hahahaha! Nope. Not gonna happen snarkymama. You made a mistake, and it made you look like an ass. Just admit it and move on. It's all good.
She offered to punch him out?
I think that might have been worthy of grabbing a mall security guard on the spot and having her held for making a serious threat against a child. Then, when mama got the call to come pick up her son after beinbg alerted by either mall security or the police that she had threatened to physically assault him, maybe it would hit home with her that she needs a new nanny.
Snarkymama, what does a misspelled word have to do with grammar?
I love how most of these comments focused on snarkymama's use of E in grammar. seriously, who cares.
and this nanny is the type of person who wants a job to do whatever she wants and ignores what she should be doing. there are a lot of nannies like this and its NOT OKAY. People don't get that being a nanny means actually liking kids! wow, who knew!!
I really hope the parents read this post, very sad sighting op, thank you for posting.
I love jason
"I love how most of these comments focused on snarkymama's use of E in grammar. seriously, who cares."
I don't think after the first comment to "reprimand" snarkymama, it should have been brought up again, but she left herself open to criticism after insulting the OP. It's par for the course.
I love Jason--
Shouldn't your question have been, "I love how the OP posts a problem and then her first answer is an attack on how she worded it"?
Maye the kid needed a good punch in the head! It can be a good teaching moment!
Just don't get caught by ISYN
Yeah, I'd get sick of Boy trying to show me every damn toy in the store too. SSHHED UP!
And as for that Norah...she's been acting the damn fool all day.
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