Then a bit later the three year old had an accident (pee). The nanny had never taken her to the bathroom for a break because she never even looked at the kids. She used harsh tones with this child again and roughly plopped her in a chair and this time yelled at her again "You peed your pants. You can't play now. Stay here." Then she left (to her car or the lobby -- I'm not sure) and got a bag. They packed up to leave. (I was leaving then anyhow).
My four year old said on the way home, "that was a mean lady."
I have four kids of my own and give plenty of freedom to them all. I even do let the older ones mind the little ones. But I had a very bad feeling about this gal. The kids really seemed to irritate her. She worries me. The little girls were so sweet (I've been in MANY pre-school environments). These girls were being so age appropriate and behaving so well! I could only imagine how she would treat a child being "difficult."
These two girls would be much happier at a day care with multiple caregivers per room (checks and balances system).
Ahhhh ha! First!!!
Ummmm, ummm, er, maybe she didn't want the kids getting their hands all greasy.
Really Whoopie? Or are you mocking the whole idea behind always questioning the OPs' reports?
I really hate it when people say "first!"
Go blog on TMZ.
As for the post, why do certain nannies bring snacks to munch out on in front of their charges? It's so rude... I mean, if the kid is grabbing for their snack, they're obviously hungry. What would be so hard about tossing a few crackers in a baggie for the kid?
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