NY Public Library on 6th (Park Slope, NY)
Received Monday, November 10, 2008
I would like to report a lame duck nanny. This nanny was outrageously uninvolved with your child. How uninvolved was she? Well, when your child was crying, another nanny and I sought to locate his parent or caregiver and she did not respond. She was found later heavily engaged in both her ipod tunes and a stack of magazines. Your son was left free to wander around the library unsupervised. Upon finding him tearing pages out of books, a nanny accosted him and caused him to cry. She then tried to console him. It could have been much worse. Strangers dealing with your child's discipline because your nanny is sitting on her keister with ear buds in her ears? Is she making the standard $15 an hour that so many of those lazy babysitters charge? It doesn't matter, whatever she makes, it is way too much. I should also note that when the sitter and child were reunited, the boy was still teary eyed and attempted to fold himself into the nanny but she put her hand up and patted his chest, but to keep him away from any sort of hug or affection. It was a subtle yet very distinguishing episode of body language. Read this, YOUR CHILD's NEEDS ARE NOT BEING MET BY YOUR NANNY. Was it your nanny? She appeared to be Peruvian in descent, long hair, very flat face, high cheekbones, medium height and weight wearing a zip up white Abercrombie sweatshirt in white and blue faded jeans with knock off UGG style boots. The child, her charge was a boy of 3.5 with a bowl style haircut, blonde hair, brown cords, blue shirt with a football design on it and tan hiking boots with red plaid accents at the ankle.
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$15 an hour?!? This is simply recieving the services due you for the lousy hourly wage. I personally haven't made $15 since 1998. I'm make more than twice that. Honestly, it's sad that you people place more value on your European car and where you summer than on the people who will raise your children.
Are you seriously kidding me? What is wrong with $15 an hour? Especially if most likely, she is being paid off the books. either way, nothing wrong with $15 an hour. You make $36 an hour?
WTH can afford that? I mean, unless you work for 2 CEO's or something to that effect, most middle class people cannot afford much more.
Ugh, that reminds me of a bad nanny I have seen TWICE at the same library. I think some lazy nannies think the library is a great place to go to be lazy. The one that I saw had the charge of a child under 2 and she plopped her child on a chair in the children's section and then went to go use the internet, and when I returned the child to her and told her that the child had overturned a box of crayons (hoping she would take the hint and DO HER JOB) her response was that this was a game to the child and she likes to pick them up?? and she went and plopped the child back down in the chair and went right back to her computer (from which she couldn't see the toddler). I watched the little girl and then brought her back to the nanny again, at which point the nanny left the library with her. I won't bore you with the other time I saw them there but it was much the same. I can't really express in words how little interest this nanny paid in her charge, who was a young toddler. It made my heart hurt, made me so angry. I posted about it here but only in comments because I was afraid I would be flamed since it was not clear child endangerment or something like that. But as with the OP, sometimes there are really disturbing situations where it's not just that the 'caregiver' isn't paying attention, they are TOTALLY zoned out. They shouldn't be paid a red cent for the non-job they are non-doing. I really feel for the kids who have to spend hours each day with people who don't give them the attention they'd give a dog they were dog-sitting. :(
Morethan2centsworth, you make over $30 an hour as a nanny? I have tons of respect for professional nannies but that seems like a really high wage. People with multiple graduate degrees often do not make $30 an hour. Childcare is a very important job and people who do this job should receive a living wage or above, for sure. But $30 an hour is really a lot of money for a job that does not require a college degree, let alone a graduate degree.
I think $15 is a very fair wage for a babysitter except perhaps in the most expensive areas of the country. Trained professional "supernannies" can command a lot more, I'm sure, but even then I think $30 is probably quite a rare wage for this job and not at all to be expected for someone entering the profession at entry level!
To be clear, I think these lazy horror story nannies don't deserve $1 per hour. And if they are somehow justifying child neglect (cause that's what it is) because they are not being paid a fair wage, then they need to FIND ANOTHER JOB before they seriously screw up and a child is either injured or warped from one too many days fending for themselves while their parents think they are being taken care of.
I call BS on morethan2centsworth. Even $31 per hour comes out to around $60k per year before taxes. $15/hour is an entirely fair wage in most parts of the country.
That's the problem. $15 an hour gets you a babysitter. People who employ me, at a lot more than $38 an hour I might add, expect more than just someone who will mind their child while they can't. They want someone who can nurture their child in all aspects,creatively, educationaly, physically, and psychologically. $15 an hour barely gets you an English speaking nanny in Los Angeles or New York (I'd also guess Chicago).
As for someone with multiple degrees not making $30 an hour then I say they're not motivated enough. There will always be those types who are satisfied with status quo.
I'm also shocked. I have a sibling who currently got a job making over 100k a year with a BS. Barely over the age 30. I guess my parents just raised go getters.
Honestly folks, and I hate to end this note on a preposition, but you get what you pay for. You pay crap, you get crap.
With all due respect my2cents, I currently make $16.00/hour and I am NOT crap. I am worthy of $30 plus and hour just as much as you are-- perhaps,not as blessed. Neither here nor there though... I am not crap.
Oh. Now it's "MORE" than $38 per hour. The number just keeps going up with each post - also, calling people crap because they make $15 an hour is a little bit disrespectful, don'tcha think?
I double the call for BS on more than2centsworth.
I also hope the parents see this post - it sounds like they may have a nanny similar to morethan2centsworth - someone that thinks a little too highly of themselves. So highly, in fact, that the nanny thinks the child is self-sufficient and safe on their own in a public library.
"Honestly folks, and I hate to end this note on a preposition, but you get what you pay for. You pay crap, you get crap."
I'm sorry, but I just don't see how you are even worth $38 an hour, much less $15. You are an obnoxiously mean individual, and I think you've got a lot of nerve downing other honest, hard working nannies just because they don't make as much as you.
You want to know what separates you from them? Minus your bullshit factor and elitist attitude, the only difference is that you hit the lottery. You just happened to find a rich family that thinks they've got the "end all, be all" of nannies, with a degree, so they think she must be worth her weight in gold.... or it could just be pure dumb luck.
I don't make anywhere near $30.00/hour, but I think I make a decent amount. I don't really care what morethan2centsworth makes, and you all sound kind of jealous. What's the big deal? So what if she makes a lot. Good for her.
I know I wouldn't care what she makes, but you can't come on here, dogging 90% of the nannies that make between $14 and $22 an hour, and call them "crap". And she's saying if you make anything less than her nannyneedsanap, you are crap!
