On Friday 8/29, at around 7:45 am, I went with my husband to Lennox Hill for some tests. While I was waiting outside the hospital I saw across the street, very close to the door of a luxury building a nanny reading a newspaper with a very young child (about 8 or 9 months old) sitting on her stroller. The weather was chilly that morning, about 65 degrees. The baby was wearing shorts and a sleeveless top. The nanny of course was dressed warm. She was just standing around reading a newspaper while the baby was obviously uncomfortable and cold. Because of the way the woman had situated the stroller it was impossible for the child to see her. I stared at them for about 10 minutes and took a picture, it is not too clear but I hope somebody can recognize this awful woman.
76th St and Park in NYC
Received Monday, September 1, 2008
On Friday 8/29, at around 7:45 am, I went with my husband to Lennox Hill for some tests. While I was waiting outside the hospital I saw across the street, very close to the door of a luxury building a nanny reading a newspaper with a very young child (about 8 or 9 months old) sitting on her stroller. The weather was chilly that morning, about 65 degrees. The baby was wearing shorts and a sleeveless top. The nanny of course was dressed warm. She was just standing around reading a newspaper while the baby was obviously uncomfortable and cold. Because of the way the woman had situated the stroller it was impossible for the child to see her. I stared at them for about 10 minutes and took a picture, it is not too clear but I hope somebody can recognize this awful woman.
On Friday 8/29, at around 7:45 am, I went with my husband to Lennox Hill for some tests. While I was waiting outside the hospital I saw across the street, very close to the door of a luxury building a nanny reading a newspaper with a very young child (about 8 or 9 months old) sitting on her stroller. The weather was chilly that morning, about 65 degrees. The baby was wearing shorts and a sleeveless top. The nanny of course was dressed warm. She was just standing around reading a newspaper while the baby was obviously uncomfortable and cold. Because of the way the woman had situated the stroller it was impossible for the child to see her. I stared at them for about 10 minutes and took a picture, it is not too clear but I hope somebody can recognize this awful woman.
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I believed this right up until the picture of the nanny "dressed warm" in a T-shirt.
I live in NJ, and I didn't have my son in a long sleeve shirt either. We are use to the chilly weather. So maybe, someone from California, would think we are nuts. But when you grow up in the North its not cold to us. In reality if I did put my son in a long sleeve shirt he would be crying and sweating. He doesn't like to be overdressed.
65 is like a spring day to me.
Uh, seriously- where does it say the nanny wore a t-shirt?.. and how can you tell?... half of her is covered by the newspaper. All you can see is her chest and shoulders, and it looks to be a little thicker than t-shirt material.
I have to agree, it looks more like a sweatshirt than a t-shirt due to the heavier fabric (bulky appearance, even from such a distance.) However, it is hard to tell with such a small photo. I'm used to a 'colder climate' as well, and would be perfectly comfortable in 65 degree weather with short sleeves on, however I do find it slightly odd that the nanny just stood there reading the newspaper while the infant was forced to just sit strapped into her stroller. Also, with a baby not getting any movement/activity, she could have been slightly cold...moving around, playing, even being held etc, will keep you much warmer than just being setatery. I have mixed feelings about this post, but I usually tend to at least attempt to see things from the OP's perspective because I think sometimes we just *get feelings*...and that can be exceptionally difficult to portray in a post.
excellent post precious. makes sense.
I used iphoto to enhance the picture quality by reducing noise and improving sharpness. She's wearing a thick sweatshirt(no zipper infront), crew neck and it's long sleeves are pulled up to above her arms. It's not a tshirt.
If it was 65- the baby was underdressed. Though I do have to say, in reg to the baby facing away...sometimes I do that to avoid the sun from shining in her face during nap time. I do doubt that a 9 month old will be napping at 7:45a though. Then again who knows what schedule the baby is on.
Some people just don't use common sense.
Maybe the parents banished the nanny and child from the house.
I hope they find her!
