Penn Station - NY
Received Wednesday, November 19, 2008.
At Penn Station around 5:40 PM, I watched a nanny browse magazines at a side shop while her charges, two girls; one about 2 and the other about 4, chased each other around in ever widening circles. The nanny had her back to the children the whole time. She, a Hispanic in a tan rain coat, with curly, feathered hair, no make up, tanned face, average weight and height, I approached. I asked her, "are those two with you" as I pointed across the walkway and down a bit. She nodded, "yes". I said, "I don't think they should be running around here like that. You need to keep your eye on them, anything can happen". She did not become angry or hostile. She looked frightened. I think she thought I was with INS or something. She shoved the magazine she was looking at down and ran after the girls, grabbed both of her hands and kept walking. The girls were wearing matching ski jackets that were pink, dark pink and white and both girls had blonde hair.
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HUH????? Why are you posting this? The girls were running around in circles, the nanny was near. What was the issue? What was the "anything" that could happen. Aside from YOU frightening the nanny.
That is strange that the nanny reacted that way since she really wasn't doing anything wrong? Children run in circles sometimes. "Anything can happen." Like what OP? Anything can happen when children are eating their lunch.
Why would she have to think you were from INS? OP, you're an idiot. What gives you the idea that she was here illegally? Read the next sentence very carefully: ALL HISPANICS LIVING IN THE UNITED STATES ARE NOT HERE ILLEGALLY!!! Your ignorant comments completely overshadow the reason for your post. You are a complete dumb a**!
I bet she grabbed the kids and ran because she wanted to get them away from the strange person staring at them
I think the post is a bit inappropriate.
Saying something like: i think she thought I was from INS is implying not so nice things about how you stereotype about other races/nationalities.
I agree, children should never be left unattended in a train station and perhaps your post is not describing what you saw accurately enough. I suppose it would of had helped if you said: they where 200 feet away or something like that.
Unless nanny got distracted and then was surprised to see the children had gotten further away that she had thought. It happens to all of us; moms and nannies alike.
I don't understand this post... so the kids were running in circles... then a strange lady comes up to the nanny and says to her "Anything could happen!" Hey I'm whiter than white and I would look at you strange and run away with my kids too...
And she would not have thought you were from INS unless you were wearing clothes or a badge...
One day for I borrowed my friends hat (that said immigration on it) and wore it around town. I live in Phoenix.. it was pretty funny.. but I just needed a hat I wasn't trying to stir people up, but man did they run fast!
Um, she was probably freaked out because your comment sounded creepy. "Anything can happen.." she wanted to get her charges away from someone saying those kinds of things!
Damn you! I shouldn't be laughing, but I am! An INS hat?!! I can't imagine what those poor people must have thought! That is funny.
why the bit about INS? oh boy
The other day in the bookstore, I glanced away to speak to a parent about a book I had read. The entire conversation consisted of
"Have you read this yet?"
"Yes it was great, you should enjoy it."
"Ok Thanks"
That was it! The entire conversation took less than 15 seconds.
When I turned back, my charge was climbing the decorative ladder in the Hundred Acre Wood Display!
None of us are perfect, OP and the INS comment gives us a great indication of where you are coming from!
Hey maybe that would make a great feature here. What was the sacriest moment you have ever had as a nanny or parent. I wonder how many would be brave and honest enough to admit to their "Hoo that was close" moment!
One evening, I was staying late and my charges asked to go upstairs to play in their room. I didn't like allowing it because the parents never put up window guards. I guess because they were all over 5 years old, the parents thought it uneccssary.
I went up with them to make sure the windows were locked. I was downstairs preparing dinner when I suddenly got that feeling that tells me something is up because they are too quiet. I went upstairs to find the three of them, ages 6, 7 and 8 hanging out of the second floor window to get a better look at the Christmas lights down the street!
That night when the parents came home I told them what had happened and window guards went up the next morning!
Have any of you people actually been to Penn Station??? at 5:40 p.m. on a weekday??? It is a f-ing zoo in there. While I agree that the OP sounds like a racist and maybe didn't approach the nanny in the best way it's still Penn Station at 5:40 p.m.!!! I am a nanny in NYC and I do not let my charges run in circles anywhere other than the is actually dangerous for both them and the people walking/running/bicycling past them at 200 mph! I love this city but you have to watch out for yourself and the little ones you are in charge of because god knows no one else is going to do it for you.
The OP says the nanny had her back to the children...meaning she couldn't see them. I live in a very small town but I agree with Seriously??? Penn Station would be a place where I would want my nanny to be completely present and aware of my children.
That place is a madhouse. And besides, with everything running around in a rush a child is sure to get knocked down. Side note I always worry about people walking around with hot cups of coffee. So that could be another close encounter.
everyone I meant
OP you're an a-hole.
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