Well I don't make anywhere near 30 an hour but that's fine with me. I do the job because I love it not because of the money. Yes of course it would be nice to make more but I can pay my bills just fine on what I make so I'm happy.
I am a professional nanny though I don't relate to any nannies I have seen on this board. No offense, but I work for great, generous people, take care of humble, intelligent children and make over 100,000 a year...yes as a nanny.
In Manhattan a hostess at a restaurant gets about $15/hour to show you to your table and answer the phone. There are a great many families who live here who think that their children are worth finding and paying someone who might be a bit better than a hostess in a restaurant.
I agree with morethan2centsworth--in NYC if you pay $15/hour, you have a babysitter, not a nanny. It's not bad to have a babysitter, in fact, they can be great--but you should always bear in mind what you've paid.
I'm sure that there are many places in this huge country where $15/hour is a great salary, but it's hardly enough to live on if you live in Manhattan.
Most nannies who work in Manhattan do not live in Manhattan, they live in the much more affordable out boroughs. In the less expensive areas of Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx.
I agree with emily, morethan2centsworth, discreet nanny, etc!
If you make only $15/hour, that's about $450/week after taxes. My rent is $1200/month! I wouldn't be able to eat if I only made $15/hour.
I make $1500/week for a 50 hour week (although, I don't bitch if my bosses come home late, so sometimes it's 55 hours a week). I consider this a living wage, not a generous wage, and I make $25/hour.
Sometimes I think commenters on this site don't put things into perspective geographically.
Good nannies are priceless, and it is great that morethan2centsworth is making that much money.
But a low salary is no excuse for being a slob at your work, especially when the safety of a child is at risk.
Actually, YeahRight, I make closer to $80k a year, before bonuses and overtime.
Loves the girl, where do you work? That has a lot to do with it. If you make $16 an hour somewhere in a smaller area, so suburbs of San Diego, that's a decent salary. Now if you're in NYC, that's just sad and they are taking advantage of you.
BS, I said I make more than twice that an hour. I can see why someone of your caliber who can't do basic math isn't exactly driving a luxury car these days. I'm also a niche nanny with years of experience, a childcare education, and many speciality classes on the side.
Thanks for all the other knowing nannies who realize that we too deserve a living wage. I also have a huge mortgage I'm responsible. Apparently if you listen to people like BS and SDmom, we should all live on hovels with no electricity. Or maybe 15 to a room probably like the people they employ.
Whoa, I am in the wrong line of work!! Seriously, this thread has totally made me consider quitting my part time gig as a foot fungus 'before' model and getting into another line of work...
Really I'm an artist though. I create sculptures out of cat hair, toilet paper rolls and used dryer sheets.
My favorite library memories are of mom reading us weekly somewhere in the corner while I take care of her 2 year old about to hit the ground while standing on a chair so he can do crafts, by himself. So I sit him down and set him up with the things he needs to do an activity safely. I then especially love when you give me a dirty look for helping him.
And then ofcourse the mom who puts her 1.5 year old child standing up on a table in the playarea and walks away for 5 min. Thats almost as bad as the au pair playdate who put the kid on the buffet 2 feet from the stairs and walked away too, in her home. It's not like he can't fall backwards and crack his skull on the tile floor one flight below. Now that's the one time I HAD to step in.
oh and nanny who sits back texting on her cell phone when 2 brothers beat the crap out of each other on the floor for taking the other ones toys.
Oh they great times an innocent trip to the library brings.
So, morethan2, do you teach your charges to belittle other people who have less than them?
You said it Austin Nanny.
So 2 cents, great that you are handsmely paid for doing your job well. That's as it should be. But according to you, a plumber or roofer making only $32 an hour is "crap", a FCO of a web business startup who is basically working for minimum wage to get the company off the ground, and an airline pilot in their first year making $20k as an apprentice (I talked ysterday with someone whose husband is in that position right now), and a preschool teacher working with a GROUP of 12 to 24 2 and 3 year olds daily is "crap"? But the drug dealer who spends a couple hours daily meeting their contacts and conducting their business is a "go-getter", as is a trust fund lounge lizard who has luckily inherited a fortune and hired good accountants to manage their investments. I wouldn't want my child to hang aroound anyone who plant such rich-bitch snobbish notions in chilren's heads heads, let alone PAY them to screw up young minds.
But I'm guessing you and your employers are well-matched, and you must be fairly confident that their income (and your home value with that great mortgage you are so happy about) is somehow insulated from the economic disasters rampant in every sector of our country right now, so party on and don't forget to toast the little people. @@
Meant CFO not FCO.
I find comments like goddoesntevenhate's!
Doesn't this site prove to you that being an excellent nanny, responsibly caring for children that are not yours, doing that for 50-60 hours a week with consistency, patience & compassion is a rare thing?
Just because I make more money than you do doesn't mean I'm getting some kind of free ride or I'm taking advantage of my employers. I am very, very good at my job--and it's a job not that many people excel at.
Go and try to work for a family who pays 90K a year, goddoesn'teven . . . I don't know you, but most people I know don't have the patience, flexibility, tolerence, etc. to last a week.
Sorry, I meant, "I find comments like goddoesntevenhate's so funny!
Srsly, kids are the grossest. Anyone willing to wipe someone else's kid's snotty nose deserves to be paid handsomely.
maybe im in the wrong profession,
morethan2cents, youre making somewhere around 80,000 a year?
someone else said over 100,000?
if you can afford to pay that, wonderful, im sure there are some who deserve it.
But are we creating a "nanny market" where families who are not well off have to settle for sub standard care simply because they can not compete with these salaries?
So what would you say is the average salary of a NY nanny. And the average salary of a occasional NY babysitter?
I am curious. I work on the weekends occasionally babysitting in Bergen County NJ. And get about 15-16 per hour.
Frmrnannynowamom: Nannies are luxury items. Families who can't afford them can't afford them. End of story. There are other options like daycare.
It's kind of crazy to even ask the question, in my opinion. Would you ever say, "Are we creating a car market in which people who are not well off have to settle for Sub par cars because they cannot pay for a BMW or an Astin Martin?"
If you think your family has some kind of right to in-home childcare that doesn't extend from an ability to pay well for it you are delusional.
In my opinion, of course.
