Location: St. Catherine's Playground at 68th street & 1st avenue in Manhattan
Date/Time: Thursday, August 14th around 1:00 pm.
Child's name: Sophie - red hair, about 3 years old
Nanny: heavy-set black woman
Incident: Little girl was crying & miserable and started clinging to me and holding my legs (even coming between me and my own children). My friend and I asked where her grown up was, her mommy, daddy or nanny. She just kept crying and would not say. She followed me around crying for close to a half hour. Holding onto my legs again, I needed to get to my own children and was getting upset myself. Finally this nanny gets up from a nearby bench where she had been sitting with a bunch of other nannies. She came over and asked me to hold the girl so that she wouldn't run away and she'd be able to grab her. I just stood there while the nanny took her and then put her into her stroller and left her sitting strapped into the stroller crying for quite a while the nanny continued to hang out w/her friends on the bench.
Can't see the kids faces, but I don't think I need to to tell that this is a sad photo. None of them are engaged or being played with. And the little girl reaching her hand out, grasping for somebody, anybody? Heartbreaking.
Awwww. How sad. I wish I knew why people like THAT take jobs that involve NURTURING children.
This nanny's behavior is disgusting...There is no excuse for it at all.
OK, I see a 3 year old in a stroller, and another child in a stroller, about age 2-3. And I see a child not in a stroller looking at these two children who are about his age in strollers. WHY were these children in strollers? Dumb question. Fickle parents=lazy, bad nannies=children strapped in strollers ignored by the people that claim to love children but in reality do this kind of work because it's "easy" and they are desparate.
but see, this work ain't "easy".
people think nannying is a peice of cake. Its more work then most people realize. But honestly, I love it!
I agree with all of the above...I suppose the parents just don't care, because if their kids are on a blog in plain sight and still they do nothing...they don't check up unknowingly to the nanny ever so often to see what they are up too...its thir fault to say the least.
I am a nanny in Manhattan and I can say, I see it too all the time, and its sad. And hurtful.
Personally, if I don't feel like running around with my toddelr, I would keep her home with her toys so at least she wouldn't have to be strapped in a stroller in opposed to playing, running around and having fun, nevertheless how beautiful the day is.
What's the point taking the kids out to be miserable because you so are lazy?
Stay home then on your fat lazy a** and let them entertain themselves with their toys where they are safe.
But thats just my opinion.
Being a lazy faux nanny, sitting around with the kids in strollers is an easy job.
Being a real professional nanny is a very hard, exhausting, exhilarating, and ultimately extremely satisfying job.
Wow, it's obviously not her, but with her face covred, the little girl looks very much like a very good friend of ours.
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