Maybe the baby wasn't napping at 7:45 am.
Maybe the baby was still asleep at 7:45am.
This really just sounds like a case of people being overly judgmental.
Who is to say it wasn't the mother that brought the child outside dressed like that. It happened to me before. I get to work and the mom is already outside with the baby. And what I consider to be underdressed. There really isn't much I was able to do. Its her child and she dresses her the way she wants.
Most days when I arrive they are inside still. Then I dress the baby the way I want.
You are ridiculous!!!! I've seen mothers with their own child dressed in a diaper and a vest alone on 62 degree days at parks. You had nothing else to do rather than to spy on this poor woman who was probably waiting for the mother to come down with a sweater for the child. After all you only stared at her for only 10 mins, maybe after 15 mins the mom was there.
This is just a lack of common sense. People need to consider this when hiring nannies.
you just sounded like Detective Lupo on Law and Order!!! :)
"I used iphoto to enhance the picture quality by reducing noise and improving sharpness."
I just got chills!
Well done! :)
65 degrees is warm weather to me! I live in Minnesota. But I still don't get how people just assume these ladies are nannies...
if you're going to write something about someone, get the facts first. Make a casual conversation, don't mention the weird clothing but atleast ask if she's the nanny or the mother or maybe an aunt or cousin? come on.
Umass, I thought I'd clear things up :) After all. It only took 0.02 sec!
Wow OP, you set a record for being bashed. Don't worry, it happens to most everybody who is kind enough to submit a sighting. Not sure why exactly...but rest assured you're not alone. Some people seem to immediately ignore the intent of the post and go right for the jugular, looking for anything possibe to pick apart the OP instead of the nanny/caregiver who was spotted doing something inappropriate while caring for a child.
Yes guys, I understand that 65 is not cold to people who live in Minnesota, Canada, Montana or the Arctic Circle...but this child lives in New York...so it was cold to him. Give OP some credit for having been there and witnessed the events first hand.
LMAO 65 is not "chilly" Especially in August here in NY!
Please people.
i don't think 65 is chilly. here in seattle we call that *summer* and use it as an excuse to go swimming in the lake.
Mom, with all due respect Ny is not a hot state. 65 is rather warm, especially for a summer morning. This nanny was not being neglectful, IMO. Yes, maybe a blanket could have been used or a long sleeved shirt but the baby I am sure was not cold. This is not a reason to attack the OP but I figured I would just state what the weather is like in NYC ,as I live here!
Fair enough NYC nanny. I usually go to NY in the late summer/early fall each year. Sometimes it seems hot, but last year it got really chilly all of a sudden. I was lucky in that I had, just the day before the cold front hit, bought the most adorable, and warm, jacket in Soho. My compadres...not so lucky, and they shivered their pettuties off....even my husband...who rarely gets cold. But admittedly, for me, anything below 75 is cold and anything above 90 is hot. Let's just hope that baby is more adaptable to temperature change than I am.
well mom, regarding your post at 6:20pm, maybe the OP got bashed because she called the nanny an awful woman. if you can dish it out, then you can take it.
you mothers are so fucking sanctimonious. many times i have had to redress a child in the dead of winter because the idiotic mother brought it out in pajamas. go figure
"brought it out??" thats funny
Well, dishes...perhaps I have not studied this whole thread well enough.
No, I don't think the nanny is an awful person, or even necessarily a bad nanny for that matter. The baby will not freeze, or even becoem ill form this...although he may have been uncomfortable. We don't know. OP was cold, so maybe th ebaby was cold. If nanny had a sweater on, she might have also brought a cover for the baby.
I just get discouraged when I see people automatically jump on every OP. It seems like it happens every time somebody bothers to send in a post. I think it's perfectly fine to disagree. I can remember myself writing the words, "I don't think this is a bad nanny sighting." Some people do it nicely, and some are overly and unnecessarily unkind. And it seems people tend to not want to give OPs credit for having been there and having had a bad gut feeling in a lot of these cases. Sometimes that feeling we moms get is a better indicator than any words after the fact could possibly be.