I have a part time babysitter in Brooklyn, and I pay her $14/hr. for one child. She is excellent. Does she deserve more?--yes. Can I afford more?--no. I wish I could. Fortunately, I have a babysitter who takes her job seriously no matter how much she is making. She's been with us for over 3 years, and my child loves her.
nnj: There is a world of difference between a nanny & a babysitter. $15/hour is pretty much standard in Manhattan for babysitters. Starting salary for a nanny is about $20/hour and goes up from there.
I know there are nannies who make the huge numbers quoted on here of $80K gross. But as someone who has interviewed and employed a lot of sitters and nannies in Manhattan in the last 8 years, I can same with absolute certainty that $15/hour cash is still the most common asking and paid wage for full time nannies in Manhattan.
In the past year, I have had a few more people ask closer to $17 an hour, but this remains uncommon. Yes, I am referring to cash wages and certainly the rare person being paid OTB with a college degree, etc would command more. But most nannies in nyc and most families I know do NOT pay this. In fact, when I tried to hire someone OTB a few years ago, it was very hard to find candidates. My experience has also been that for young children, pre-homework age, a kind, loving, honest person is MUCH more important than a US born, ECE degree nanny.
No matter how many nannies on here post that they earn much more than $15/hour, this simply does not reflect the reality of 95% of the nannies working in Manhattan. It's hard to find objective data to support this, but the best I can do is the PSP recent survey.
I just hate for parents reading this to think that these $80K outlier nanny salaries reflect reality.
My dear Ms. $15/hour--If you pay $15/hour in CASH that is the exact equivalent of $20/hour ON THE BOOKS. OTB, which some might translate as paying your nanny LEGALLY or BEING A LAW ABIDING CITIZEN.
Secondly, of course the nannies who are being paid 80K and up have college degrees. We're educated professionals making the top salaries in our profession. Why is this so difficult for some of you to wrap your minds around?
Finally, I really doubt that you ever said to a candidate: "I know you were asking for $15/hour cash, but we'd like to pay you $20/hour OTB, would that be ok?" Nannies don't willfully turn down perks such as social security and unemployment because it's fun, they do it because people, such as yourself, don't want to pay a competitive wage, but hide that fact in ILLEGAL ACTIVITY.
"$15/hour is common even in nyc"
ISYN posted that Data way back when it came out. But I would like to add something to it that it doesn't include. It does not tell you the nationality of each of the nannies that work for these parents that participated, and unfortunately, it IS commmon knowledge that foreign nannies (specifically Caribbean & African American, etc.) earn less... compared to American or European nannies.
It doesn't sound like you have ever employed anyone before.
Many, many nannies (and other employees commonly paid in cash) would turn down SS and unemployement in favor of a cash wage. There are many benefits available to people below a certain income level, including Medicaid, that are often more valuable than a future intangible such as SS.
So while you may doubt that anyone would turn down an OTB job offer, you would be wrong. It just shows that you have never been in the situation of trying to hire someone OTB before and encountered the large number of prospective employees who request to be paid fully or partially in an undeclared cash wage.
Just because you have a college degree does not make you an inherently better nanny fwiw. I have hired nannies with credentials and pay requirements similar to yours before and been sorely disappointed. It seems that along with a college degree there is often a class in Entitlement and Self-Importance that certainly does not warrant the salary that is requested.
Emily, if you want to knock 99.8% of nanny employers out of the market because they can't afford a 6-figure income for their uber snobbish nanny, you'll find YOUR prospects for employment shrinking along with the pool of employers. Basic math dear.
I guess I should tell my PhD brother who makes $70K a year as a tenured prof that he should become a nanny in order to better himself. In fact, I think I will tell him that! He will probably agree, as he's a great dad :)
Not making some arbitrary sum per year does not = not being a go-getter! Some professions (like academia) just don't pay well, but they are high status and have other rewards.
Assistant D.A.? Starts off at under $50K. MAYOR of many small towns? The same. There are many, many, many jobs that require higher education that don't pay $30 an hour, at least not to start - and some don't pay much more than that even after lots of experience.
morethan2centsworth sounds like she hasn't had wide experience in the world if she really thinks all educated people, and all nannies who provide the level of care she describes, could make lots of money if they were just "go-getters". Puh-leaze. There are all kinds of factors involved in what someone gets paid, and how hard they work and their smarts are just two factors.
Anyway, I think it's great if someone can get paid $60-100K+ as a nanny. I think it's fabulous, in fact! Just don't try to claim it's the norm, or attainable for the majority of nannies, no matter how wonderful they are. This kind of salary is unusual, so there's no point in acting like it isn't.
Oh and a big YEAH THAT to cali mom! :)
As a nanny of 13 years I have to say that these huge salaries are not the norm. If a family can live in Manhattan and pay their nanny $100,000/year they have to be extremely wealthy. I honestly don't get the whole college degree thing. Taking care of children has nothing to do with what I learned in school, it's a skill you possess or don't and is mostly instinct and common sense.
I have to agree with most that although these highly paid nannies are fortunate they are not the norm in LA or NYC.
As for telling people they are "crap" because they make very little all of the hard working nannies who do not get the good fortune to make $40/hour know that you do your job well. I think perhaps this was taken out of context and the poster didn't really mean that people making that salary are crap just that in most cases you get what you pay for.
The point of this post is that a neglectful detached woman should not be looking after any person's child.
Cali mom--what is this basic math I'm supposed to get? I wouldn't go to interview with 99.8% of families, so I've already knocked them out of my job hunts--how could they effect the jobs I look at?
Well Emily dear, amazingly enough, YOU are not the only nanny interviewing for jobs. So...same number of nannies - 99.8% of employers = fewer jobs available.
BTW, checked on your employers' portfolios lately? Bet they're looking every bit as rosy as everyone else's stocks. Unless you are employed by Martians, of course.
Cali mom--are you wishing ill on me because my job pays well? That's pretty sad. I understand schadenfreude, but I attempt to keep it to myself.
You two are going to have to solve this the ol' fashioned way: I call a farting contest!
Emily, despite your gratuitous use of a German word, (yes, I'm sure we are all appropriately dazzled by you now), your comprehension level of English is lacking. I don't wish you ill because your employers stocks are probably plummeting, I'm just saying you are out of touch with reality if you think that 6 figures a year is average for nannies and SHOULD be average and will always be yours at the snap of a finger because you can say "schadenfreude".
Just because you can't afford your illegal alien woman who cleans your house for a measly $50 bucks a day doesn't mean the rest of our bosses are suffering. Not everyone is hurting, some people are indeed making more money in these times. Even if your husband isn't and is obviously taking it out on you. Did you have to turn the Beemer in for a Jetta this week?
