The boy was buckled into a stroller and while she was chatting with friends the boy repeatedly tried wrestling out of the straps over an hour period while the nanny completely ignored the child. There were 3 other African American nannies in the park who were ignoring their crying kids in the stroller while chatting to their friends, don't have descriptions. All i could say is that i was horrified and heartbroken for those kids and if i had to leave my children home to go to work i would:
1)buy a nanny cam and starve for a week if i had to
2)come home from work early and spot check on them in the park
3)send friends to spot check on them
4)maybe not hire heavy nannies who don't want to move their bodies
4)hire someone to follow them around for one day and would find out lots
OP, your post is dripping with things that offend me.
Except for saying 'not to hire heavy nannies', which I think a lot would agree to- what's offensive? She had to describe the nanny, who happened to be AA. What's wrong with what she said? I'm so sick of ppl throwing around a non-existent race card.
Let's start worrying more about the way these poor kids are treated, especially the ones strapped into a stroller for hours on end while these lazy-ass nannies have a gab fest. It's truly disgusting.
Amen Nanny.
This is getting a bit ridiculous now. The race card really needs to be put aside so we can focus on the mistreatment of the children...The comment about their weight was unecessary and mean (trust me, I've seen and know some heavy women who run around with their kids so much that it exhausts me watching them!) but there wasn't anything else that could be deemed offensive by a rational, objective person.
It's really sad to read sightings like this. A few other commenters suggested that flyers (fliers?) be put up in these areas alerting parents to this site and in turn alerting them to the possibility that their children MAY be in the hands of one of these lazy nannies.
I must have missed that, but putting up fliers (sp?, lol) sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe somebody will? Especially in Park Slope and Carl Schurz!
Haha, fliers looks better than flyers. I think the Flyers are a hockey team, no?
Wow how sweet OP. I'm a heavy nanny yet I don't sit on my ass at the park. In fat I'm the one running around with my charge having a blast.
What a horrible person you are.
OP your comment really offended me. What does being heavy have to do with caring for a child. I am a wonderful nanny who happens to be overweight yet I run around with my charge all day long. I also live in NYC so I am always walking everywhere as I dont have a car. I am far from lazy and I am an excellent nanny. Not all heavy people are lazy. I know many skinny woman who are extremely lazy. My cousin who weighs maybe 110 pounds soaking wet never gets down on the floor and plays with her daughter. She never takes her to the park. She doesnt cook or clean. She sits around watching tv and putting her kid in front of the tv. The only activity she does is shopping and not for food. I know many nannies who are heavy but we all run and play with our charges at the park. There is no reason an employer should not hire a qualified nanny who happens to be heavy. Obviously if the person is morbidly obese and bed ridden that is a different story but saying just overweight or heavy is just not right. Did you ever think that people may just have slow metabolism or maybe a medical condition?jAnyway my point is that was a really, really ignorant comment that you made.
Man you guys need to chill and read THE WHOLE SENTENCE. The OP didn't say "I won't hire any heavy nannies ever". She said, "MAYBE not hire heavy nannies WHO DON'T WANT TO MOVE THEIR BODIES". I don't know how she'd determine in an interview if they want to move their bodies or not, but she isn't against heaviness, just laziness. So calm down.
-reposted because I forgot about the anonymous rule
Chill, were you trying to make a point? The whole sentence was just as offensive as half the sentence..or even a quarter of it. I'm not sure what you're trying to say...The OP implied that heavy women are unable to move their bodies. In fact, she didn't imply it..she flat out accused them of it. I don't care how she worded it. It was uncalled for and offensive, even to a thin woman like me.
Great post OP even if people grabbed that one sentance and ran with it and paid no attention to anything else you said.
I guess maybe she sat there and saw 3 heavyset nannies ,sitting there for three hours and ignoring their charges maybe that is why she said she wouldn't hire a heavyset nanny? Maybe these women gave her the impression that they were lazy? They give me the impression they were crappy nannies and lazy. DOesn't matter if they are overweight or not. But you only picked out a part of the post you did not like and went after the poster.
I do think that that OP was offensive in her comment regarding heavy nannies. It is too bad because the rest of her siting was pretty valid. OP: now you know better: choose your words carefully on this site if you want people to see your true point. Because now we have a thread about obesity in our country (which sorry to say is a huge problem) and I know you did not want to start a thread like that.
It is entirely possible to be an active nanny and still be overweight. I myself would not descriminate against an overweight nanny. I would reqire a physical of any nanny, regardless of their weight (as they do with daycare providers in centers and indeed, with most jobs) and a tb test as well, and if my nanny were deemed physically fit by a doctor that would be fine. People get hot and bothered about this issue because like it or not, it is an issue in our country. Obesity, that is. Right alongside lazy nannies who neglect their charges. :(
I dunno, I myself am slightly overweight, and definitely not fat-phobic, but I probably wouldn't hire a really overweight person to watch my child. It does take a lot of energy to run after a toddler and it's a fact that seriously overweight people don't move as fast. That doesn't mean I'd pick a thin nanny over a "normal" weight or even somewhat overweight nanny, just that if a nanny candidate seemed like it might be a big effort to get up from a chair, she is probably not up to running after a 2-yo at the park.