I agree with MOM this is "I saw your nanny" nothing else. People are concerned and just want to help the child in question. I think more people would post if they felt like it would do some good, but many post once and get totally flamed and will never post again. Come on people give the OP's a break, they are just posting a sighting and trying to potentially help a child in need.
of course it's all of the nannies who pick apart poor op. i live in the neighborhood and will look for this nanny. you nanny posters should be ASHAMED to think that it is okay to take a 9mo outside and sit there reading the paper for 10 minutes. LAZY! The parents were probably inside thinking nanny took baby for a walk, but NO! Nanny had to get her Page 6 in for the morning b/c she deserved it. A child this age sleeps at least 3 hours during the day in two naps...nanny should read the paper then. I am appalled at the responses here. Regarding the weather, OP witnessed baby looking uncomfortable. Nanny had on sweatshirt. you do the math!
10:05 PM
I live in Ca and if was only 65 out I would ahve had a light weight jacket on the baby. I also see the famous (when all else fails )"how do you know it was the nanny? I don't think the Mom would be sitting on the street reading the paper lol instead of walking the baby. Get over it.
maguire family blog, i totally agree with you. i posted here once about a real problem with a nanny being very neglectful with a child and they said i was a horrible person for not taking action myself. we have to remember that more than half the posters here on this website are disgruntled nannies...probably making sure people aren't writing about them! this website is called "i saw your nanny" not "i hate my nanny job" or "i hate sahms who get in my business". come on people!
10:09 PM
Why mothers don't sit outside and read the paper while their child is in a stroller? They don't chat with their friends while their child is in the stroller? Are you telling me they don't call their husbands while their child is in the stroller?
If this was the mother outside with the child no one would have a problem with it. No one would go looking for this mother. If someone came up to me and told me how to dress my son, I would tell them to mind their own business. What nerve. Its like going up to a woman telling her her dress is too tight. Or her skirt is too short.
To the parent who lives in the neighborhood in nyc and will look out for the nanny. while you are doing that make sure that you look out for your own child oand wipe his nose instead of dragging him along all day with a snotty dried nose. Stop his whining because he cant get his way. Stop him from kicking you and jumping out of the stroller onto the floor while you look aroound with embarassment to see if anyone recognises the both of you. Oh and make sure he has a bath to boot instead of being out at 9 am in the morning with the same dirty fingers and nails and the soles of his feet still black with dirt from the playground the night before. Oh yeah and if there is snot, just do the norm and wipe it with the back of your nasty hands.and if the baby cries too, stick those dirty fingers in his mouth as a pacifier. yeah...
well, this website shouldn't be called "i saw your nanny" anyway. after all, now this website covers a broad range of childcare topics, many having to do with good nannies, or hardworking nannies getting taken advantage of and a variety of parenting and childcare topics. i don't believe in any website that would only pinpoint reporting bad nannies because that would easily misrepresnt nannies in general, and would portray a narrow view of the whole, complex sphere of childcare.
I am a nanny
It may have started out as just a place to report nannies, but thats not what its evolved into. There would be nothing to gain by changing the name because this is still the place to go to report bad nanny behavior, and so many people know about it now. But how refreshing that now, not only do we have to see the bad, we also get to hear the good on occasion? It is a treat to see a good nanny post once in awhile, it shows me that there are those of us out there doing our job!
to "this is what i see for a fact": what are you talking about? the nasty things you mentioned would never even cross my mind, although they are obviously fresh in yours. keep watching your back nanny.
10:05 poster,
I dont have to watch my back. You are obviously one of the mothers, the backstabbing ones who talk with their friends nice to their face, and talk their business with other friends when they leave the playground. The wife who looks like fifty one, but is actually 35, while the husband is still looking cute and young because he stays away from you as much as he possibly can by "working" late. Sure you would never think about doing these things, you just do them!
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