I have to ask, just who minds your children while you spend copious amounts of time on the net? When I'm at work, it's about the children, even if I'm there in a 24 hour period, there is no time for the internet. I question these neglectful mothers personally. Wean Jr. off the Wii and spend some time with him, k?
As for the lamed brained women who still can't get it, you get what you pay for. I'm not better, I made $15 an hour years ago on my way up the ladder and quickly given raise after raise annually to compensate for my level of work performance. The difference is I have always worked for wealthy people, not the middle class. Call me a snob, I could care less.
2 cents and worth no more, I do not employ any domestics, illegal or otherwise. Want to try something based on reason and reality rather than rhetoric and fantasy? I thought not.
Please don't project your marital issues and family skeletons onto me btw. I don't care how much your mother pays her housekeeper, or what you and your husband argue about, and it just makes you look hysterical and silly.
It's also amusing how you claim to be in charge of multiple children and going above and beyond 24/7 but when someone ELSE posts here, they are clearly ignoring their own children. YOU, are of course still (ahem) doing your usual outstanding job. Even when you are posting here.
I'll call you a snob and a clueless ass, and btw, the correct expression is "I could NOT care less", and "lame brained", not "lamed brained". But maybe you could try it in one of the European languages, at least you'll sound fancier.
Cali mom--where did you get the idea that I make a 6 figure salary? I never said I did and I don't. Before you go pointing fingers at other people's reading comprehension skills, perhaps you need to go back and read for yourself.
I don't think any of us said that nannies in this city SHOULD be making 100K/year +. morethan2cents, abbey and I were pointing out that nannies, on average in this city, make more than a babysitter at $15/hour and that if you're only paying $15/hour (about $30,000 for the year) you are buying yourself a BABYSITTER and not a professional nanny.
I stand by that assertion and you can belittle me, my skills or my sanity if you'd like, but it's not going to change the fact that I believe what I've written to be true.
Cali mom is on the warpath! I have to say Emily and Cali have both made some valid points, but Cali, what is up with you coming out with your gloves on and attacking every other poster you disagree with? You jumped on me the other day for no reason. And after I had my say, you finally left it alone. Isn't it possible to make your argument without insulting someone? I usually enjoy reading your posts, but you seem to be in rare form lately.
I happen to agree that nannies are luxury items.. but only because in order to "pay for what you get", you need to at least cough up a minimum of $18 an hour to get a decent one. Unfortunately, those that can't afford to pay that are stuck with daycare centers. And we all know that your child won't get the one-on-one attention they deserve there. It's not fair, though. I believe every child should be entitled to the best care they can receive, and in my opinion, that would be with a well-qualified nanny. So, the parents that can't afford one just need to take the extra time and energy to find the best possible daycare out there for their child.
For this one, I will remain anonymous. I have no desire to get into a pissing match with anyone.
IF you really are a caregiver.
Your parents also managed to raise an obnoxious witch.
God help the children you care for.
I earn between $15 and $20 per hour and I assure you, I am am not CRAP. But your attitude certainly is.
Also, I meet many nannies, great ones, dedicated ones and loving ones and I assure you $15 is a lot more common than $30.00. I know there are nannies out there making $30 per hour and up, but as those people are employed by a class that is in the vast minority so are those nannies.
So there we have it, folks. Cali mom is neglectful to her children otherwise how in the hades does this so called mother have all this time for her children AND the net? Can you get ISYN on a mobile now? Didn't think so.
How about attending your children so they're not featured on America's Most Wanted in the future.
Metronanny, what metro area? My guess not NYC or LA. Am I wrong? So how could you even know what it's like to work in areas such as these? Do you live in? With your parents? With multiple roomates? Some of us want more and we shouldn't be damned for doing it. Obviously some of us are worth our weight in salary otherwise we'd be making, well, $15 an hour, the same as a NYC babysitter.
Emily, these people who are obviously jealous they can't afford our caliber of caregiving or can't make a living wage will never get it. We're wasting our time with these people. That's why most of the mainstream nannies across the country and the world don't hang out on a blog full of peurile posters such as Calimom and Metronanny.
i think Mom made some great points.
i for one am glad to see that emily is well paid. she always came off as some sort of needer nanny that was outright owned by her employers, the sort of nanny that asked permission to wear hoop earrings.
I have to laugh. A nanny is not a go getter. A nanny is the sort of person who would get preggers early in life and try to be super mom, reading to her babies and making homemade baby food. You know, to make sure the little babies didn't have the same lower middle class life that the nanny had as a child. But nanny doesnt get preggers; maybe she has acnes vulgaris or traction alopecia, maybe she is hirsute, maybe she is shy. She is either unacceptable as a mate or to shy to mate, either way she decides to raise other people's children to fill the gaping hole in her heart.
Damn. Girl, that was harsh. We're just trying to have an nice, civilized, old fashioned farting contest and you had to show up with a lighter...
That is one of the most assinine statemnts I have ever read in my life! Are you joking?
As for making $15 an hour or $30 an hour, very, very few nannies out there are making $30 an hour. Unless you are working for the very wealthy, msot nannies are working for normal eveyrday middle class/upper middle class people and those people can only afford in the range of $15 an hour-possibly a bit more. And, yes, I live in NYC in an area where the rents are very high ($3300 a month and up for a 2 bedroom),and yet, I see tons of nannies around here making between $15 and $20 an hour and somehow they all seem to make a living.
They don't live in this neighborhood, they live in much less expensive ones, but, still they are able to maintain a life in NYC.
And, just because they make $15 an hour does not mean they are crap and won't take care of your child! I know there are $15 an hour nannies taking wonderful care of children just as I am sure there are $30 an hour nannies doing shit for their kids!
Gosh, I was typing way too fast! i wish I could edit all my typos above~!
"A nanny is not a go getter...sort of person who would get preggers early in life and try to be super make sure the little babies didn't have the same lower middle class life that the nanny had as a child... She is either unacceptable as a mate or to shy to mate, either way she decides to raise other people's children to fill the gaping hole in her heart."
WOW! Could you try to be a little more hateful when you spout lies?! Somebody sounds like maybe they're a little jealous...
Not a go getter-- Many nannies, including myself, work full-time and go to school full-time so we can advance our lives. And, btw, responsibility is pretty important in a nanny so I doubt many of us are wandering around trying to get knocked up...and if we were, who would possibly hire us?
"Unacceptable to mate" WTF?! So all nannies must be either horribly disfigured or have personalities that turn people away...that's why we all live in bell towers instead of contaminating society.