I like the fliers idea! JD & MPP, how about putting up something we could print out? I'll take some to the now infamous Carl Schurz playground.
Yes OP, no fat chicks. Couldn't agree more. She'd probably eventually SIT on your child. Or EAT him/her. You wouldn't want that. Perfectly sensible, logical conclusion.
Time and time again-
we hear stories like this. Are the kids always in danger? Maybe not, but they sure aren't being well taken care of.
I agree. The nannies at Pierrepont make me sad. Some of them are very mean. My dcs have been screamed at by a few of them. I see the neglect happening ALL the time.
We need to do something.
12:12,,,you would "require" a physical for a nanny you were going to hire? I'm guessing at your cost? Im sure there are more than a few nannies that dont have health insurance and going for a physical for a job you might or might not get wouldnt be feasible in my opinion. I have been a nanny for 11 yrs, I have never ever been asked to see a doctor for any reason what so ever. I am lucky to have health insurance, that I pay for myself but I wouldnt even spend the $60 co pay to see a doctor so he can write me a note saying Im fit to be a nanny.
Calif nanny, good point. I actually suspect it may be illegal for interviewers to make such a demand. They may specify that the applicant must be phsically able to perform all parts of the job, but as far as getting a physical to even be considered, I doubt it. And Umass, I don't believe for a second that "most" jobs require you pass a phsical. I've NEVER been required to have a physical as a prerequisite for any job I've ever held in my life. When working with kids, a negative TB test is required, and I'd guess that the usual vaccines as well, but that's it.
I made up some flyers back in May.
Here is the URL if you would like to print one (or more):
We appreciate all of your efforts to post flyers and spread the word about I Saw Your Nanny.
Just click
Your post makes me go "yeah right"
The fact is, some nannies just aren't passionate about interacting with the children and some are. I believe that people can find these nannies who really care.
I'm not trying to be a jerk about it but there is something about distributing a flyer that just seems so...extreme. Its a bit vigilante. Wouldn't having these things spread around the neighbourhood be a bit of a slap in the face to ALL nannies - good and bad?
And, in all fairness, maybe the flyer should encourage people to report any kind of suspected abuse, and not specifically single out care providers. I suspect the number of parent misdeeds out there is at least equal to nanny misdeeds.
hey paperbag, why dont you stuff it?
Um, dude-
like I know where to go to report parental abuse and I the law handles that, but this blog is about how to you REPORT childcare abuse WHEN YOU DONT KNOW THE PARENT.
You, paper bag princess- have a big chip on your nanny shoulder.
paperbag, if you're a good nanny, you have nothing to worry about.
as far as parents behaving badly..well that's a moot point. they can't be fired and replaced.
I'm not a nanny, btw, in case that's what you think. I don't think I have a chip on my shoulder. I just think a few of you come across as though you think every nanny is a potential abuser who needs to be policed. And flyers? Really? Who do you think you are? Maybe you should get badges and 'Nanny Police' t-shirts for when you walk you beat.
Someone needs to stick up for the nannies a little I think.
Lazy nannies do not need to be defended. The children in their care do. I am the first person to stick up for a nanny that is being unfairly accused of something...but if they're bad, lazy and/or negligent, then their employers should know. If they're NOT, then everything is ok...I am a nanny and I would have no problem with my employers knowing about this site because I don't fear that I will ever be reported in a negative light. I am paid to nurture, entertain and enrich their child's life. That is my job. I do my job. Some nannies (like employees in ANY profession) do not do their jobs. Considering there are children involved, it's that much more crucial that a "bad" nanny be acknowledged for her lack of interaction with the child, or whatever the issue may be.
When I first came to this site, I hated it. I thought it was a free for all on nannies. Open season. Once I began to understand the intention behind it though, I realized that it's not just a bunch of nanny-hating bullies on here. For every bogus sighting, there are probably 10 good, legit ones. Defend THOSE nannies that are being painted in a bad light...but don't defend ALL the nannies reported here just for the sake of sticking up for nannies as a whole. The majority of us are great...but there are bad apples out there...and that's why this blog is here.
I'm heavy and do my job just fine. I can run, play and have no problems physically doing my job. Just because you're fat doesn't automatically mean you're lazy. These are a certain type of nanny and they come in ALL sizes.
jxj, that is a good post, you make some good points...
Anonymous said...
Bkln Hts is full of nannies that have no idea what they are doing. There are many who are great, but many who suck. I finally intervened the other day near the promenade and it was sad (and funny) when the whole nanny peanut gallery started yelling at me too. There were like 5 total, like a choir, but each singing their own song. I wasn't trying to piss anyone off, but this nanny had 3 or 4 charges and the 2-yr old was crying her eyes out, with snot dripping to her chin. and the nanny is on the phone ignoring her. every time the kid would walk up and try to hug the nanny's leg, the nanny would walk away. i usually dont say anything, but this time i had to. i felt so bad for the kid. there is no way that the parents are aware of this. (i mean i guess some of the parents are worse caregivers than the nannies, but at least then u r choosing to ruin your kid's life, not paying someone else to ruin it.)...not that that's any easier on the poor kid.
anyway, i decided that next time i won't say anything. and ill just videotape it and follow them home to find the parents.
12:10 AM
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