I was at the playground on Thompson St today with my son and daughter when I saw your babysitter and wished she were mine!
She is young–possibly still in high school, but probably in college, and not only is she great with your kids–running around the jungle gym, pushing him on the swing, following him down the slide, all with lots of tickling and squealing–but I watched her push two other kids on the swings as well. I talked to her a bit and she raves about her charge's family. Wherever she came from, I want to know!
Sitter: Short, normal build, brunette, wearing sneakers, shorts and a tshirt.
Charge: Blonde, 4-5 yearsish, wearing a white t-shirt and orange sandals.
Wait, wait .... let me take this in.
You met a wonderful Nanny? check.
You met a wonderful Nanny that raves about her charges Family?
Now how awesome is that? Sounds like they are treating her like the gold that she is!!
Great post, OP! Thank you!
Awesome post, OP :-)
I love the GOOD sightings. However, it always alarms me how surprised everyone seems when they read about these great nannies.
I had mentioned in another thread yesterday about how all I see are good nannies. Nannies EXACTLY like this one...As a nanny myself, I couldn't imagine being any other way...to me, this is just a given, the way a nanny should be...the NORM. It saddens me that this kind of nanny is a rarity for a lot of people.
Regardless, I hope the parents see this post :-)
I'm just curious,
when do you nanny? you must be part-time?
I don't know if you were referring to me or not, but I wasn't alarmed to hear about a good Nanny .... I was just happy to hear of one being treated well. I think that's more rare, if you ask me, judging by some of the posts left by hard working Nannies that aren't paid what their worth, or get taken advantage of.
Ugh I just typed a whole post and it didn't work.
I'll break it down..I don't want to type it all again.
I work Monday through Thursday, 42 hours a week.
I am a great nanny and love spending time with my charge. I look forward to going to work every morning. I look forward to spending time with her...going to the park, having picnics, picking out books at the bookstore, reading, doing daily crafts, taking walks, swimming, cuddling up on the couch watching movies, singing songs in the car, playing hide and seek, laughing over the silliest things imaginable, running around and just being silly, going to mommy and me classes, listening to her talk and learn and discover. She's my little buddy and she loves me almost as much as I love her. That I am sure of. This is the second time in a day that I have been accused, subtly, of being a negligent nanny. She naps anywhere from 2-4 hours a day...I have a lot of free time, which is just an added perk of my job. I come online and I admit I have been online a lot this past week...shall I explain my reasons or will you be satisfied with knowing JUST that? Do I have to justify myself any more? I must congratulate you...I don't think I'll be coming here much longer and it IS because of the way I have been attacked EVERY SINGLE TIME I say something, positive OR negative. I must be a horrible person. I know a lot of the regulars get attacked on a regular basis and just brush it off. I guess I'm TOO insecure or whatever else you want to accuse me of being...but it's wearing on me.
I like this blog and I like the open discussion that takes place. I have learned a lot from different people and their differing perspectives on nannying and parenting. I have taken a lot of things into consideration and like I said, learned quite a few things.
I don't come here to fight or make personal attacks.
and mpp, no I wasn't referring to you specifically.
And stop letting the negative posts get you down.
You're tougher than that! ☺
Why let some anon person on an internet board get you down or keep you from coming here? Just tell them to shove a mandrake plant up their arse!
DON'T GO! Pleeeaaaase. We LIKE you!!!!
Some people are just mean and seem to be here for no other purpose than to start trouble. It took me a while to get used to it too. In fact, I took a break for a while too...for the same reason. But you know what? After a while you realize that when people act very badly, and with no manners whatsoever, it is actually a REFLECTION OF THEMSELVES, and really has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! If you weren't here posting, the exact same things would get said, only they would be directed at whoever happened to post on that thread just before one of the angry, ugly wenches logged onto it.
What I TRY to do is simply ignore comments that are extremely stupid or gratuitously offensive. They are not worth the time it takes you to rub two brain cells together to think about, let alone take the energy to formulate a reply to.
You add value to the blog. We would hate to lose you!
JJ: I tend to post anonymous to avoid the attacks. I agree with you, this board is a great way to learn how to be a better, in my case, nanny employer. Honestly, some of the issues that come up here have caused me to be more sensitive to things that my wonderful nanny probably would never raise. And BTW, I agree with you. There are plenty of excellent nannies out there, and I'm amazed at how unprofessionally and just unkindly many are treated. Noone seems to notice the good ones (or assume they are Moms--even though my nanny is a different race people have mistaken her for my chilren's Mom at time because they have such a great relationship). We need more good posts.
JJ, your knowledge has been of great value on this blog. As a result of your nanny expertise, I can imagine that it causes you to have strong opinions on some of the issues discussed here. Your posts have given me pause more than once and I believe it would be a huge loss if you were to stop posting here. Hopefully, you will have the strength of your convictions to not let attacks by others who either sincerely disagree with you or who are just downright MEAN. I saw one attack yesterday on one of your posts and it was ridiculous and without merit. Perhaps knowing how many here respect you and your opinions will persuade you to continue your informative posts and ignore those who only wish to disrupt and annoy.
Hang tough.
oops after downright MEAN in my post to JJ should be "get to you"
Wow..I definitely didn't expect that type of response AT ALL. I was almost nervous to come here and see what was said.
Thank you....It's easy to say you can shake off the things "strangers" or "anonymous posters" say about you...but when my job and basically my passion (as trite as that sounds) is questioned, yah it upsets me...I'll admit, I was a little riled up as ridiculous as that seems.
I'll try not to take it so personally. I know I am not the only one who gets attacked on here...
Again, thank you for the nice words and reassurance (I'm such a baby haha) Sprak, Mom, Umass, MPP, and anon 12:09.
Ah, you're not a baby, little snookums!
Just kidding, but I am glad you pulled through.
You're a valuable asset here.
I admit, I had to look mandrake up. I wasn't sure what it was ... but it does look like it might be quite painful if used in the manner in which you described.
However, the good news is, it is also used for medicinal purposes, lol.
Let me guess. Mandrake has something to do with Harry Potter??
I like HP, but didn't know there was a whole subculture of people that were into it.
Kind of like a "Trekkie", huh? lol
So, what are Harry Potter fans called?
"Pot-heads"? lol
Lucy, they're definitely like Trekkies. Just cooler, in my opinion. Ever hear about the costume parties that take place at bookstores on the evening before Harry Potter books are released? Or how about those kids in England who are running into walls at the train station hoping it's a Harry Potteresque portal into a magical world? I'm sure there will eventually be Potter conventions now that the series has been retired.
I love the books. That's about as far as it goes with me though, haha.
Yes, there are Potter conventions. I have yet to go to one, but I am gathering my costume pieces as we speak so that I am ready when the time comes. (I will be attending as a Slytherin student, naturally.) :)
How do you know this wasn't a family member - maybe an older sister, an aunt, cousin, or whatever? Maybe even a young mother who takes care of herself physically and isn't a sloppy sex in the city hag?
Are people so disconnected from their families that they automatically assume an adult with a child is a nanny/charge situation?
The same reason people assume every BAD sighting MUST be a nanny and not a mother...
At least give us the occassional benefit of the doubt.
By the way, OP said that when she spoke with the nanny, she RAVED about her charge's family.
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