Even though watching a teething 7 month old can be excellent birth control, I choose to be responsible and wait until I've graduated and my husband and I are financially stable before I bring a kid into this world...this is good thing.
What the hell is wrong with wanting to be a supermom?!? If I didn't want to be a supermom, I wouldn't be such an excellent nanny. And somebody has to rescue kids from the know, the SAHMs who ignore their children and try to fill the hole in their hearts by shopping and going to the spa?
And isn't it just a little snobby to assume all nannies are lower middle class? Pretty sure that has been discussed before, so I'll save my inferior brain from the strain of re-hashing it for you
SickOfHaters, I live right outside NYC, across the river in NJ. You know, in one of the most expensive areas to live in the country.
How can I afford to live on my salary. There are several contributing factors.
I worked for 20 years and saved so I could leave my thankless but well paying job and do what I love, which is working with children.
I married a good man who works hard at a decent job. Around the holidays he always takes on a little part time job. We have credit cards, but pay for most of our things using our debit cards. Our credit card balances are low and in hand and our credit cards are used to maintain our credit worthiness NOT live beyond our means. In short, if we want something we SAVE for it.
We had one child, when we were well established in our lives both emotionally and financially so we could give that child everything, most importantly our time. Fourth: I bought a handyman's special house, and loads of books so my husband and I could DIY and repair it a little at a time. We also bought a large house and invited my sister and husband to move in to share expenses. This keeps equity wealth in our family, and we don't have to worry about tenant issues, neither as renters or rentees.
We drive nice but practical vehicles. We keep our vehicles well maintained. We buy them outright, then save for the next one. We keep them for about 8 years. Since they are well maintained they are very reliable. Since we didn't need fancy SUVs to get us to the mall or the theater, we didn't bleed money when the gas prices were through the roof.
I am quite happy in my life. Much to Look At Me Now's chagrin I'm sure.
I would like to add the family I am with was not the family that offered me the highest wage. I had my pick of several to choose from and I chose the family that I felt I could help the most.
And I stand by my earlier statement. There are far more nannies, yes nannies, making in the $15-$20 and hour range then in the $30-$40 per hour range.
You are right on about the average pay for nannies, and you also sound sensible and reasonable. I bet you are a wonderful nanny!
You know what? You sound like you could be a really good contributor. I see that you're both funny and clever. Could we please do without the bathroom humor?
Well since this complaint about my potty mouth ways has come up before, and much more forcefully elsewhere (see 'Falling') I could consider toning it down, but I would have to retain the right to 'sass via ass' ONCE in a while. That is if I am not ousted outright (again, see Falling) within the next few days...
"Emily, these people who are obviously jealous they can't afford our caliber of caregiving or can't make a living wage will never get it. We're wasting our time with these people. That's why most of the mainstream nannies across the country and the world don't hang out on a blog full of peurile posters such as Calimom and Metronanny."
You make "a lot more than $38 an hour"? I certainly hope your on vacation. You haven't been earning "your weight in gold" lately.. spending so much time on this Blog bragging about a ridiculous salary.. that is.. if you're telling the truth.
re: Look at Me Now
I don't fit your stereotype.
I'm in a graduate program studying acupuncture. I'm taking online accounting and medical billing classes concurrently so I won't have to hire an assistant. I work as a nanny because my program is extremely stressful, and working with kids engages a completely different part of my brain. I get to run around outside, make crafts and play before heading home to spend hours with my anatomy and pathophysiology books.
I'm sorry that you're so unhappy with your life.
The hater who claims to be sick of haters is a riot. She is STILL trying to claim that she is diligently earning every penny of her $38/hr while she blogs, despite her insistence that actual PARENTS who blog are neglecting their own children. I'd try and explain it to her but she would no doubt just get even more confused if she actually paid attention to the posts here.
Anon regular, I was not the person who claimed right out of the gate that any worker earning less than $38/hr was "crap". I'll give my opinion on bullshit whenever I see fit.
Thank you, ericsmom!
Sorry Marypoppins
I know I was supposed to send it to your email. But for someone reason it wouldn't let me??
Maybe, on my side its not working
That's o.k.! You can send it any way you want... we're just glad to get it. :)
So Metro, you don't have the experience, is that what you're telling me? Yes, there are plenty of us who make more than this $20 a hour figure, I know a lot of them personally. We're seasoned vets of this industry, many of us logging 15 plus years at this point with educations, continued educations, and tons of experience. We get 10% raises annually, that sort of thing. We're sought after and when we leave a job, it's not long before we're employed again. You'll know when you've reached our echelon.
As for hirsute non-touchable status, I'd say the majority of us are married. I am. Some of us choose to be childless because we're not stupid enough to get knocked up for some sort of "I need fufillment urge" that apparently someone suffers (or is that illusions of grandeur?).
I only post here when I'M NOT AT WORK. Of course I only work 40 hour weeks, maybe that's your beef? I'm being paid well and not being taken advantage of by the likes of women such as CaliMom. Hmmmm.
Yeah, Cali-mom is a great mom on the net all the time while Jr. is vandalizing the local park. Give me a break. I know SAHM's WITH nannies who don't spend as much time on the net as you do. Perhaps a hobby?
Oh dear, pennies, not again. The correct expression is DELUSIONS of grandeur. As in, delusional.
I'm not sure what you were trying to imply that time. Since I don't employ an illegal underpaid housekeeper that I must be a SAHM with an overpaid nanny? It's nearly 7pm right now, we don't usually go out to playgrounds at dinnertime. In fact, we got back not too long ago and my son is helping his daddy to make the dinner. I still find it amusing that everyone ELSE who posts here ought to be busy at something useful, but for YOU and a couple anons trying to back you up, it's just a bit of web surfing in your downtime. I guess if you are a slow reader and typer it might take a long time, but we don't all share your limitations.
I did a little research this morning and here is what I found: using the search terms "average salary" new york nanny (or manhattan nanny) there are the top four sites I found and the stats (based on a 40 hour work week): (,+NY) lists the AVERGE nanny salary at $39,000 annually. In other words $18.75 an hour. ( lists the AVERAGE nanny salary (live-out) as $777 weekly. In other words $19.42 an hour. ( listed the AVERAGE nanny salary as $57,000 annually. In other terms, $27.40 an hour. ( listed the AVERAGE nanny salary as $34,000 annually. In other terms, $16.53 an hour.
