I could not be discreet about following her because I am a nanny too, and I was pushing my charge in a stroller. My charge is only 4 months. We were out for some air. So after a couple of blocks the nanny starts to look back and sees me. I don't know if she knew why I was following her, but I have a strange feeling she did. I ignore her as she looks back and talk to my charge about the sites of the street, the sounds, etc. I let a little more distance get between us. The nanny turns and heads down one street, so I do too. I am now about thirty feet behind her when she turns around and starts screaming at me for following her. The clincher? She is swinging the stroller with the child. She is absolutely furious. She isn't scared. Or fearful. But furious. She is screaming at me at the top of her lungs and the little kid doesn't know what to make of it. I give her a look like I don't know what she is talking about or who she is talking to and I duck into a hardware store there on third, Wankel's hardware.
I'll be honest, I spent a few minutes milling because I did not want to run back into that nutbag. I had originally seen the nanny at Turtle Pond in Central Park. It is a nice and mild day in the city today, one reason I was out with my charge. I would however caution readers about attempting to follow nannies home. This nanny was African American with a short, wavy hair style, wide face, wide set eyes, no jewelery and wearing track pants that were black with a white stripe on one side only. The track pants were boot cut and went wide at the bottom and over her tennis shoes. The boy she was taking care of was under a year old and looked to be northern european with dark hair and eyes and fair skin. When she turned around to accost me on the street she swung the stroller around so fast and with one hand that the wheels left the pavement.
Well I have to say, If someone were following me I would scream and yell and bring attention to myself too..in hopes of scaring them a way. Afterall, she did not know that YOU were not some nutbag wanting to harm her or the charge..right? I would rather my charge be abit frightened because I yelled than harmed because I didn't!
However, as far as her being rough with the child..that is shameful and I hope that mom & dad read ISYN and recognize this as their nanny..who obviously needs to be replaced of course only after a good bitch slap from mom! No child deserves to be put in a stroller harshly!
I don't think the nanny felt frightenend. Afterall, the O.P. was pushing a infant as well. And it wasn't late nite. New York theres always tons of people walking around.
The nanny in question knew she was wrong the way she treated the child. And she knew someone caught on to it. She was probably going back home to a SAHM. And was afraid the O.P. would tell her what she saw.
You followed a lady all the way to wanker's hardware? I think she thought you were a crazy hobo trying to steal her kid. I hope she burped in your face.
weird that you followed her.
not okay that she treated the child like that.
EVERY single post of yours has some kind of reference to burping or farting. Do you have a mental problem or something? Or is this some kind of fetish?
Maybe you should refrain from all of this garbage because if your posts have nothing of substance, I'm quite sure they will start deleting them, and I would bet you have a lot more to offer.
Let me get this straight- all you pondscum shitbags- you think that people should not run home and blog on isyn and now you are trashing someone for taking actual action? well fuck you all. fuck you all and obama. just fuck you.
HA! I kinda agree with Ole Mini..
Everyone ALWAYS complains about people not doing anything when they see abuse and now you're trashing on this poor girl for trying to do something. Wow..
Park slope---
I was thinking the SAME thing when I read your post to goddoesn't. LOL.
Well I could be more substantial but I fear it might be lost on too many of the crackies on this site. I think I'll dole out my precious pearls of wisdom sparingly, in small grossly-wrapped morsels instead...
Jeepers, I have to agree with mini and justsaying. What the hell would you suggest op should have done?
Why do a lot of McCain supporters hate Obama?
goddoesn't... your are kinda weird.. but I like you
I don't know, but I'm sure you have noticed, as I have, that you see quite a few more anti-Obama bumper stickers, shirts, etc, than you do anti-McCain. I just hope that now that this election is over, we can all try to pull together to give President-elect Obama our support.
Well, remember the conventions? The Dem.'s speeches were hopeful and meant to inspire.
The GOP's were negative and aimed at bashing Obama. Community organizers were disparaged by Guilliani and Palin, and it was down hill from there. Sneering at a man who was editor of The Harvard Law Review, and therefore could have gone to Wall Street and become very wealthy, but chose instead to help his community. That says a lot about that campaign and the mean spirited vibe it created.
Seriously? Not all, but a very large percentage of Obama supporters voted with their hands out. That's why he got so much support. And so the ship sinks a little bit further...
Obama should have ripped McCain's jowels off and put them in a stew. Biden should have ripped Palin's put-on-piece hair extension off and threw it in the crock pot. Presto, Mentally Challenged Crackie-Pot Stew!
Honey please don't ever do that again. What you did is totally unacceptable. You have no right to follow that woman. What were you going to do? Make a citizens arrest? There are more appropriate actions that could have been taken such as taking a picture of the child and or nanny in action with your cell phone discretely if what you saw bothered you that much. Shame on you and shame on the nanny. Please be advised that nanny's have emotions too. We are allowed to get angry and use reasonable force to restraine a child.
Your kidding right? Do you think its acceptable to be "rough" and mean to a toddler?
It doesn't sound like this was a child that was giving the nanny a hard time.
No excuse for abuse.
Not even a toddler, still an infant. Under a year old.
Dear WhyCan'tISayWhat'sOnMyMind, probably YOU can't because you'd get arrested or someone would call CPS on you. Or report you on ISYN, which is probably why you are so defensive about this psycho nanny. It is NOT perfectly acceptable to get angry and use "force" on an infant under one year old. If you seriously believe it is OK, you should not be allowed near children without competent adult supervision.
Likely, OP was trying to follow the abusive nanny to see the address she was taking the child to, and not everyone's phone can take pictures. Dumb and abusive is a bad combination, especially for a nanny.
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