Alexandra, 3-4 years old (?), blond, wearing denim skirt, pink top and white sandals, and Michael, 4-5 years old(?), brown hair, tan shirt with dark stripes, tan shorts. These two were not being supervised at all. We noticed since they were constantly doing things that needed correction but there was nobody there to tell them stop. They were taunting and bullying smaller children - at one point Alexandra was repeatedly pushing/kicking a small toddler.
Also they let themselves into the gated swing area and were pushing the empty swings or ones occupied by small children. Other caregivers were either removing their kids or telling Alexandra and Michael to stop - once corrected by a stranger these kids would take off for another area of the playground. Finally, after at least 30 minutes, two woman started yelling "Alexandra" and "Michael" from their seat on a bench. These women had been sitting on this bench the entire time we were in the park - due to the location of the bench the kids were out of sight to them most of the time. Also, their view would have been blocked by the other nannies standing in front of them while conversing. These two women had black hair, med complexion. One woman had on a black t-shirt with light pants, the other a brown t-shirt with grey sweatpants.
its funny that a bunch of nannies are all chatting away instead of doing their job. I'm a nanny and I will admit, that I too talk to people around me...but then again, my charges are well behaved boys. I'll also admit that I will sit on the bench for part of the time, (besides pushing swings or helping them with some harder playground equipment) but I sit on the bench only to let them excersize independant play.
oh i forgot to add that usually I sit on the bench and pay attention to my boys, even while I do talk to other people...i'm still glancing over to make sure they're alright.
I blame the parents if the girl was kicking a toddler!!
I received the following by email:
Interesting site. This isn’t a nanny report but rather a clarification. I just wanted to give you a heads-up that the playground in question is not called the Asphalt Green Playground. It’s actually called the DeKovats Playground and is managed by the Parks Department, who just began renovations on the playground this morning.
And in case you are interested in the history behind the park, it was officially named in 1940 in honor of Michael de Kovats, a Hungarian who was awarded American citizenship while serving as a commander in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. De Kovats recruited, trained, and led America’s first cavalry before being mortally wounded in battle. FYI!
Christopher Dobens
Director of Marketing
Asphalt Green
555 East 90th Street
New York, NY 10128
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