Bottom line: this is why some of us are arguing that $15/hour is a below average salary for nannies. We're not trying to tell anyone that they should pay more, we're just telling you that we think you get what you pay for and $15/hour buys a sub par nanny. Of course there are always exceptions, but lots of people don't like to take chances with their kids.
But, even if you disagree with us, why is this becoming an issue that we're name-calling over? Aren't we supposed to be the adults?
Those stats are not much different form what we are saying, $15.00 an hour is not much from the $16.00 and change one you posted, etc. it does not mean it buys you a sub par nanny, first of all, you googled for Manhattan nanny rates, this incident took place in Park Slope. While Park Slope is a very well off area in Brooklyn, it is not Manhattan and pay scale is different here.
Paying more does not guarantee you a better nanny, it just guarantees you a better paid nanny. Because if you are trying to tell me that every nanny who makes $20 an hour is leaps and bounds above every nanny who makes $15 an hour, I say bullshit!
Call me crazy, but I'd rather make $16/hour than $15/hour. I'd rather make $17/hour than $16/hour, and so on.
Weird to find out other people don't see it that way.
It's not that I wouldn't rather make the extra dollar per hour, it's the fact that they are stating that making that extra dollar per hour makes for a much better nanny.
I am just trying to say that the rate of $15 an hour (and, also take into account that a lot of nannies are paid off the books, so, they are truly getting that $15 an hour), is not that much off from the 'average" rates this person googled.
Sorry, the average rates that you googled!
Gosh, I wish this was a real board where I could just edit my last post!!!
"Gosh, I wish this was a real board where I could just edit my last post!!!"
You're the 2nd or 3rd person in two days to say that. What I always do is type up my post, hit "preview", proofread my comment, then publish it.
I too wonder about the off the books vs on the book pay. $15.00 off the books is way better than $17.00 on th ebooks.
Not that I'm avocating working off the books. I think it stinks when people cheat on their taxes like that.
Come to think of it, when you hire off the books, you're technically hiring a criminal. But, being that somebody who hires off the books is also a criminal, I suppose they are in good company. Too bad for the kiddos who are then surrounded by unethical lawbreakers.
Would someone please site a beneficial tax use for me.
I am truly interested in hearing from someone who has seen their taxes put to work.I mean really used for the good of the people paying them.
Many streets in many states are full of pot holes.
Schools Nationwide are failing just as many as they are promoting.
Welfare is rampant in many states.
County hospitals are closing in many states.
Libraries are closed in many states.
State programs to help those with mentally /physically challenged children have been cut.
Tax monies set aside to protect the borders is obviously not working.
There is a reason the average Joe works off the books. It is called survival.Trying to feed a family of four on two hourly wages of $15.00 an hr(let alone minimum wage) and pay rent,medical&car ins.,a food bill,electric bill,weekly lunches for the kids,diapers,wipes and formula and put gas in the car is challenging.
Could it be that more and more Americans are figuring out that they need to take care of there own families as nobody else is going to?Could it be people resent not seeing the benefits of the money being taken away from them every two weeks?
We pay our taxes. We do understand though why many don't. Do we condone it? No. Understand it.Yes.
I am not talking about ilegals who should not even be here in the first place. I am talking of American citezens trying to provide for thier families.
I don't call it criminal when people are scrambling to feed their children..I think it is criminal to take 30% of someone's hard earned wages and then spend it fighting a war that should not be happening in the first place.
To spend it on drug and abortion programs available to teens and lazy 25 yr old men & women who choose not to work because they make more standing on any street corner with a sign begging for food or money...all funded by the Government..taxpayers money.
Handing out clean needles to druggies paid for by taxpayers money.
Military families are paying the worst price right now. Some of the women have no choice but to work off the books to pay for childcare,food and simply to survive. If they worked on the books they would not be able to feed their children.Where is the tax money to help them?? OH..thats's not there!!
Men & women are coming back missing legs and arms or otherwise wounded..unable to work..where is the tax money to help them?? They are being forced to give up their homes and cars and move in with family memebers in order to survive and feed their children.
Before you start calling names and placing labels like criminal on people,you might want to consider that not everyone works off the books just because they can cheat uncle Sam.Some are doing it to survive and some have been forced into it by the very Government that you are defending by labeling them criminals. I think any child who has a mom, who is clean and sober,willing to do whatever she needs to do in order to feed and provide for her chil is a lucky child and in no way surrounded by unethical lawbreakers but loving mothers who will do what they need to survive.Do what they need to feed their kids and keep their kids from learning a life of depending on the government,welfare and others to pay their way through life.
A mom who works off the books but uses no aid government or assistance vS........
the lazy ass welfare moms who think they have a right to loaf,have yearly abortions,use drugs and date 10 different men a week and work the system just because they might have to work more than 40 hrs a week at a 8,10 or 15 dollar an hr job to feed their kids!!
Please..before you are so harsh,consider why someone might do the things they do.
not an advocate: Don't our tax $$ pay for the entire military? You speak with such reverence of military families. They wouldn't have a source of income w/o our taxes.
Typist, that's the right word. Thank you.
Abbey, your last comment makes sense. If you think too many libraries are closing and schools are bad, just think what would happen if EVERYBODY decided they were entitled to not pay their fair share, instead of just the percentage that choose to do it illegally now.
And 2 cents, my last question for you is, if $15/hr gets you "crap" because that's a sickening and unfair wage and people should not be expected to lift a finger for it, does that mean that YOU started out making $25/hr, or at $16, or at $15 but *you* somehow went leaps and bounds above every other nanny who was making the same wage as you? Or were you just a crap nanny when you started out at $15/hr, (because they get what they pay for) and by sheer luck found some family dumb enough and patient enough to keep you on and keep increasing your pay, which miraculously made you a better nanny?
Since Calimom joined I will be leaving this thread
We were on our way to having an adult conversation and along came miss lets get started on a warpath herself with many insults to sling and names to call.
Abbey,you are right. The military personel are funded by the Government. They have paid housing and can shop at a commisary for cheaper household needs. However,facts are facts and the war has left many,many military families torn apart both financially and emotionally.The money/pay they receive is much less than what someone working 40 hrs a week at minimum wage would bring home. If you have children,you still need money to survive. Most military wives receive a 200-400 dollar paycheck every two weeks.Those of high ranking officers receive MUCH more and are fine financially. Even though they have no rent..some do need diapers,food,gas,and some do not live in Government owned housing.
I am not trying to bicker with anyone.I am not trying to claim to know all. I happen to live in a Military town and am seeing this first hand. It is very sad.
These men and women deserve so much more than the Government gives them.
not an advocate--
Politically correct though you may hope to be, breaking the law makes one a lawbreaker.
And calimom is right. The services you mention are closing partly because of the huge numbers of people who abuse the system instead of supporting it. This includes able bodied people who choose not to work but recieve aid instead (quite often necessitating bending the truth...all the way into a pretend they actually qualify), people who have a bunch of kids with no realistic means of supporting them and feel that they must recieve aid or cheat the government to make ends meet, and those who do not pay their income taxes, etc.
There are programs to feed low income children in schools, and I am told (but do not know for sure) that the military makes meals available to the families, if they care to eat in the mess hall. If everybody feels justified in choosing whether or not they want to pay taxes based on whether they approve of the way the taxes are spent, and everybody stops paying their income taxes because they object to supporting the deadbeats mentioned above, those things will disappear as well.
I love kids and will gladly support anything to help those with loser well as those with good parents who, for reasons beyond their control, fall on hard times (which, I believe is the REAL INTENT of welfare and similar governemt programs.)In other words, ALL KIDS. I will also happily help the good parents/people who fall on bad times, the mentally ill, and any others who legitimately need a hand UP. However, there is nothing forcing anybody to have six children, when they can only afford one, and then use that as justification for breaking the law.
PS If you are paying just 30% income tax, wow, you're really lucky. You must also live in a state where there is no state income tax. Between all of the income, property, sales and other taxes we pay, we pay conservatively well over 50% of our income. I hate how its used to support the lazy as well...but I pay it, because two wrongs don't ever make a right, and I don't want to be a criminal. You know why they put tax evaders in prison? Here's a hint: It has something to do with being a criminal.
Not a judgment...just a simple fact.
I have to echo "not an advocate", and ask that we please not assume we know who is Posting... it might not be the person you think it was! Thanks! :)
If you will kindly send me a mailing address, I will send you a large mallet with which you may beat me over the head for my repeated double posts. Mom is very embarrassed...and yet unable to stop herself!
So may times I click just once and my post flies off into oblivion, never to post at all. SO, other times I wait and then click again if it doesn't leave the little box I have written it in...then presto, it multiplies faster than a herd of horny rabbits!
Don't even sweat it! You keep me on my toes! :D
Mom, you are funny!
And sorry MPP. Not an advocate, you may not be who I said but your syntax and sentiments are essentially identical. I won't cry if you stop posting to a thread I've posted in though. Or stop posting.
Cali mom
I completely understand. A lot of Posters lately, for one reason or another, have changed their monikers and it's difficult to really know who is posting.
MoreThan2CentsWorth said...
"So Metro, you don't have the experience, is that what you're telling me?"
I don't recall ever saying that. I have an early education degree, am fully certified in first aid and have been providing quality childcare as a part time job since I was a teen. I am proud to be sitting on weekends for the children of children I sat for. Plus having raised my own teenage honor student I think I am more than qualified. I just happen to be lucky enough to be able to be a nanny during the week to children I love.
As for this gem of wisdom
"You'll know when you've reached our echelon."
All I can say is LMAO, sorry I can't stoop that low.
If people can't seriously understand why monikers are changed they are not paying attention.
accussations******name calling******continual harrassment when they post*** are enough to make anyone want to hide at times.
We have seen some try to change,we have seen some dissapear,we have seen some change their monikers,we have seen some flame back,we have seen some say sorry,all to get away from those who feel the need to pick on others.It is constant from a few monikers.
Some just want to post their ideas and veiws,weather in the minority or majority and not have to deal with those who can't behave like civil adults. Using a new moniker allows us to often do so without uncivil posters attacking us.
It is no wonder so many regulars bolt. It gets really old after a while.
While I am sure some do it to troLL,I think most do it for releif from those who cannot wait to tear their posts apart.
Just saying***you are just a troLL trouble maker. Your post was for nothing more than to stir up shit!Everybody has seen you try to chase posters away!
Thank you for heLLping to make my point!
Well, I just have to say that I have seen certain posters apologize, turn over a new leaf, change their approach, and come back on here trying to be everybody's friend. I hate to see people who then recognize them calling them out, when they have done nothing offensive and are just trying to make a fresh start.
And by "offensive"...I do not mean simply having a differing opinion from the norm. It's OK if we disagree. I disagree often with some of my very favorite posters here. But I try to let their opinion be theirs and mine be mine. I might even say, "I disagree with you," but I refrain from calling them ugly names or saying they are stupid...and that seems to work pretty well at maintaining harmony while still allowing a variety of different opinions to be bantered around. Try it.
You never know..
If Troll means I read the posts every few days AFTER work and comment every now and then, then yes I'm a troll. I don't have any respect for people who neglect children. Probably the reason certain peoples posts I feel lack credibility.
Anyway.. Has anyone seen LindaLou lately? Even though I can't stand her attitude I miss her fire and passion about children. Even though I was happy at first to see her go (she flamed my ass plenty of times) I will admit I miss her. Call me sentimental.
So Metro, you have loads of experience (btw, working in childcare does not make one a nanny expert or an expert at working as a nanny), an ece degree but can only command $15 an hour. There's more to every story, that I'm assured.
I seriously hope that all pay their taxes. It's disgusting to continue to burden the system with people who could more than afford to pay a living wage. The stupidity is that these people are still paying for these services through medical and other services. No one is exempt.
not an advocate of working off the books..
Holy crap stop being such a baby! Leaving because Cali mom is posting? Geez..
BUTT it LOOKS like BIG drama ahead!
My bad, lol. I didn't catch the other one at first, that's why. I'm not even going to get into it... you all have fun.
I find myself missing a lot of the old posters, whether I liked them or not, and wish they would come back!
The salary surveys mentioned don't really indicate what the hourly rate is because they only give weekly and/or yearly income. That is meaningless unless you state it is for a specific number of hours. A nanny working a forty hour week, and a nanny working a sixty hour week for the same salary are getting very different hourly rates. In addition, many nannies make a lot in overtime and bonuses.
I think the one thing it is safe to say is that there is a huge range in both qualifications, and salaries in the NY area; and no, paying a high salary doesn't make a bad or mediocre nanny great, but you won't attract the best nannies if you don't offer a competitive salary..
Also, when one considers salary, one must consider amount of paid time off, benefits provided, perks, and anything else of value.
Also, I am quite happy providing "Sub Par" Childcare at my ridiculously low 'babysitter rate' to children I adore. In fact, being a low paid babysitter has caused me to do such a poor job, I have been the subject of TWO good nanny sightings on this very site. I won't point out which two, that would be bragging! :D
2 good nanny sightings of YOU?? that's unheard of. especially since you're a reader of this blog! that's so coincidental! did you write them??
You hit the nail on the head, WOW. What a poser, truly and pathetic to boot.
Metro, there is something that doesn't click. You have experience, education, etc., but you're stuck at $15 an hour. So you don't get raises? So you don't get reviews? You must make incredibly poor choices. There's no reason to be a martyr doing what you love.
No I didn't write them, in fact, having one pointed out to me by the parents of the child is how I learned of this site.
Also, since you obviously can't read M2CW, I will copy/paste something from my previous post. take it slow and let the words sink in...
" I would like to add the family I am with was not the family that offered me the highest wage. I had my pick of several to choose from and I chose the family that I felt I could help the most"
Imagine that! I actually chose to work for LESS pay because I felt I could do the MOST good for this particular family due to their unique circumstances.
And now, since it seems all you want to do is argue I am done explaining and debating. Ciao!
You guys.. people don't pay $40 an hour for childcare, anywhere. M2CW is just trying to get you going.. don't let her!! If you like your job and you are smart with money and getting by just fine, screw what she or anyone else has to say. Who wants to read a bunch of posts from someone who is that cocky about what they are paid to change diapers. Let's talk about something else.
Sarah, I make just under $40 an hour, and yes, there are nannies who do make more than that. I can assure you. Lisa Marie Presley's nannies (yes, plural) are making $600 a day. So, Sarah dear, you're simply in the dark regarding people and the salaries they can make. The Pitt/Jolie nannies make a great salary too. There are plenty of high profile people who aren't celebs who pay well also.
Article on high end nanny, and there are many more than that, Sarah
So pennies, your point is basically that if people are not overpaid celebrities, they don't deserve to have the option of hiring a nanny?
BTW, you never answered my question. What was YOUR starting salary when you got your first nanny job? And exactly how were YOU not crap if you started at under $20 and anything at that rate can only get anyone crap?
Um, and your link goes to a San Francisco Chronicle article about voting machines. Want to try it again?
You just don't get it. Even this article you linked to (which is from the economy peak in 6/06 btw), says that for these $80K a year nannies "Sixty-hour weeks are typical, and nannies often must work on Christmas and Thanksgiving."
Unless my math is off, even at $80K a year, this comes out to only $25/hour on the books - which in that tax bracket is pretty much the same as the $15-16/hour cash wage standard NYC nanny. And is certainly no where near $40/hour. Really, you can link and rant as much as you want, but you aren't going to convince the rational majority that anyone beyond a teeny, tiny less than 1% of nannies make astronomical salaries. And guess what - there are also nannies on the opposite end of that spectrum making a pittance. So trying to quote ridiculous outliers (well, in your case, misquote and misunderstand) just isn't helping your cause.
SYBDUP, you bring up a great point!
I do know one nanny who earns 120k per year. She works for one of those families that is in the 1%of the nation. The parents are NOT celebrities.
She is on call 24/7 Including ALL holidays.
Of course, she gets to sleep when the kids sleep. If one has a restless night, guess who else has a restless night. However, in fairness, if one of the children is up sick, one of the parents will usually be up with them to provide comfort as well. However, should the child vomit, have explosive diarrhea or any other messy situation, guess who cleans the child up.
She also goes on a fabulous vacations, but for her, they are working vacations. Again to be fair, she is usually given time off while away to enjoy herself. They usually go away for a minimum of 2 weeks, 3 times per year and she usually gets 5 days of that time to herself. But not all at once. She might be given a full day off, then a mornings, afternoon or evening but rarely all in one shot. She is not permitted to have a vacation of her own choosing. Again, to be fair, they will give her time off for weddings and funerals in her family.
Her day starts around 6am and ends around 9pm at night. She has absolutely no housekeeping duties. Their chef does things like bake cupcakes for school parties and the like. All in all, she is basically a paid mom for the kids.
Finally, she sometimes might find herself given a random afternoon or even full day off if the parents decide to be spontaneous and take the kids for themselves for the day, HOWEVER, she has to be on call just in case one of the children have a bad day. This way, nanny can meet up with the parents and get the child so that child does not ruin the outing. She also must be prepared to go in case one of the parents become overwhelmed and need help.
So when all is said and done, she is making about $26.00 per hour.
Why is she doing this?
She plans to stay with the family for several years. As she has very little expenses, she saves all her money. She is young and unattached. When she resigns, she will be well off financially. That's her plan, God bless her. I could never trade a section of my life away like that. And not for parents whose kids are little more than an accessory. (Makes me laugh that the children are adopted)BTW it wasn't that the mom couldn't have kids, or that the dad couldn't produce kids, the mom just didn't want to put her body through that!
Cali Mom, I love how you are still waiting for an answer to your question! I would love to see a response as well.
Maybe, shes planning to buy a house after she resigns from them? She really won't have a mortgage the way she is going.
Cali-Little narcissist I see. Not EVERYTHING revolves around you. When I started MANY moons ago (about 20 years or so when minimum was still in the $3 dollar range), while still finishing school I lived in at $250 an week. Next position started at $350 and went up $600. Next job started at $600 went up to $800. The family ater that started me at $875 and ended at $1250. Current family worked me for less hours at $1538 (arbitrary, I know, I asked for a certain amount AFTER taxes with maxed withholding-didn't have house at the time).
As for the rest of you who choose to be door mats, your choice. Some of us know our worth. The rest of us know that in a job such as ours, where we work one on one with the worlds most precious resource that we deseve more than say, oh, $10 dollars an AFTER taxes. Of course there will always be those slugs who pay under the table.
MT2CW (I am dying to know what that stands for) but anyway, seems to me that someone who makes as much as you would be in a better mood?
What a pissy personality.
On one hand we have a nanny making a paltry 15.00 per hour who has a great attitude and sound happy.
On the other we have one who earns over 38.00 per hour and sounds pissy and miserable.
To get back to the original post. Libraries, bookstores, and the like seem to be hang outs for the laziest nannies (and parents) I have ever seen. I wonder if they think it's a relatively safe environment and go there because of that.
Well Pennies, this is getting even funnier. YOU are the one bragging up and down about yourself and how important you perceive yourself to be compared to the rest of the world, but in your universe, that makes the person you are spewing at and bragging to a "narcissist?" Yet another example of your outstanding education, it seems.
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